Bleeding overview

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Bleeding Microchapters


Patient Information



Bleeding Academic Research Consortium
TIMI bleeding criteria
GUSTO bleeding criteria
CURE bleeding criteria
ACUITY HORIZONS bleeding criteria
STEEPLE bleeding criteria
PLATO bleeding criteria
GRACE bleeding criteria



Emergency Bleeding Control

Reversal of Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet in Active Bleed

Perioperative Bleeding

Anemia Management
Coagulation Monitoring
Coagulation Management
Discontinuation, Bridging, and Reversal of Anticoagulation and Antiplatelet Therapy
Antiplatelet Agents
Vitamin K Antagonists
New Oral Anticoagulants
Comorbidities Involving Hemostatic Derangement
Specific Surgeries
Cardiovascular Surgery
Gynecological Bleeding
Obstetric Bleeding
Visceral/Transplant Surgery
Pediatric Surgery
Congenital Bleeding Disorders
von Willebrand Disease
Platelet Defects
Hemophilia A and B
Factor VII Deficiency
Rare Bleeding Disorders

Bleeding overview On the Web

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CME Programs

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American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Bleeding overview

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Echo & Ultrasound
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Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Bleeding overview

CDC on Bleeding overview

Bleeding overview in the news

Blogs on Bleeding overview

Directions to Hospitals Treating Bleeding

Risk calculators and risk factors for Bleeding overview

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Bleeding is the loss of blood from the circulatory system.[1] Bleeding can occur internally, where blood leaks from blood vessels inside the body or externally, either through a natural opening such as the vagina, mouth or rectum, or through a break in the skin. The complete loss of blood is referred to as exsanguination,[2] and desanguination is a massive blood loss. Loss of 10-15% of total blood volume can be endured without clinical sequelae in a healthy person, and blood donation typically takes 8-10% of the donor's blood volume.[3]

Definition of Multivessel Disease

For AEGIS-II inclusion criteria #5, multivessel disease criteria can be met by findings on the cardiac catheterization for the index MI, a prior cardiac catheterization, or both:

  • Index MI cardiac catheterization: 50% or greater stenosis of the left main or at least 2 coronary artery territories (LAD, LCX, RCA) (prior to any interventions performed)
  • Prior cardiac catheterization: 50% or greater stenosis of left main or at least 2 coronary artery territories (LAD, LCx, RCA) (prior to any interventions performed)
  • Both: Index MI cardiac catheterization with 1 vessel with 50% or greater stenosis (prior to any interventions performed) AND prior PCI of at least 1 vessel different from index MI vessel
  • Prior multivessel CABG

Multivessel disease requires a 50% or greater stenosis in at least 2 of the 3 major epicardial artery territories (LAD, LCx, RCA) or the left main vessel. Branch vessel disease may qualify as part of the territory of that branch vessel (for example, a diagonal vessel is considered part of the LAD territory). For the purpose of this study, the ramus is considered part of the Left Circumflex artery territory. If a branch vessel is used as a qualifying vessel, that branch should be of large enough size to potentially undergo revascularization if clinically indicated, e.g. >2mm vessel size.


  1. "Bleeding Health Article". Healthline. Retrieved 2007-06-18.
  2. "Dictionary Definitions of Exsanguination". Retrieved 2007-06-18.
  3. "Blood Donation Information". UK National Blood Service. Retrieved 2007-06-18.

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