Vaginal cancer (patient information)
Editor-in-Chief: Jinhui Wu
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What is vaginal cancer?
The vagina also called birth canal goes from the cervix to open up at the vulva. It is a 3 to 4 inch tube. Vaginal cancer is a rare type of cancer. It doesn't have any early symptoms. With the development of the cancer, frequent symptoms abnormal vaginal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, a mass that can be felt and pain during intercourse. A Pap test is a simple and valuable test to find abnormal cells that may be cancer. Usual treatments include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
How do I know if I have vaginal cancer and what are the symptoms of vaginal cancer?
Early vaginal cancer does not have any symptoms. As the tumor grows larger, people may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding, often after intercourse
- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- A mass that can be felt
- Pain during intercourse
Other health problems may also cause these symptoms. Only a doctor can tell for sure. A person with any of these symptoms should tell the doctor so that the problems can be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.
Who is at risk for vaginal cancer?
Clinical data has suggested that the development of vaginal cancer is related to several factors.
- Vaginal adenosis: Clinical research suggest that having adenosis increases the risk of developing clear cell carcinoma. Although it is very small, many doctors feel that any woman with adenosis should have very careful screening and follow-up.
- Cervical cancer: Surveies show having cervical cancer increases the risk of vaginal squamous cell cancer. This is most likely because cervical and vaginal cancers have similar risk factors.
- Diethylstilbestrol (DES): Clinical data show women whose mothers took Diethylstilbestrol (DES) develop clear-cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina more often than would normally be expected. These women are called "DES daughters".
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection: Certain types of HPV (type 16 and 18) have been strongly associated with vaginal cancers.
- HIV infection: Clinical studies show human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) also increases the risk of vaginal cancer.
- Unhealthy lifestyle: Epidemiological research demonstrates smoking and alcohol increase th erisk of vaginal cancer.
- Age: Vaginal cancer is always found in women above 70 years old.
How to know you have vaginal cancer?
When to seek urgent medical care?
Treatment options
Diseases with similar symptoms
Where to find medical care for vaginal cancer?
Directions to Hospitals Treating vaginal cancer
Prevention of vaginal cancer
What to expect (Outook/Prognosis)?
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