Erythromycin breath test
The erythromycin breath test (ERMBT) is a method used to measure (oxidation and elimination from the system) by a part of the [ P450] system. is [ labelling|tagged] with and given as an intravenous injection then in 20 minutes the subject blows up a balloon and the [ dioxide] exhaled that is tagged with carbon-14 shows the activity of the [ [ on the erythromycin. Therefore, this activity can predict how other drugs that are metabolized by the CYP3A4 part of the cytochrome P450 system will be acted upon by a particular person.Closing </ref>
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Some patients have a inability to synthesize certain enzymes, so drugs may build up to toxic levels in their system or other drugs and foods a patient is taking may consume all of their ability to metabolize certain foods and drugs. An example is: when a person taking a cholesterol-lowering [ drug then drinking [ juice], they may have a poor treatment outcome (drug reaction]) and sustain liver damage or kidney failure due to drug induced [ breaking up of muscle tissue).