Regazzoni classification

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Calcaneal fracture
Regazzoni classification
ICD-10 S42.2-S42.4
ICD-9 812
eMedicine emerg/199  orthoped/271 orthoped/199

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Mohammadmain Rezazadehsaatlou[2].

Synonyms and Keywords: Heel Bone Fracture


The calcaneus bone known as the largest tarsal bone[1].

Regazzoni classification for the Calcaneal fracture

The Regazzoni classification is used for the intraarticular calcaneal fractures evaluations affecting the posterior facet of the calcaneus[2][3].

This Regazzoni classification is based on the number and location of the intraarticular fractures using the semicoronal CT images as follow[4]:

The Regazzoni classification differs from other CT based classifications because it evaluates intra-articular fractures, extra-articular fractures and the calcaneocuboid joint. Therefore, it is more accurate in detecting the lesions.

Regazzoni classification
Main Group subgroups according to fracture severity
Type A: Peripheral fractures A1: extra-articular
A2: avulsion fractures of the sustentaculum
A3: fractures of the anterior process
Type B, Fractures of the talocalcaneal joint B1: posterior facet single
B2: posterior facet multiple
B3: tarsal sinus or middle or anterior facet)
Type C, Fractures of the talocalcaneal and the calcaneocuboid joints C1: both joints single
C2: one joint multiple or tarsal sinus
C3: both joints multiple


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Template:Fractures Template:WikiDoc Sources

  1. Reichel R, Monstein HJ, Jansen HW, Philipson L, Benecke BJ (May 1982). "Small nuclear RNAs are encoded in the nontranscribed region of ribosomal spacer DNA". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79 (10): 3106–10. doi:10.1073/pnas.79.10.3106. PMID 6179077.
  2. Ventrucci M, Gullo L, Daniele C, Bartolucci C, Priori P, Platé L, Bonora G, Labò G (1983). "Comparative study of serum pancreatic isoamylase, lipase, and trypsin-like immunoreactivity in pancreatic disease". Digestion. 28 (2): 114–21. doi:10.1159/000198973. PMID 6197334.
  3. Belmonte M, Scardovi C, Tabacchi G (April 1966). "[Rheographic control cerebral hemodynamic effects induced by roentgen irradiation on the cervical sympathetic system in subjects with tapeto-retinal degenerations]". Ann Ottalmol Clin Ocul (in Italian). 92 (4): 235–46. PMID 5961258.
  4. Masztalerz A, Bujwidowa B, Jagielska I, Masztalerzowa Z, Potoczek J, Szczepańska H, Warych B (September 1983). "[Social class and dental and occlusal conditions]". Czas Stomatol (in Polish). 36 (9): 691–5. PMID 6584293.