Renal ectopia

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Renal ectopia
ICD-10 Q63.2
ICD-9 753.3

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Renal ectopia or ectopic kidney describes a kidney that is not located in its usual position. It results from the kidney failing to ascend from its origin in the true pelvis or from a superiorly ascended kidney located in the thorax.

Crossed-fused renal ectopia

  • Crossed ectopy = kidney located on the opposite side of the midline from its ureter.
  • In 90% of crossed ectopy, there is at least partial fusion of the kidneys (the remainder demonstrate two discrete kidneys on the same side, crossed-unfused ectopy)
  • Due to improper renal ascent in embryogenesis (4th-8th week of fetal life - normally, the kidney reaches its appropriate position at L2 level at the end of the 2nd month)
  • Fusion of the kidneys within the pelvis leads to crossed-fused renal ectopia.
  • Abnormally situated umbilical artery prevents normal cephalic migration. Another theory is that the ureteric bud crosses to the opposite side and induces nephron formation in the contralateral metanephric blastema.


  • Incidence: 1 out of 1,000 births.
  • 2:1 male to female ratio
  • A single renal mass with two collecting systems is located on one side of the abdomen.
  • Left-to-right ectopy three times more common.


  • Normal ascent of the kidneys is required for formation of the extraperitoneal perirenal fascial planes.
  • Ectopia (or renal agenesis) results in failure of development of fascial layers in the flanks on the side not occupied by renal tissue.
  • Lack of restraining fascia leads to possible malposition of bowel into the extraperitoneal fat of the empty renal fossa and relaxation of mesenteric supports for bowel loops in this region.



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