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  • Here is a table presenting symptoms of the reported cases:
Patient Symptoms Past medical history and risk factors

55 years old, male admitted due


  • Fever,
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath with suspected COVID-19.
Developed chest pain 48 hrs after coming to the hospital Peripheral artery disease
  • EKG: Inferior leads show Inverted T waves.
  • Elevated Troponin I from 355 ng/l --->70 ng/l 3 h later (Normal values <7 ng/l))
  • Coronary angiogram :
    • Posterior descending artery is occluded
    • Presence of epicardial collateral from the left anterior descending artery
    • Intimal tear is present in the mid-right coronary artery with a spontaneous dissecting coronary hematoma
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT):
    • Intimal rupture of right coronary artery
    • Spontaneous dissecting coronary hematoma
  • Coronary angiogram was planned.
70-year-old, male Severe, persistent chest pain ( 8/10), which started 3 hrs before admission
  • EKG: precordial leads shows new ST-T abnormalities that were not present previously.
ST-T abnormalities in the precordial leads.

48‐year‐old, female
  • History of severe chest pain that awoke her from sleep
Severe retrosternal chest pain,9/10, pain radiates to the neck, and both arms.