Weight loss resident survival guide

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Javaria Anwer M.D.[2]
Synonyms and keywords: weight loss management guide, unintentional weight loss management guide, loss of weight resident survival guide, pathologic weight loss resident survival guide.

Lymphadenopathy resident survival guide microchapters


Weight loss may be intentional or unintentional.


Life Threatening Causes

Life-threatening causes include conditions which may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated.

Common Causes

  • The chart below demonstrates the cause of unintentional weight loss in adult population. The incidence describes the full range of occurrence described in five studies in older individuals.[2][3][4][5][1][6]
Causes of weight loss
Intentional weight loss
Unintentional weight loss
Non-Malignant (~60%)
Infectious (2 - 8%)

❑ Chronic diarrhea
Tuberculosis (TB)
infective endocarditis

❑ Infective colitis and gastroenteritis.
Psychologic/ Psychiatric (9 - 42%)

Bipolar disorder
Somatoform disorder
❑ Social exclusion or rejection
❑ Neglect

Organ system based

Gastrointestinal (6 - 30%): Gastric and duodenal ulcers, IBD, celiac disease, malabsorption, steatorrhea, vascular disorders affecting intestines, non-infective gastroenteritis and colitis, swallowing pathologies, and dental issues.
Renal (4%):
Pyelonephritis, nephritic syndrome, and nephrotic syndrome
Cardiopulmonary (2-10%):
Heart failure, COPD, lung abscess (without pneumonia), interstitial lung disease (fibrotic or idiopathic), pleural effusion, and pyothorax (without fistula).
Neurologic (2 - 7%):
Stroke, parkinson's disease, and motor neuron disease.

Endocrine (4 - 11%):
Type I diabetes, type 2 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, primary hyperparathyroidism, Addison's disease, and subacute thyroiditis.
Drug-induced (6 - 8%)

Alcohol (4 - 8%)
Psychedelic drugs

❑ Drugs that cause vomiting, anorexia, dysphagia, and dysgeusia
Unexplained / Unknown (6 - 36%)
  • To read about other causes of unintentional weight loss click here.


Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the diagnosis of [[disease name]] according the the [...] guidelines.



Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the treatment of [[disease name]] according the the [...] guidelines.


Patient age (age may help determine possibility of malignancies)
❑ Duration of symptoms (weeks in acute/severe versus years in chronic conditions)
❑ Past medical history suggestive of immunodeficiency (recurrent infections), diagnosed malignancy, malabsorption (chronic diarrhea), HF, dyspepsia
❑ Sexual history suggestive of HIV AIDS
❑ Family history of certain malignant disorders (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, or stomach cancer))
❑ Exposure to communicable infectious diseases/ travel to high-risk areas
❑ Environmental exposure such as UV (skin cancer risk)/ animals/ occupational exposure
❑ Social history such as tobacco, alcohol use, opioid, cocaine use
❑ Associated symptoms such as pain, fever, weight loss, anorexia, cough, or recurrent UTIs
Physical exam

Appearance of the patient
Cachexia or surgical scar marks demonstrating previous malignancy treatment

Vital signs

Temperature: High-grade / low-grade fever may demonstrate infection.
Heart rate: Tachycardia with regular pulse may demonstrate infection.
Respiratory rate: Tachypnea may demonstrate respiratory system involvement (infection\ metastasis).
Blood pressure: Chronic hypertension or hypotension (may indicate sepsis as a complication).
Oxygen saturation: may be low if the respiratory system is affected.

Cardiovascular examination
Respiratory examination
Gastrointestinal system exam includes oral examination, abdominal examination, and digital rectal exam.

Splenomegaly) may demonstrate IM, hodgkin's/ non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and sarcoidosis

Extremities exam

❑ Skin exam: Evaluate for the lesions that indicate malignancy such as melanoma/ potential inoculation sites for germ such as traumatic lesions.

CBC with differential
Peripheral smaer

  • Labs may be required at a later stage pf diagnosis



  • The content in this section is in bullet points.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bosch X, Monclús E, Escoda O, Guerra-García M, Moreno P, Guasch N, López-Soto A (2017). "Unintentional weight loss: Clinical characteristics and outcomes in a prospective cohort of 2677 patients". PLoS ONE. 12 (4): e0175125. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175125. PMC 5384681. PMID 28388637.
  2. Alibhai, S. M.H. (2005). "An approach to the management of unintentional weight loss in elderly people". Canadian Medical Association Journal. 172 (6): 773–780. doi:10.1503/cmaj.1031527. ISSN 0820-3946.
  3. Wu, Wen-Chih Hank; Bosch, Xavier; Monclús, Esther; Escoda, Ona; Guerra-García, Mar; Moreno, Pedro; Guasch, Neus; López-Soto, Alfons (2017). "Unintentional weight loss: Clinical characteristics and outcomes in a prospective cohort of 2677 patients". PLOS ONE. 12 (4): e0175125. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175125. ISSN 1932-6203.
  4. Gaddey HL, Holder K (May 2014). "Unintentional weight loss in older adults". Am Fam Physician. 89 (9): 718–22. PMID 24784334.
  5. Lankisch P, Gerzmann M, Gerzmann JF, Lehnick D (January 2001). "Unintentional weight loss: diagnosis and prognosis. The first prospective follow-up study from a secondary referral centre". J. Intern. Med. 249 (1): 41–6. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2796.2001.00771.x. PMID 11168783.
  6. Sarkar SB, Sarkar S, Ghosh S, Bandyopadhyay S (October 2012). "Addison's disease". Contemp Clin Dent. 3 (4): 484–6. doi:10.4103/0976-237X.107450. PMC 3636818. PMID 23633816.

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