Mitral regurgitation physical examination
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]
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Arterial Pulse: Watson's water hammer pulse or bounding pulse- brisk upstroke followed by rapid fall off of arterial pulse. However volume of pulse may be decreased in presence of heart failure.
Blood pressure: Wide pulse pressure
Apical impulse: Brisk and hyperdynamic and may be displaced leftwards secondary to left ventricular enlargement.
Heart Sound:
- S1 is usually diminished due to failure of mitral valves to close properly.
- S2 is commonly widely split due to shorter time duration of left ventricular ejection and early A2.
- P2 is louder than A2 in presence of severe pulmonary hypertension.
- S3 may also be heard due to rapid filling of left ventricle. S3 in this case should not be interpreted as a feature of heart failure.
- Quality: High pitched and blowing best heard with diaphragm of stethoscope.
- Location: Usually best heard over the apical region with radiation to left axilla and left subscapular area.
- Posterior leaflet dysfunction murmur radiate to sternum or aortic area.
- Anterior leaflet dysfunction murmur radiate to back.
- Duration:
- In the presence of an incompetent mitral valve, the pressure in the left ventricle becomes greater than that in the left atrium at the onset of isovolumic contraction, which corresponds to the closing of the mitral valve (S1). This explains why the murmur in mitral regurgitation starts at the same time as S1. This difference in pressure extends throughout systole and can even continue after the aortic valve has closed, explaining how it can sometimes drown the sound of S2. Hence named Holosystolic Murmur
- If the murmur is heard in late systolic phase, it may be due to mitral valve prolapse or papillary muscle dysfunction. In these cases, S1 will probably be normal since initial closure of mitral valve cusps is unimpeded.
- Mid systolic click is suggestive of mitral valve prolapse
- Diagnostic Maneuvers: