Aortic aneurysm
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Atherosclerotic Aneurysm: Gross, an excellent example, natural color, external view of typical thoracic aortic aneurysms Image courtesy of Professor Peter Anderson DVM PhD and published with permission © PEIR, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Pathology |
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For patient information on Thoracic aortic aneurysm, click here
For patient information on Abdominal aortic aneurysm, click here
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1], Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Lina Ya'qoub, MD; Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [2]; Gerald Chi, MD
An aortic aneurysm is a dilation of the aorta in which the aortic diameter is ≥ 3.0 cm if abdominal[1] or >4 cm if thoracic[2], usually representing an underlying weakness in the wall of the aorta at that location. While the stretched vessel may occasionally cause discomfort, a greater concern is the risk of rupture which causes severe pain, massive internal hemorrhage which are often fatal. Aneurysms often are a source of blood clots (emboli) stemming from the most common etiology of atherosclerosis.
There are 2 types of aortic aneurysms: thoracic and abdominal. These can be further classified according to the respective part of the vessel that's been affected:
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm, which occur in the thoracic aorta (runs through the chest);
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm, which occur in the abdominal aorta, are the most common.
- Suprarenal - not as common, often more difficult to repair surgically due to the presence of many aortic branches;
- Infrarenal - often more easily surgically repaired and more common;
- Pararenal - aortic aneurysm is infrarenal but affects renal arteries;
- Juxtarenal - infrarenal aortic aneurysm that affects the aorta just below the renal arteries.
Aortic aneurysms may also be classified according to Crawford classification into 5 subtypes/groups:
- Type 1: from the origin of left subclavian artery in descending thoracic aorta to the supra-renal abdominal aorta.
- Type 2: from the left subclavian to the aorto-iliac bifurcation.
- Type 3: from distal thoracic aorta to the aorto-iliac bifurcation
- Type 4: limited to abdominal aorta below the diaphragm
- Type 5: from distal thoracic aorta to celiac and superior mesenteric origins, but not the renal arteries.[3]
Historical Perspective
Aortic aneurysm was first recorded by Antyllus, a Greek surgeon, in the second century AD. In the Renaissaince era, in 1555, Vesalius first diagnosed an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The first publication on the pathology with case studies was published by Lancisi in 1728. Finally, in 1817, Astley Cooper was the first surgeon to ligate the abdominal aorta to treat a ruptured iliac aneurysm. In 1888, Rudoff Matas came up with the concept of endoaneurysmorrhaphy.[4]
The aortic aneurysms are a multifactorial disease associated with genetic and environmental risk factors. Marfan's syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome are associated with the disease, but there are also rarer syndromes like the Loeys-Dietz syndrome that are associated as well. Even in patients that do not have genetic syndromes, it has been observed that genetics can also play a role on aortic aneurysms' development. There has been evidence of genetic heterogeneity as there has already been documented in intracranial aneurysms.[5] The genetic alterations associated with these genetic syndromes are the following:
Disease | Involved Cellular Pathway | Mutated Gene(s) | Affected Protein(s) |
Ehlers-Danlos type IV syndrome | Extracellular Matrix Proteins | COL3A1 | Collagen type III |
Marfan's Syndrome | Extracellular Matrix Proteins | FBN1 | Fibrillin-1 |
Loeys-Dietz syndrome | TGF-β Pathway | TGFBR1/TGFBR2 | |
Aneurysm-Osteoarthritis Syndrome | SMAD3 | SMAD3 | |
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease | Ciliopathy | PKD1/PKD2 | Polycystin 1 |
Turner Syndrome | Meiotic Error with Monosomy, Mosaicism, or De Novo Germ Cell Mutation | 45X
45XO |
Partial or Complete Absence of X Chromosome |
Bicuspid Aortic Valve with TAA | Neural Crest Migration | NOTCH1 | Notch 1 |
Familial TAA | Smooth Muscle Contraction Proteins | ACTA2 | α-Smooth Muscle Actin |
Familial TAA with Patent Ductus Arteriosus | Smooth Muscle Contraction Proteins | MYH11 | Smooth Muscle Myosin |
Familial TAA | Smooth Muscle Contraction Proteins | MYLK | Myosin Light Chain Kinase |
Familial TAA | Smooth Muscle Contraction Proteins | PRKG1 | Protein Kinase c-GMP Dependent, type I |
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome variants | TGF-β Pathway | TGF-βR1
TGF-βR2 TGF-β2 TGF-β3 |
These genetic diseases mostly affect either the synthesis of extracellular matrix protein or damage the smooth muscle cells both important component's of the aortic wall. Injury to any of these components lead to weakening of the aortic wall and dilation - resulting in aneurysm formation.
The aorta is the largest vessel of the body, but it is not homogenous. Its upper segment is composed by a larger proportion of elastin in comparison to collagen, therefore being more distensible. The lower segment has a larger proportion of collagen, therefore it is less distensible. It is also where most of the atherosclerotic plaques of the aorta are located.[1] Historically it was thought that abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms were caused by the same etiology: atherosclerotic degeneration of the aortic wall, but recently it has been theorized that they are indeed different diseases.[1]
The aortic arch mostly derives from the neural crest cell which differentiate into smooth muscle cells. These smooth muscle cells are probably more adapted to remodel the thoracic aorta and manage the higher pulse pressure and ejection volume due to increased production of elastic lamellae during development and growth.[1] The abdominal aorta remains with cells of mesodermal origin, which are more similar to that of the original primitive arterial. That difference results in the neural crest cell precursors of the thoracic aorta being able to respond differently to various cytokines and growth factors than the mesodermal precursors of the abdominal aorta,[7] such as homocysteine[8] and angiotensin II.[9]
When neural crest vascular smooth muscle cells are treated with TGF-β they demonstrate increased collagen production, while mesodermal vascular smooth muscle cell did not.[10] Not coincidently, mutations of the TGF-β receptor can cause thoracic aortic aneurysm but do not cause abdominal aortic ones.
The thoracic and abdominal aorta are very structurally different. While they both have three layers: intimal, medial and adventitia, the media of the thoracic aorta is comprised of approximately 60 units divided into vascular and avascular regions. The abdominal aorta consists of about 30 units and is entirely avascular, being dependent on trans-intimal diffusion of nutrients for its smooth muscle cells to survive.[11] It is believed that both differences explain why the abdominal aorta is more likely to form aneurysms.
The development of aortic aneurysms is defined by: inflammation: infiltration of the vessel wall by lymphocytes and macrophage; extracellular matrix damage: destruction of elastin and collagen by proteases (also metalloproteinases) in the media and adventitia; cellular damage: loss of smooth muscle cells with thinning of the media; and insufficient repair: neovascularization.[12]
Clinical Features
Thoracic aortic aneurysms: The aneurysms tend to grow slowly and most of them will never rupture. As they grow, however, their symptoms become more evident and present with mass effects over surrounding structures and pain. They may present with thoracic symptoms: interscapular or central pain, ripping chest pain and dyspnea. Atypical presentations include hoarseness, dizziness and dysphagia, due to esophageal compression.[13] Aneurysm rupture lead to massive internal bleeding, hypovolemic shock and it is usually fatal.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms: as the thoracic aneurysms, they begin asymptomatic but may cause symptoms as they grow and compress surrounding structures.[14]Even though they usually remain asymptomatic, when they rupture they present with an ensuing mortality of 85 to 90%., and symptomatic patients require urgent surgical repair.[15]
When symptomatic, abdominal aortic aneurysms present with:
- Pain: in the chest, abdomen, lower back, or flanks. It may radiate to the groin, buttocks, or legs. The pain characteristics vary and may be deep, aching, gnawing, or throbbing It may also last for hours or days, not affected by movement. Occasionally, certain positions can be more comfortable and alleviate the symptoms;
- Pulsating abdominal mass;
- Ischemia: "cold foot" or a black or blue painful toe. This is usually the presentation when an aneurysm forms a blood cloth and it releases emboli to the lower extremities;
- Fever or weight loss if caused by inflammatory states such as vasculitis.[14]
If ruptured, the abdominal aortic aneurysm can present with sharp abdominal pain, often radiating to the back, discoloration of the skin and mucosa, tachycardia and low blood pressure due to hypovolemic shock.
Differentiating Aortic Aneurysm from other Diseases
Thoracic aortic aneurysms: differential diagnosis include other causes of chest pain: acute aortic dissection, acute pericarditis, aortic regurgitation, heart failure, hypertensive emergencies, infective endocarditis, myocardial Infarction, pulmonary embolism, superior vena cava syndrome. [16]
Abdominal aortic aneurysms: differential diagnosis include causes of pulsatile abdominal mass and/or abdominal pain such as ruptured viscus, strangulated hernia, ruptured visceral artery aneurysms, mesenteric ischemia, acute cholecystitis, ruptured hepatobiliary cancer, acute pancreatitis, lymphomas, and diverticular abscess.[17]
These conditions can be easily differentiated using abdominal or thoracic imaging.
Epidemiology and Demographics
In the United States alone 15,000 people die yearly due to aortic aneurysms and it is the 13th leading cause of death. 1-2% of the population may have aortic aneurysms and prevalence rises up to 10% in older age groups. The disease varies according to where it takes place. In the thorax, the aortic arch is the less affected segment (10%) and the most common is the ascending aorta (50%). Regarding abdominal aneurysms, the infrarenal segment aortic aneurysms are three times more prevalent than the aortic aneurysms and dissections.[5]
Regarding other factors as age, abdominal aortic aneurysms usually present 10 years later than thoracic aortic aneurysms. Both lesions are more present in men, but the proportion is much higher regarding abdominal aortic aneurysms (6:1 male:female ratio) in comparison to thoracic ones.[5]
Abdominal aortic aneurysms also affect patients differently regarding race, as they are more prevalent among whites than blacks, asians and hispanics. It also seems to be declining in prevalence as evidenced by a Swedish study that found out a 2% prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in comparison to earlier studies which reported 4-8%, probably due to risk-factor modification. [18]
Risk Factors
Many risk factors are common between both forms of aortic aneurysms, but some are specific for each presentation:
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm: smoking, male gender, age (>65 years), race (white), family history, other aneurysms.[17]
- Thoracic aortic aneurysm: smoking, age (>65 years), hypertension, atherosclerosis, family history, Marfan's syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve. [19]
Natural History, Complications and Prognosis
Even though the majority of the aortic aneurysms remain asymptomatic for years, their natural history is dissection or rupture.[3] According to Laplace's law, as the aneurysms grow larger they have a higher rate of expansion. Due to that, the frequency of monitoring changes with the diameter of the abdominal aortic aneurysm, being every 3 years for aneurysms with a 3-3.4cm diameter, yearly for diameters of 3.5-4.4cm, and every 6 months for larger than 4.5cm.[18] For the thoracic one, up to 80% of the aneurysms will eventually rupture, and patients present with a 10-20% five-year survival rate if they remain untreated.[3] Risk of rupture doubles every 1cm in growth over the 5cm diameter in descending thoracic aorta.[20]
Besides rupturing and dissection of the aorta, aortic aneurysms can also present with systemic embolization and aortic regurgitation (if the thoracic aortic aneurysm is located in the ascending aorta). The altered blood flow in the aneurysm can also lead to the formation of blood cloths and embolization. [21]
Diagnostic Criteria:
Thoracic aortic aneurysm: considered an aneurysm when the diameter is >4 cm.[2]
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: considered an aneurysm when the diameter is >3 cm.[22]
Thoracic aortic aneurysm: as discussed above: most are asymptomatic. As they grow, they may cause: chest pain, dyspnea, hoarseness, dizziness, dysphagia and when they rupture: hypovolemic shock
Abdominal aortic aneurysm: begin asymptomatic but may cause pain, pulsating abdominal mass, peripheral ischemia, fever or weight loss. When they rupture, they cause acute abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock.
Laboratory Findings
- There are no specific laboratory findings associated withaortic aneurysms.
- Anemia can be seen in ruptured aortic aneurysms.
Imaging Findings
- An abdominal ultrasound can be diagnostic of abdominal aortic aneurysms and is the imaging tool used to screen for aortic aortic aneurysms.
- CTA/MRA can accurately demonstrate aortic aneurysms extent.
Other Diagnostic Studies
- Conventional angiogram can be used to diagnose aortic aneurysms.
2022 ACC/AHA Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Aortic Disease: A Report of the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines[23]
Recommendations for HTAD: Genetic Testing and Screening of Family Members for TAD Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. 1. In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection, obtaining a multigenerational family history of TAD, unexplained sudden deaths, and peripheral and intracranial aneurysms is recommended. (Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
2.In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection and risk factors for HTAD (Table 8, Figure 17), genetic testing to identify pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants (ie, mutations) is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
3. In patients with an established pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in a gene predispos-ing to HTAD, it is recommended that genetic counseling be provided and the patient’s clini-cal management be informed by the specific gene and variant in the gene.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
4. In patients with TAD who have a pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, genetic testing of at-risk biological relatives (ie, cascade testing) is recommended.6,10,11 In family members who are found by genetic screening to have inherited the pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, aortic imaging with TTE (if aortic root and ascending aorta are adequately visualized, otherwise with CT or MRI) is recommended. (Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
5. In a family with aortic root/ascending aor-tic aneurysms or aortic dissection, if the disease-causing variant is not identified with genetic testing, screening aortic imag-ing (as per recommendation 4) of at-risk biological relatives (ie, cascade testing) is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
6. In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection, in the absence of either a known family history of TAD or pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, screening aortic imaging (as per recommendation 4) of first-degree relatives is recommended.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
7. In patients with acute type A aortic dissection, the diameter of the aortic root and ascending aorta should be recorded in the operative note and medical record to inform the management of affected relatives(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for Aortic Imaging Techniques to Determine Presence and Progression of Aortic Disease Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, aortic diameters should be measured at reproducible anatomic landmarks perpendicular to axis of blood flow, and these measurement methods should be reported in a clear and consistent manner. In cases of asymmetric or oval contour, the longest diameter and its perpendicular diameter should be reported. (Level of Evidence: B-NR)
2. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, episodic and cumulative ionizing radiation doses should be kept as low as feasible while maintaining diagnostic image quality(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 3.In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, when performing CT or MR imaging, it is recommended that the root and ascending aortic diameters be measured from inner-edge to inner-edge, using an electrocardiographic-synchronized technique. If there are aortic wall abnormalities, such as atherosclerosis or discrete wall thickening (more common in the distal aorta), the outer-edge to outer-edge diameter should be reported(Level of Evidence: C-EO) 4. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, the aortic root diameter should be recorded as maximum sinus to sinus measurement. In the setting of known asymmetry, multiple measurements should be reported, and both short- and long-axis images of the root should be obtained to avoid underestimation of the diameter.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIa |
1. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, it is reasonable that a dilated root or ascending aorta be indexed to patient height or BSA in the report, to aid in clinical risk assessment.(Level of Evidence: C-LD)
2. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, when performing echocardiography, it is reasonable to measure the aorta from leading-edge to leading-edge, perpendicular to the axis of blood flow.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIb |
1. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, when performing echocardiography, it is reasonable to measure the aorta from leading-edge to leading-edge, perpendicular to the axis of blood flow. Using inner-edge to inner-edge measurements may also be considered, particularly on short-axis imaging.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for Diagnostic and Surveillance Aortic Imaging in Marfan Syndrome Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. In patients with Marfan syndrome, a TTE is recommended at the time of initial diagnosis, to determine the diameters of the aortic root and ascending aorta, and 6 months thereafter, to determine the rate of aortic growth; if the aortic diameters are stable, an annual surveillance TTE is recommended.1 If the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both are not adequately visualized on TTE, a CT or MRI of the thoracic aorta is recommended.22aC-EO2. In adults with Marfan syndrome, after the initial TTE, a CT or MRI of the thoracic aorta is reasonable to confirm the aortic diameters and assess the remainder of the thoracic aorta.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
2.In patients with Marfan syndrome who have undergone aortic root replacement, surveillance imaging of the thoracic aorta by MRI (or CT) is recommended to evaluate for distal TAD, initially annually and then, if normal in diameter and unchanged after 2 years, every other year(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
Class IIa |
1. In adults with Marfan syndrome, after the initial TTE, a CT or MRI of the thoracic aorta is reasonable to confirm the aortic diameters and assess the remainder of the thoracic aorta.(Level of Evidence: C-EO)
2.In patients with Marfan syndrome who have undergone aortic root replacement, surveil-lance imaging every 3 to 5 years for potential AAA is reasonable..(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
Recommendations for Imaging in Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
Class I |
1. In patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, a baseline TTE is recommended to determine the diameters of the aortic root and ascending aorta, and 6 months thereafter to determine the rate of aortic growth; if the aortic diameters are stable, annual surveillance TTE is recommended.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
2. In patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome and a dilated or dissected aorta and/or arterial branches at baseline, annual surveillance imaging of the affected aorta and arteries with MRI or CT is recommended.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
3. In patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome, a baseline MRI or CT from head to pelvis is recommended to evaluate the entire aorta and its branches for aneurysm, dissection, and tortuosity.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIa |
1.In patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome with-out dilation of the aorta distal to the aortic root or ascending aorta and without dilated or dissected arterial branches, surveillance imaging from chest to pelvis with MRI (or CT) every 2 years is reasonable, but imaging may be more frequent depending on family history(Level of Evidence: C-EO)
2.In patients with Loeys-Dietz syndrome with-out dilation of the cerebral arteries on initial screening, periodic imaging surveillance for cerebral aneurysms with MRI or CT every 2 to 3 years is reasonable.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for Diagnostic Testing, Surveillance, and Surgical Intervention for Aortic Dilation in Turner Syndrome Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. In patients with Turner syndrome, TTE and cardiac MRI are recommended at the time of diagnosis to evaluate for BAV, aortic root and ascending aortic dilation, aortic coarctation, and other congenital heart defects.(Level of Evidence: B-NR)
2. In patients with Turner syndrome who are ≥15 years old, the use of the ASI (ratio of aortic diameter [cm] to BSA [m2]) is recommended to define the degree of aortic dilation and assess the risk of aortic dissection(Level of Evidence: B-NR) 3. In patients with Turner syndrome without risk factors for aortic dissection (Table 12), sur-veillance imaging with TTE or MRI to evalu-ate the aorta is recommended every 5 years in children and every 10 years in adults, as well as before planning a pregnancy(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 4. In patients with Turner syndrome and an ASI >2.3 cm/m2, surveillance imaging of the aorta is recommended at least annually(Level of Evidence: C-EO) 5. In patients with Turner syndrome and risk factors for aortic dissection (Table 12), surveil-lance aortic imaging at an interval depending on the aortic diameter, ASI, and aortic growth rate is recommended (Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIa |
1. In patients with Turner syndrome who are ≥15 years old and have an ASI of ≥2.5 cm/m2plus risk factors for aortic dissection (Table 12), surgical intervention to replace the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both is reasonable.9,102bC-EOIn those without risk factors for aortic dissection, surgical intervention to replace the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both may be considered.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
Class IIb |
1. In those without risk factors for aortic dissection, surgical intervention to replace the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both may be considered.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for HTAD: Genetic Testing and Screening of Family Members for TAD Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection, obtaining a multigenerational family history of TAD, unexplained sudden deaths, and peripheral and intracranial aneurysms is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR)
2. In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection and risk factors for HTAD (Table 8, Figure 17), genetic testing to identify pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants (ie, mutations) is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) 3. In patients with an established pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant in a gene predisposing to HTAD, it is recommended that genetic counseling be provided and the patient’s clinical management be informed by the specific gene and variant in the gene.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) 4. In patients with TAD who have a pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, genetic testing of at-risk biological relatives (ie, cascade testing) is recommended.6,10,11 In family members who are found by genetic screening to have inherited the pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, aortic imaging with TTE (if aortic root and ascending aorta are adequately visualized, otherwise with CT or MRI) is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) 5. In a family with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection, if the disease-causing variant is not identified with genetic testing, screening aortic imaging (as per recommendation 4) of at-risk biological relatives (ie, cascade testing) is recommended.(Level of Evidence: B-NR) 6. In patients with aortic root/ascending aortic aneurysms or aortic dissection, in the absence of either a known family history of TAD or pathogenic/likely pathogenic variant, screening aortic imaging (as per recommendation 4) of first-degree relatives is recommended.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 7. In patients with acute type A aortic dissection, the diameter of the aortic root and ascending aorta should be recorded in the operative note and medical record to inform the management of affected relatives.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for Inflammatory Aortitis: Diagnosis and Treatment of Takayasu Arteritis and GCA Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1.In patients with large vessel vasculitis (LVV), prompt evaluation of the entire aorta and branch vessels with MRI or CT, with or without 18F-FDG positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), is recommended.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
Recommendations for Aortic Imaging Techniques to Determine Presence and Progression of Aortic Disease Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1.In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, aortic diameters should be measured at reproducible anatomic landmarks perpendicular to axis of blood flow, and these measurement methods should be reported in a clear and consistent manner. In cases of asymmetric or oval contour, the longest diam-eter and its perpendicular diameter should be reported(Level of Evidence: B-NR)
2. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, episodic and cumulative ionizing radiation doses should be kept as low as feasible while maintaining diagnostic image quality.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 3. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, when performing CT or MR imaging, it is recommended that the root and ascending aortic diameters be measured from inner-edge to inner-edge, using an electrocardiographic-synchronized technique. If there are aortic wall abnormalities, such as atherosclerosis or discrete wall thickening (more common in the distal aorta), the outer-edge to outer-edge diameter should be reported (Table 4)(Level of Evidence: C-EO) 4. In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, the aortic root diameter should be recorded as maximum sinus to sinus mea-surement. In the setting of known asymmetry, multiple measurements should be reported, and both short- and long-axis images of the root should be obtained to avoid underestima-tion of the diameter.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIa |
1.In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, it is reasonable that a dilated root or ascending aorta be indexed to patient height or BSA in the report, to aid in clinical risk assessment(Level of Evidence: C-LD)
2.In patients with known or suspected aortic disease, when performing echocardiography, it is reasonable to measure the aorta from leading-edge to leading-edge, perpendicular to the axis of blood flow.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Class IIb |
1. Using inner-edge to inner-edge measure-ments may also be considered, particularly on short-axis imaging.(Level of Evidence: C-EO) |
Recommendations for BAV Aortopathy Referenced studies that support the recommendations are summarized in the Online Data Supplement
Class I |
1. In patients with a BAV, TTE is indicated to evaluate valve morphology and function, to evaluate the diameter of the aortic root and ascending aorta, and to evaluate for aortic coarctation and other associated cardiovascular defects.(Level of Evidence: B-NR)
2. In patients with a BAV, CT or MRI of the thoracic aorta is indicated when the diameter and morphology of the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both cannot be assessed accurately or completely by TTE.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 3. In patients with a BAV and either HTAD or phenotypic features concerning for Loeys-Dietz syndrome, a medical genetics evaluation is recommended(Level of Evidence: C-LD) 4. In patients with a BAV and a dilated aortic root or ascending aorta, screening of all first-degree relatives by TTE is recommended to evaluate for the presence of a BAV, dilation of the aortic root and ascending aorta, or both; if the diameter and morphology of the aortic root, ascending aorta, or both cannot be assessed accurately or completely by TTE, a cardiac-gated CT or MRI of the thoracic aorta is indicated.(Level of Evidence: C-LD) |
Class IIa |
1. In patients with a BAV, screening of all first-degree relatives by TTE is reasonable to evaluate for the presence of a BAV, dilation of the aortic root and ascending aorta, or both (Level of Evidence: B-NR) |
Medical Therapy
Focus is to reduce systemic blood pressure, inhibit MMP (zinc endopeptidases that degrade the extracellular matrix in aortic aneurysms)[24], and contain the progression of atherosclerosis.
- Beta-blockers may help in reducing the rate of expansion of the aortic aneurysm, reducing shear stress - studies have been mostly on Marfan patients and they found a low compliance with propranolol due to a significant effect on quality of life[24];
- Tetracyclines inhibit the MMP endopeptidases, and has been used in conditions in which MMP are overexpressed such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are studies in humans showing that doxycycline reduced the rate of expansion of aortic aneurysms. Roxithromycin, a macrolide has been also show to reduce the expansion of the aortic aneurysms.
- Statins may also be helpful due to their pleiotropic effecs, reducing the oxidative stress by blocking the reactive oxygen species on aneurysms, suppressing the NADH/NADPH oxidase system.
- Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers promotes vascular hypertrophy, cell proliferation and production of extracellular matrix. It also activates the NADH/NADPH oxidase system, both stimulating and inhibiting MMPs and degradation of extracellular matrix. There is a controversy of which class is more effective, and ongoing trials are being run to further clarify these questions.[24]
There are no established guidelines for this matter, treatment is still controversial and should be individualized.[25][26]
Decision to perform elective surgery to prevent aneurysm rupture is complicated as there must be an appropriate patient selection and timing for repair of the aneurysm which demands selecting patients at the greatest risk of aneurysm rupture. Once rupture occurs, mortality is extremely high. Fatality rates of emergency surgical repair is 50% if the patient manages to reach the hospital, in comparison to 1-5% fatality rate in elective surgical repair.[27]
According to the 2005 AHA/ACC guidelines - it is recommended surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms:
- 5.5 cm in diameter or greater in asymptomatic patients;
- Increase by 0.5 cm or greater in diameter in 6 months;
- Symptomatic aneurysms.
Endovascular repair may be performed with better short-term morbidity and mortality rates but with failed long-term benefits over surgical repair. Endovascular is preferred in high-risk patients while surgical repair is generally indicated for low/average-risk patients.[27]
In thoracic aortic aneurysms, surgery is indicated in Marfan's syndrome when the aortic diameter reaches 5.0cm, or the rate of increase of the aortic root diameter approaches 1.0 cm per year, or progressive and severe aortic regurgitation. If family history is positive for aortic aneurysms, aggressive therapy may be indicated in individuals with Marfan and Loeys Dietz syndrome. Surgery consists in replacing the affected portion of the aorta. [26]
Smoking cessation is an important measure to prevent aortic aneurysm progression and rupture, as is control of the other cardiovascular risks, such as hypertension, sedentarism and dyslipidemia.[17]
Related Chapters
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Kuivaniemi, Helena, et al. "Understanding the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms." Expert review of cardiovascular therapy 13.9 (2015): 975-987.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Radiopaedia - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms - accessed at 06/08/2020
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Frederick, John R., and Y. Joseph Woo. "Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm." Annals of cardiothoracic surgery 1.3 (2012): 277.
- ↑ Livesay, James J., Gregory N. Messner, and William K. Vaughn. "Milestones in treatment of aortic aneurysm: Denton A. Cooley, MD, and the Texas Heart Institute." Texas Heart Institute Journal 32.2 (2005): 130.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Kuivaniemi, Helena, Chris D. Platsoucas, and M. David Tilson III. "Aortic aneurysms: an immune disease with a strong genetic component." Circulation 117.2 (2008): 242-252.
- ↑ Bhandari, R., Kanthi, Y. - The Genetics of Aortic Aneurysms - The American College of Cardiology - available at: accessed at 06/08/2020
- ↑ Ruddy JM, Jones JA, Ikonomidis JS. Pathophysiology of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA): is it not one uniform aorta? Role of embryologic origin. Progress in cardiovascular diseases. 2013;56(1):68–73.
- ↑ Steed MM, Tyagi SC. Mechanisms of cardiovascular remodeling in hyperhomocysteinemia. Antioxidants & redox signaling. 2011;15(7):1927–1943.
- ↑ Bruemmer D, Daugherty A, Lu H, Rateri DL. Relevance of angiotensin II-induced aortic pathologies in mice to human aortic aneurysms. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011;1245:7–10.
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