Cerebral aneurysm historical perspective

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Cerebral aneurysm is defined as

  • dilations that occur along the weak points along the arterial circulations within brain. [1]


  • small less than 0.5mm
  • Medium 6 to 25mm
  • Large greater than 25mm


  1. Berry aneurysm
  2. Fusiform
  3. Mycotic


The worldwide prevalence of cerebral aneurysms is approximately 3.2%, with a mean age of 50 and an overall 1:1 gender ratio. This ratio changes significantly after age 50, with an increasing female predominance approaching 2:1, thought to be due to decreased circulating estrogen causing a reduction in the collagen content of the vascular tissue.[1]


  1. Jersey AM, Foster DM. Cerebral Aneurysm. [Updated 2021 Aug 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-.