Coronary artery bypass surgery
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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [2]
Associate Editors-In-Chief: Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [3],Mohammed A. Sbeih, M.D.[4]
Synonyms and keywords: Coronary artery bypass grafting, and colloquially heart bypass, bypass, bypass surgery, open heart surgery, or CABG (pronounced like cabbage), aortocoronary bypass (ACB). The term Coronary Artery Graft Surgery (CAGS) is often used outside the United States and should not be confused with Coronary Angiography (CAG). OPCAB refers to Off-pump coronary artery bypass, a procedure during which the patient is not placed on extracorporeal circulation ("the pump").
Indications for CABG
Prognosis following CABG
Chest X-ray
Coronary angiography
CT angiography
MR angiography
Post-operative complications
Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting are at risk for the same complications as any surgery. There are also additional risks associated specifically with CABG.
CABG associated complications
- Postperfusion syndrome (also known as "pumphead"), is a transient neurocognitive impairment associated with cardiopulmonary bypass. Some research demonstrated that the incidence is initially decreased by Off-pump coronary artery bypass, but no difference in neurocognitive function was observed beyond three months after surgery. A neurocognitive decline over time has been demonstrated in people with coronary artery disease regardless of treatment (OPCAB, conventional CABG or medical management). The neurocognitive decline has also been attributed to the administration of general anesthesia as part of the procedure.
- Nonunion of the sternum; internal thoracic artery (LIMA) harvesting devascularizes the sternum and may increase the risk.
- Myocardial infarction due to hypoperfusion, reperfusion injury, early graft occlusion due to thrombosis or technical failures at the anastomotic site, or graft failure. In the PREVENT IV study, perioperative MI was defined as a creatinine kinase-MB increase > or = 10 X the upper limit of normal or a > or = 5 X the upper limit of normal with the development of new 30-ms Q waves within 24 hours of surgery. Perioperative MI was observed in 9.8% of patients. Perioperative MI was associated with 1) longer surgery (250 vs 230 minutes; p <0.001), higher rates of on-pump surgery as compared with minimally invasive surgery (83% vs 78%; p = 0.048), and worse quality of target vessels (p <0.001). Perioperative MI was associated with more frequent angiography within 30 days of the procedure (1.7% vs 0.6%; p = 0.021) as well as higher rates of SVG failure at one year (62.4% vs 43.8%, p <0.001). Perioperative MI was associated with an increased risk of death, MI, or revascularization at two years(19.4% vs 15.2%; p = 0.039, multivariate hazard ratio 1.33, 95% confidence interval 1.00 to 1.76, p = 0.046) adjusting for differences in significant predictors. [1]
- Late graft stenosis, particularly of saphenous vein grafts due to atherosclerosis and excessive intimal hyperplasia causing recurrent angina or myocardial infarction.
- Acute renal failure due to hypoperfusion, embolization of debris from the aorta, and reperfusion injury. The incidence is approximately 3.6%. The mortality is approximately 20%. The length of hospitalization is prolonged from 4 days to 20 days in patients with post-operative renal failure.
- Stroke, secondary to aortic manipulation or hypoperfusion and reperfusion injury.
- Shunting due to SVG anastomosis into the great cardiac vein
General surgical complications
- Infection at incision sites or sepsis. Women, obese patients, and diabetic patients are at greater risk of this complication.
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Anesthetic complications such as malignant hyperthermia.
- Keloid scarring
- Chronic pain at incision sites
- Chronic stress related illnesses
- Death
The Traditional coronary artery bypass grafting procedure (simplified)
- The patient is brought to the operating room and moved onto the operating table.
- An anesthetist places a variety of intravenous lines, often including a pulmonary artery catheter and injects an induction agent (usually propofol) to render the patient unconscious and to anesthetize the patient.
- An endotracheal tube is inserted and secured by the anesthetist or a respiratory therapist and mechanical ventilation is started.
- The chest is opened via a median sternotomy and the heart is examined by the surgeon.
- The grafts are harvested - frequent conduits are the internal thoracic arteries, radial arteries and saphenous veins.
- The surgeon stops the heart and initiates cardiopulmonary bypass; or in the case of "off-pump" surgery, places devices to stabilize the heart.
- One end of each graft is sewn onto the coronary arteries beyond the blockages and the other end is attached to the aorta.
- The heart is restarted; or in "off-pump" surgery, the stabilizing devices are removed. In some cases, the aorta is partially occluded by a C shaped clamp, the heart is restarted and suturing of the grafts to the aorta is done in this partially occluded section of the aorta while the heart is beating. This reduces time spent on the heart lung machine.
- The sternum is wired together and the incisions are sutured closed.
- The patient is moved to the intensive care unit (ICU) to recover. After awakening and stabilizing in the ICU (approximately 1 day), the patient is transferred to the cardiac surgery unit until ready to go home (approximately 4 days).
Minimally invasive CABG
Alternate methods of minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery have been developed in recent times. Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB) is a technique of performing bypass surgery without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass (the heart-lung machine). Futher refinements to OPCAB have resulted in Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery (MIDCAB) which is a technique of performing bypass surgery through a 5 to 10 cm incision. People with multi-vessel coronary disease and desire a minimally invasive approach to surgery may be eligible for hybrid bypass. A hybrid approach combines coronary bypass (using the MIDCAB approach) and coronary stenting.
Conduits used for bypass
The choice of conduits (arteries and/or veins from elsewhere in the body) to bypass the blockages is highly surgeon and institution dependent. Typically, the left internal thoracic artery (LITA) (also referred to as the left internal mammary artery or LIMA) is grafted to the Left Anterior Descending artery and a combination of other arteries and veins is used for other coronary arteries. The right internal thoracic artery (RITA), the great saphenous vein from the leg and the radial artery from the forearm are frequently used. The right gastroepiploic artery from the stomach is infrequently used given the difficult mobilization from the abdomen.
Saphenous vein anatomy
The great saphenous vein (GSV) is frequently used as a conduit for CABG. It originates from where the dorsal vein of the first digit (the large toe) merges with the dorsal venous arch of the foot.
After passing anterior to the medial malleolus (where it often can be visualized and palpated), it runs up the medial side of the leg. At the knee, it runs over the posterior border of the medial epicondyle of the femur bone.
The great saphenous vein then courses laterally to lie on the anterior surface of the thigh before entering an opening in the fascia lata called the saphenous opening. It joins with the femoral vein in the region of the femoral triangle at the saphenofemoral junction.
The small saphenous vein (also lesser saphenous vein) originates where the dorsal vein from the fifth digit (smallest toe) merges with the dorsal venous arch of the foot, which attaches to the great saphenous vein. It is considered a superficial vein and is subcutaneous (just under the skin). From its origin, it courses around the lateral aspect of the foot (inferior and posterior to the lateral malleolus) and runs along the posterior aspect of the leg (with the sural nerve), passes between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, and drains into the popliteal vein, approximately at or above the level of the knee joint.
Cross-section through the middle of the thigh.
Cross-section through middle of leg.
The great saphenous vein and landmarks along its course
The great saphenous vein and its tributaries at the fossa ovalis in the groin.
Small saphenous vein and its tributaries.
Saphenous vein harvesting
The saphenous vein can be harvested by either direct visualization or via an endoscopic approach. Veins that are used either have their valves removed or are turned around so that the valves in them do not occlude blood flow in the graft. The technique of saphenous vein harvesting may influence later SVG patency. The process of harvesting the vein and pressure testing the vein for a leak may damage the endothelium.[2][3]
The endoscopic approach has been associated with lower rates of wound infection, greater patient satisfaction, and earlier mobilization.[4][5][6][7] One small randomized study of 144 patients showed no difference in histologic findings between the traditional and endoscopic techniques.[4]In another small study of 40 patients randomized to the two techniques, no difference was seen in angiographic patency at 3 months.[7]Another small randomized study of 144 patients who returned for angiography demonstrated an occlusion rate of 21.7% for the endoscopic approach vs 17.6% for the open approach.[6] However, non- randomized data from a much larger multicenter study does suggest that endoscopic harvesting may be associated with higher rates of failure and adverse events such as death and MI.[5]
Complications associated with saphenous vein harvesting include the following:
- Saphenous nerve injury
- Infection at incision sites or sepsis.
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Keloid scarring
- Chronic pain at incision sites
Videos on spahenous vein graft harvesting
<youtube v=VbdE6JWdY1s/>
<youtube v=QthyR0bTHzc/>
<youtube v=sV-qE2SIkJU/>
conduit nomenclature
The terms single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass, quadruple bypass and quintuple bypass refer to the number of coronary arteries bypassed in the procedure.
In other words, a double bypass means two coronary arteries are bypassed (e.g. the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery and right coronary artery (RCA)); a triple bypass means three vessels are bypassed (e.g. LAD, RCA, left circumflex artery (LCX)); a quadruple bypass means four vessels are bypassed (e.g. LAD, RCA, LCX, first diagonal artery of the LAD) while quintuple means five. Less commonly more than four coronary arteries may be bypassed.
A greater number of bypasses does not imply a person is "sicker," nor does a lesser number imply a person is "healthier."[8] A person with a large amount of coronary artery disease (CAD) may receive fewer bypass grafts owing to the lack of suitable "target" vessels.
A patient with a single stenosis ("narrowing") of the left main coronary artery often requires only two bypasses (to the LAD and the LCX). However, depending upon the anatomy, grafts may also need to be placed to a large diagonal artery, or to additional large obtuse marginal branches.
Assessment of target vessels for saphenous vein grafting
A coronary artery may be unsuitable for bypass grafting for the following reasons:
- Size: If the native target artery it is small (< 1 mm or < 1.5 mm depending on surgeon preference)
- Location: Some distal locations of the native target artery may not be accessible, or a conduit may not reach the far down the native artery.
- Native artery calcification: Heavily calcified native arteries are sometimes technically not amenable to anastamosis of a conduit.
- Diffuse disease: The native artery may not have a section of vessel that has minimal disease where a conduit can be grafted to.
- The native artery lies in the heart muscle or is intramyocardial: In this scenario the native coronary artery is located within the heart muscle rather than on the surface of the heart and a graft cannot be attached to it.
Although the cardiothoracic surgeon reviews the coronary angiogram prior to surgery and identifies the lesions (or "blockages") in the coronary arteries and will estimate the number of bypass grafts prior to surgery, the final decision is made in the operating room based upon the direct examination of the heart and the suitability of the native target vessel for bypassing.
Pathophysiology of saphenous vein graft disease
The pathophysiology of aortocoronary saphenous vein graft disease has classically been divided into three components:[9]
- Early degeneration in the first month due to thrombosis
- Mid course degeneration from month one to one year due to intimal hyperplasia
- Late degeneration due to atherosclerosis
Early failure of saphenous vein grafts
While thrombosis predominates during this period, early failure of saphenous vein grafts can be precipitated by a variety of factors.
Technical failures
This is due to a technical failure at the site where the conduit is sutured to the aorta proximally or to the native target vessel distally. This technical failure then leads to thrombosis of the conduit. This failure can in some cases be treated by emergency re-operation or percutaneously by angioplasty and stenting. Care must be taken during the percutaneous approach to assure that the sutures are not disrupted and that there is not a rupture at the site of the anastomosis.
No reflow Downstream in the myocardium
Despite restoration of into or improved flow down the epicardial artery, myocardial edema, embolization, and capillary blistering may result in impaired perfusion into the myocardium. This in turn may lead to poor flow through the graft, and subsequent thrombosis.
Midcourse failures of saphenous vein grafts
Midcourse degeneration from one month to one year is classically described as being due to intimal hyperplasia.[10]The process is complex and the response of the SVG wall is likely biphasic. Days to weeks after CABG, there is an increase in the area of both the intima (due to smooth muscle cell proliferation) [11]and the adventitia (due to fibroblast proliferation)[12]. After the first 4 to 6 weeks, the SVGs then undergo "negative remodeling", that is to say there is a loss in the total vessel diamter. In one study using CT angiography, there was a mean loss of SVG lumen diameter of 9% (a decrease from 3.69 mm to 3.36 mm) but a decrease in the thickness of 0.13 mm in the SVG wall thickness over this time.[13] The mechanism underlying this negative remodeling thought to be the reaction of the venous conduit to the greater than normal flow, wall stretch, shear stress as well as humoral factors such as cytokines and vasoactive substances.
Late failure of saphenous vein grafts
Multiple pathophysiologic processes contribute to late graft degeneration or late graft failure. These processes including intimal hyperplasia, atherosclerotic plaque formation, and graft remodeling. Additionally, arterialization of the graft accelerates atherosclerosis. In addition to mechanically obstructing flow, these blockages are more "friable" (i.e. they easily break into small pieces and embolize downstream into the myocardium impairing perfusion) and more prone to thrombus than plaques found in native vessels. Another pathophysiologic mechanism whereby SVGs are more susceptible to thrombotic occlusion is the fact that they lack side branches.
Saphenous vein graft patency
The rate of saphenous vein graft failure varies depending upon the defnition used and the nature of the study design. [14][15][16][17] Rates estimated based upon retrospective studies of patients who are symptomatic underestimate the true rate of SVG failure because only those patients who survive who are symptomatic undergo catheterization. The most accurate assessment is based upon prospective studies in which all patients undergo mandatory cardiac catheterization at a uniform timepoint. The rates will also vary depending upon the complexity of disease, the diffuse nature of the disease, the extent of revascularization, and whether a per-lesion or a per-patient analysis is undertaken.
Saphenous vein graft occlusion is defined as a complete, 100% occlusion of a saphenous vein graft. [18]
Saphenous vein failure is defined as an occlusion of the vein graft or a 75% or greater stenosis.
The rate of occlusion or failure of saphenous vein grafts is calculated on a per graft basis and a per patient basis. The per patient basis is higher, because only one vein graft out of several must fail for the patient to be characterized as a failure.
Current rates of graft occlusion and failure are as follows:[18]
The rate of per patient vein graft occlusion at 12-18 months is about 42%
The rate of per patient vein graft failure at 12-18 months is about 46%
The rate of per graft vein graft occlusion at 12-18 months is about 26%
The rate of per graft vein graft failure at 12-18 months is about 29%
As a comparison, the rate of internal mammary artery failure at 12-18 months was only 8%.
Time course of SVG failure
- Early failure: Withing the first month, 8% to 18% of SVGs fail again largely due to the factors cited above that precipitate thrombosis. [19][20]
- Mid course failure: From one month through a year an additional 10—15% of SVGs occlude. Again, during this period the pathophysiology is predominantly due to smooth muscle cell hyperplasia emanating from the intima of the vein.[9]
- Late Failure:After year 1, the annual rate of occlusion is about 1—4% per per year. Again, this process of late failure is predominantly due to atherosclerosis and some intimal hyperplasia.
- Very Late Failure: SVG occlusion after 5 years is predominantly mediated by atherosclerosis. A convenient and often quoted statistic is that at 10 years, approximately 50% of SVGs remain patent[21]
Determinants of sapheous vein graft patency
Graft patency is dependent on a number of factors, including the type of graft used (internal thoracic artery, radial artery, or great saphenous vein), the size or the coronary artery that the graft is anastomosed with, and, of course, the skill of the surgeon(s) performing the procedure. Arterial grafts (e.g. left internal mammary (LIMA), radial) are far more sensitive to rough handling than the saphenous veins and may go into spasm if handled improperly.
Technical factors during surgery
A large VA cooperative study evaluated the technical factors associated with 3 year patency among those SVGs that were patent at 7 to 10 days following CABG. SVG occlusion was associated with the following:[22]
- Cross-clamp time > 80 min (p < 0.001)
- Vein preservation solution temperature > 5 degrees C (p = 0.009)
- Bypass time > 2 hours (p = 0.042)
- Number of proximal anastomoses > 2 (p = 0.018)
- Operation time > 5 hours (p = 0.044)
- Intermittent instead of continuous cross-clamp technique (p = 0.024).
- Sequential vs single Y vein graft (p = 0.060).
In-situ vs free grafts
Generally the best patency rates are achieved with the in-situ (the proximal end is left connected to the subclavian artery) left internal thoracic artery (a LIMA) with the distal end being anastomosed with the coronary artery (typically the left anterior descending artery or a diagonal branch artery). Lesser patency rates can be expected with radial artery grafts and "free" internal thoracic artery grafts (where the proximal end of the thoracic artery is excised from its origin from the subclavian artery and re-anastomosed with the ascending aorta).
Venous vs Arterial conduits
Saphenous vein grafts have poorer patency rates than arterial grafts, but are more available, as the patients can have multiple segments of the saphenous vein used to bypass different arteries.
LITA grafts are longer-lasting than vein grafts, both because the artery is more robust than a vein and because, being already connected to the arterial tree, the LITA need only be grafted at one end. The LITA is usually grafted to the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) because of its superior long-term patency when compared to saphenous vein grafts.[23][24]
Impact of harvesting method on saphenous vein graft patency
The method of harvesting vein grafts may be associated with late vein graft patency. In one small study of 40 patients randomized to endoscopic vs traditional techniques, no difference was seen in angiographic patency at 3 months.[7]Another small randomized study of 144 patients who returned for angiography at 6 months and demonstrated an occlusion rate of 21.7% for the endoscopic approach vs 17.6% for the open approach.[6] In a non-randomized subgroup analysis from the PREVENT IV study, harvesting of vein-grafts with the use of endoscopy (endoscopic harvesting) was associated with a higher rate of saphenous vein graft failure at 12-18 months compared with open harvesting of the veins under direct visualization (46.7% vs. 38.0%, P<0.001 at 12-18 months).[5] Likewise, clinical outcomes were worse at 3 years: use of endoscopy was associated with higher rates of death, myocardial infarction, or repeat revascularization (20.2% vs. 17.4%; p=0.04), death or myocardial infarction (9.3% vs. 7.6%; p=0.01), and death (7.4% vs. 5.8%; adjusted hazard ratio, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.13 to 2.04; p=0.005). Although these observational data are provocative, further randomized clinical trials involving large numbers of patients from multiple centers with long term follow-up would be needed to compare the safety and effectiveness of the two harvesting techniques.
Perioperative MI is associated with a higher rate of SVG failure
The rate of one-year saphenous vein graft failure has been documented to be 62.4% of patients with and 43.8% of patients without perioperative MI (p <0.001).[1]
Smaller target vessels are associated with a higher rate of SVG failure
The rate of SVG occlusion at one year is about twice as high in those SVGs that are anastomosed to a target vessel with a diameter < 2.0 mm.[25] The rate of SVG occlusion at one year in target vessels less than or equal to 2.0 mm in diameter was 20.1% on aspirin and 32.3% off aspirin (p = 0.008), while in those SVGs anastomosed to target vessels > 2.0 mm in diameter the rates were lower: 8.7% and 9.0% respectively. The converse of this, is that larger conduits have been associated with higher rates of SVG occlusion.[6]
Target artery location
In a multivariate model in a small study, SVG grafting to the diagonal branch has been associated with 1.76 times higher rates of SVG occlusion.[6]
Graft flow
Poorer graft flow has been associated with higher rates of SVG occlusion.[6]
Serum cholesterol
A serum cholesterol > 225 mg/dl has been associated with higher rates of SVG failure at 3 years in a multivariate model from a large VA cooperative study.[22]
Early post-operative aspirin has been associated with a lower rate of SVG failure for the first 3 years after CABG in a large number of randomized trials.[26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] [34][35][36][37][38][39]
Factors not associated with saphenous vein graft patency
Although a creatinine clearance < 60 ml / sec has been associated with higher rates of death / MI/ and revascularization, it was not associated with a higher rate of SVG or internal thoracic artery failure rates. [40] In one large VA cooperative study, age, race, smoking history, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, vein source (thigh vs. calf) were not associated with 3 year SVG patency.[22]
Association of saphenous vein graft failure with clinical events
In the PREVENT IV study, SVG failure was associated with a 13.9% rate of death and MI (122/878) vs 0.9% (9/1,042) for those patients without SVG failure (these numbers exclude peri-operative MI).[18] Likewise, the rate of death / MI / and revascularization was higher among patients with SVG failure (26.0% vs 1.8%). Despite these elevated rates of adverse events, it shoud be noted that about half of the patients with SVG failure did not have clinical events. This may be because the native artery remained open or because there was extensive collaterals. It should slo be noted that the development of heart failure or angina following SVG failure may not be captured in the endpoint of death / MI / and revascularization.
In a large cohort of 1,388 patients who underwent a first coronary artery bypass graft procedure, vein graft patency was temporally related both to reoperation as well as survival.[41]
Other non-atherosclerotic saphenous vein graft diseases
Saphenous vein graft aneurysms
This disease process is also known as SVGA, aortocoronary saphenous vein graft aneurysms, saphenous vein graft aneurysm disease and saphenous vein graft aneurysmal dilatation and is defined as a local dilation of the vessel more than 1.5 X the adjacent reference segment. The aneurysms can be up to 14 cm in diameter.
- True aneurysms: All 3 layers of the vessel wall are involved
- Pseudoaneurysms: There is disruption of 1 or more layers of the vessel wall.
Epidemiology and demographics
Over the course f a SVGs 7 year lifetime, the risk of aneurysm development is 14%. True aneurysms outnumber false ones by a ratio of 2:1.
Causes of saphenous vein graft aneurysms include the following:
- Atherosclerosis
- Hypertension
- Mycotic
- Postoperative mediastinitis
- Previous aneurysms
- Torn sutures
Natural history and complications
SVGAs can rupture which is associated with a high rate of morbidity and even mortality. They can also be a nidus for embolization.
If a patient with a history of CABG develops chest pain and has a mediastinal mass, an SVGA should be suspected.
The majority of patients are asymptomatic with a true aneurysm, and most often the SVGA is an incidental finding on an imaging study. If the patient is symptomatic, about half the time it presents as an acute coronary syndrome. Very rarely tamponade from compression of the right atrium or ischemia due to compression of the left internal mammary artery bypass graft has been observed.
In contrast to true aneurysms, patients with false aneurysms are symptomatic in 85% of cases. About two thirds of the time they present with an acute coronary syndrome. If a patient with an SVGA does present with chest pain or hemoptysis, it may be due to the formation of a fistula.
Physical examination
Rarely on physical examination a murmur will be auscultated or cutaneous bleeding will be observed (both due to a fistula).
SVGA can be definitively diagnosed on either coronary angiography or CT angiography. On occasion, an SVGA can be observed as either hilar or mediastinal mass on chest x ray.
Pharmacologic management consists of aspirin and lipid-lowering therapy. The benefit if any of coumadin and beta-blockers is not known.
A surgery or a percutaneous intervention is suggested if:
- A pseudoaneurysm is present
- The aneurysm is more than 2 cm greater than the adjacent vessel
- A fistula is present (surgery, coiling, or stenting)
- If the aneurysm is mycctic (surgery)
There are multiple surgical approaches to repairing an aneurysm:
- Ligate the aneurysm-containing SVG and place a new SVG.
- Resect the aneurysmal portion of the diseased graft and sew a new SVG segment in in an end-to-end fashion
- Ligate the old SVG without revascularization
- Evacuate the hematoma and repair the SVG with a venous patch graft.
Percutaneous intervention
In the past, percutaneous intervention was reserved for patients who were too sick to undergo surgery. However, due to the improved tools that are available, more patients are undergoing percutaneous intervention as described below:
- Coil embolization: This technique has evolved so that a stent excludes the coil form lying in the lumen of the SVG.
- Covered stents: The JOSTENT Coronary Stent Graft (Abbott Vascular, Redwood City, Calif) can be used to exclude the aneurysm form the body of the SVG. The device is made up of an ultra-thin layer of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
- Multiple overlapping stents can be used to exclude the aneurysm.
Amyloidosis of saphenous coronary bypass grafts
Amyloid has been associated with accelarated disease in saphenous vein grafts.[42] [43] [44] [45] [46]
Rupture of the saphenous vein coronary artery bypass grafts
Aspergillus species causing a necrotizing vasculitis have been associated with rupture of a saphenous vein grafts.
Diagnostic & evaluation findings
Goals of treatment
Primarily, the goal should be to detect and treat a SVG stenosis early in the development of ischemia while the SVG is still patent. Although intervention on a chronic total occlusion of a SVG may seem like an effective treatment strategy, it is best avoided. As long as the SVG is not completely occluded, intervention can be performed.
Two additional overall goals of treating SVG stenosis include the resolution of symptomatic ischemia and the prevention/treatment of distal embolization.
Perioperative medical therapy
Aspirin is a simple cost effective therapy that has been associated with improved clinical outcomes among patients undergoing CABG. The optimal timing of aspirin administration appears to be in the 48 hours immediately after CABG.[26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] [34][35][36][37][38][39]
Rigorous randomized trials have been required to document the benefits of aspirin, to determine the optimal timing of aspirin, and to overcome fears surrounding the risk of bleeding associated with administration of aspirin in the setting of CABG. There has been a hesitancy to recommend the administration of antiplatelet agents in the setting of CABG for several reasons:
- Platelet counts and platelet concentration are reduced during the peri-operative period as a result of sequestration and hemodilution[47]
- Platelet function is impaired following CABG due to both hypothermia [48] and/or mechanical filtering.[49][50][51]
In so far as the focus of clinical care has at times been on reducing the risk of bleeding rather than on reducing the risk of thrombosis, there has likewise been a tendency to discontinue aspirin and reverse anticoagulant therapy before surgery, to administer platelet transfusions during surgery,[52][53][54] There is little randomized controlled data to support these practices adn non-randomized data suggest that these practices are associated with a significant increase in death and ischemic events.[31]
Benefit of early post-operative aspirin administration
In one of the first studies in this field, Goldman et al compared the rate of SVG patency among CABG patients treated with a variety of antiplatelet regimens.[26] All therapies except aspirin were started 48 hours before CABG. When aspirin was part of the regime, one 325 mg dose was given 12 hours pre-operatively, and the assigned therapy was maintained thereafter. The 60 day rates of angiographic patency (555 patients with 1,781 grafts) were:
- Aspirin, 325 mg daily: 93.5%
- Aspirin, 325 mg three times daily: 92.3%
- Aspirin plus dipyridamole (325 mg and 75 mg, respectively, three times daily): 91.9%
- Sulfinpyrazone (267 mg three times daily): 90.2%
- Placebo (three times daily): 85.2%
(P<0.05 for all aspirin regimens vs placebo)
Aspirin was associated with a greater median chest tube drainage within the first 35 hours post-operatively compared with placebo (p<0.02):
- Aspirin daily (965 ml)
- Aspirin three times daily (1175 ml)
- Aspirin plus dipyridamole (1000 ml)
- Sulfinpyrazone (775 ml)
- Placebo (805 ml)
The rate of reoperation was higher (p<0.01) among patients treated with aspirin (6.5%) than among those patients not treated with aspirin (1.7%).
At one year of follow-up in the same cohort of patients (n=406 patients with 1,315 SVGs), the rate of SVG occlusion was 15.8% in all the aspirin groups combined vs 22.6% among those treated with placebo (p = 0.029).[27] This benefit was signficant among those SVGs in which the target vessel was less than or equal to 2.0 mm in diameter (20.1% vs 32.3% for the placebo group (p = 0.008), while in those SVGs anastomosed to target vessels > 2.0 mm in diameter there was no difference in the rate of SVG occlusion (8.7% vs. 9.0%, p = 0.918).
While there were benefits in early patency and patency at one year in this cohort of patients, between years one and three, there was no benefit in the rate of occlusion. Among those SVGs that were patent at 1 year, the occlusion rate at 3 years was 4.8% for aspirin treated patients vs 4.2% for placebo treated patients (p=NS).[28]
The benefits of early antiplatelet therapy were also documented by Chesebro et al who performed a double blind randomized trial evaluating the benefit of dipyridamole (administered two days before operation) plus aspirin (added seven hours after operation) in 407 patients.[29] At one month, the angiographic rate of SVG occlusion on a per lesion basis was 3% vs 10% of grafts, and on a per patient basis the rate of having at least one SVG occluded was 8% vs 21% for treated vs untreated patients respectively. Likewise, at one year, the angiographic rate of SVG occlusion on a per lesion basis was 11% vs 25% of grafts, and on a per patient basis the rate of having at least one SVG occluded was 22% vs 47% for treated vs untreated patients respectively.[30]
In a non-randomized retrospective analysis of 7,500 variables, Mangano et al evaluated the relationship between early aspirin use and clinical outcomes in 5,065 patients at 70 centers in 17 countries.[31] Mortality was 1.3% among those patients treated with aspirin in the first 48 hours after CABG vs 4.0% among those who were not treated with aspirin (p<0.001). Likewise, aspirin therapy reduced the risk of MI from 5.4% to 2.8% (p<0.001), the risk of stroke from 2.6% to 1.3% (p=0.01), the risk of bowel infarction from 0.8% to 0.3% (p=0.01) and the risk of renal failure from 3.4% to 0.9%, p<0.001). Aspirin treatment was not associated with an increased risk of hemorrhage or impaired wound healing.
Pre-Operative vs Post-Operative Administration of Aspirin
Although the aforementioned studies demonstrated improved early and late patency with the pre-opeartive administration of aspirin, there was a higher rate of bleeding. Goldman et al conduted a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to compare the safety and effectiveness of 325 mg of aspirin therapy initiated either the night before before CABG vs aspirin initiated via nasogastric tube 6 hours post-operatively.[55] The rate of saphenous vein graft occlusion rate was 7.4% vs 7.8% for pre vs post-operative aspirin administration. Pre-operative aspirin was associated with a greater amount of blood volume transfused (900 versus 725 cc, p = 0.006), greater chest tube drainage at 6 hours (500 vs 448 cc, p=0.011) and a higher rate of re-operation for bleeding (6.3% vs 2.4%, p = 0.036).
Post-operative clopidogrel
There are no randomized controlled trials that demonstrate a benefit of clopidogrel in the post-operative management of CABG patients.[56] Furthermore, retrospective subgroup analyses from large trials of acute coronary syndrome patients (1 trial) and stable coronary artery disease patients (3 trials) have not demonstrated a benefit of post-operative clopidogrel. They did, however, demonstrate a trend toward an increased risk of major and minor bleeding with the combined use of clopidogrel plus aspirin.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to treat saphenous vein graft failure
There are many different choices to consider when deciding the most appropriate treatment for SVG stenosis, including PTCA, PCI with bare metal or drug-eluting stents, PCI with covered stents, embolic protection devices, debulking/thrombus removal, and surgical revascularization.
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
PTCA has high initial revascularization success rates in the treatment of SVG stenosis. However, it is also associated with high rates of periprocedural complications, including acute vessel closure secondary to dissection and in-situ thrombosis. Additional complications include distal embolization and no reflow, which can lead to periprocedural infarction.
In modern interventional cardiology, PTCA is not often used as the sole means of treatment for SVG stenosis. Instead, stenting has become the cornerstone of treatment, while the use of PTCA has been limited to pre-dilation and post-dilation.
PCI with bare metal stents (BMS) or drug-eluting stents (DES)
Most current vein graft treatment strategies utilize PCI with stents (BMS or DES), since stenting is a superior treatment when compared to PTCA alone. As demonstrated in the SAVED (Saphenous Vein De Novo) Trial[57], the use of stents is associated with higher revascularization success rates, decreased restenosis rates, and improved clinical outcomes when compared to PTCA. Generally, DES are preferred over BMS, since DES are associated with reduced rates of restenosis and target vessel revascularization.
Despite their higher success rates, stents are not immune to restenosis. Predictors for restenosis include long stent length, multiple stents, overlapping stents, smaller vessel size, diabetes mellitus, and stenosis at the coronary or aortic anastomosis.
PCI with covered stents
Theoretically, stents covered with a polymer membrane would have higher success rates than standard BMS and DES. One would expect covered stents to effectively trap friable atheroma and isolate the graft lumen from the diseased wall, thereby reducing incidence of restenosis, distal embolization, and no reflow in comparison to traditional stents. However, the RECOVERS (The Randomized Evaluation of polytetrafluoroethylene COVERed stent in Saphenous vein grafts)[58] and STING (STents IN Grafts)[59] trials did not show any advantage in using covered stents when compared to bare metal stents for SVG lesions.
Embolic protection devices
During PCI of SVGs, atheroembolic debris can be liberated. This debris contains vasoactive substances that can contribute to no reflow, which can in turn considerably increase the risk of major adverse clinical events (MACE)[60]. Fortunately, embolic protection devices help capture this debris and improve outcomes in PCI for SVG stenosis. Therefore, it is recommended that these devices should be utilized in the intervention of most SVG lesions.
Currently, the FDA has approved five embolic protection devices in the United States. Specifically, these devices include one distal occlusion device, three filters, and one proximal occlusion device.
The FDA-approved distal occlusion device is called the PercuSurge Guardwire®, which involves inflating a balloon distal to the stenosis to occlude flow, thereby trapping the debris and vasoactive substances and preventing them from flowing downstream. Due to its small size, it requires little landing zone to deploy. The SAFER (Saphenous vein graft Angioplasty Free of Emboli Randomized) trial[61] showed that when compared to conventional guidewires, balloon occlusion devices (PercuSurge Guardwire®) reduced the rates of infarction and no-reflow after intervention. Despite these advantages, the PercuSurge Guardwire® may not be the best option for all, as some patients may not tolerate the necessary 3-5 minutes of ischemic time associated with this device. Additionally, it is known to cause both hemodynamic and arrhythmic complications.
Filter devices allow continual distal perfusion while macroscopic emboli are trapped in the filter. The FIRE (FilterWire EX During Transluminal Intervention of Saphenous Vein Grafts) trial[62][63] showed that FilterWire may be preferred over PercuSurge Guardwire® due to improved clinical outcomes. While they may reduce ischemic time, filter devices are associated with their own set of potential complications. They are more difficult to deliver than balloon occlusion devices, so their own delivery may lead to distal embolization, and they may not trap microscopic mediators of no reflow. Additionally, they require a significant landing zone distal to the lesion for the filter placement, which can be problematic for certain distal lesions that do not have enough room. There have also been case reports of filter entrapment in the graft after the completion of the PCI.
The FDA-approved proximal occlusion device is called the Proxis® device. Some advantages of this decide are that its deployment does not require crossing the stenosis, it provides superior support that is helpful where balloon or stent delivery is difficult, and it provides protected crossing of the lesion, if required. However, as shown by the PROXIMAL (Proximal Protection During Saphenous Vein Graft Intervention Using the Proxis Embolic Protection System) trial[64], in terms of overall outcomes, there is no significant difference in death, MI, or target vessel revascularization (TVR) between distal and proximal embolic protection devices.
Debulking/thrombus removal
Data has not demonstrated a durable clinical benefit associated with debulking/thrombus removal. However, there are certain situations in which debulking techniques may be useful when treating saphenous vein grafts. For instance, severely calcified and stenotic lesions can make regular stent insertion especially difficult. When SVG lesions are too calcified to be crossed by a balloon or adequately dilated prior to stent placement, debulking and thrombus removal can change the compliance of the vessel wall. In addition, this technique is also useful if a lesion is at the aorto-ostial junction. Adjunctive stenting leads to better short and long term results.
There are several debulking/thrombus removal techniques, including directional coronary atherectomy, transluminal extraction catheter thrombectomy, rotational atherectomy, and laser atherectomy.
- Directional coronary atherectomy (DCA) uses a circular cutting blade that excises atheroma into a chamber for removal. It is useful for aorto-ostial lesions and focal lesions in large vessels. However, due to its bulky nature, it is generally not used in vessels with angulation, tortuosity, or heavy calcification. CAVEAT II (Coronary Angioplasty Versus Excisional Atherectomy Trial)[65] examined how PTCA and DCA compared in the treatment of patients with coronary artery bypass graft stenoses. This study demonstrated that DCA was associated with higher initial angiographic success rates and larger acute luminal dimensions in comparison to PTCA. However, despite these successes, DCA also displayed an increased rate of non-Q wave myocardial infusion and distal embolization than PTCA. Furthermore, both techniques displayed similar restenosis rates.
- Additionally, a retrospective study compared DCA vs. PTCA alone vs. PCI with stenting in SVG lesions. It showed no differences in mortality, angina, infarction, or repeat revascularization among the different methods. However, this study displayed increased angiographic complications with DCA use.
- Transluminal extraction catheter (TEC) thrombectomy is designed to remove thrombus from SVGs prior to stenting. It operates through the use of cutting blades with a rotating catheter and an external suction device. However, because the TEC Best trial showed no benefit of TEC prior to the stenting of SVGs, this technique has fallen out of favor. Furthermore, TEC is also associated with a significant incidence of distal embolization and no reflow.
- Rotational atherectomy (RA) uses a rotating cutting blade to grind calcified atheroma. Despite its ability to grind calcification, this method is associated with high rates of no reflow, distal embolization, perforation, and dissection. Furthermore, this method is contraindicated for lesions located in the body of SVGs or in degenerated vein grafts.
- Laser atherectomy uses monochromatic light energy to disrupt plaques. Despite this approach's innovation, there is no evidence that this strategy improves outcomes in lesions, and it has been complicated by high rates of dissection and perforation.
Surgical revascularization
Given increased perioperative mortality, surgical revascularization is not an optimal treatment strategy, as many patients with graft disease are poor surgical candidates. However, surgery may be required in patients with multi-vessel disease and when PCI fails.
Additionally, reoperation is not strongly encouraged, as it does not provide the same level of revascularization and resolution of angina as the initial procedure. Furthermore, a LIMA may be jeopardized in a reoperation.
Making a selection
At the earliest signs of recurrent ischemia, it is important to strongly consider the possibility of a patent but stenosed SVG, so that the graft lesion can be treated before the graft becomes completely occluded. Prompt treatment is essential, since a graft is lost once it becomes completely occluded.
Regardless of treatment choice, all patients should be given statins and aspirin (begun immediately following CABG), which are effective in the secondary prevention of SVG stenosis.
For most SVG lesions, PCI with stenting appears to be the therapy of choice. DES are associated with a decreased restenosis rate over BMS, and should be used preferentially if the patient is able to tolerate dual platelet therapy for a minimum of a year. Furthermore, embolic protection devices should be strongly considered for all SVG lesions, especially those with high risks for distal embolization. In cases in which stent delivery and expansion may be difficult due to heavily calcified and stenotic lesions, atherectomy devices, used with stenting, may be considered. Furthermore, these devices can be useful in lesions that are aorto-ostial.
Zoghbi et al. conducted a study to investigate the role of pretreatment with nitroprusside before SVG intervention[66]. They studied sixty-four consecutive patients with normal preprocedural cardiac enzymes that underwent SVG PCI, without the use of embolic protection devices. They found that pretreatment with nitroprusside results in a lower magnitude and frequency of post-procedural cardiac enzyme elevation. Thus, it is important to consider nitroprusside use.
Finally, while GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors are frequently used in the setting of SVG intervention, their benefit has not been fully evaluated in randomized trials of this lesion subset.
Other concerns
As with all medical procedures, complications for SVG intervention can occur. Risk factors for complications include: older graft age (>3-5 years), the presence of thrombus, and diffuse disease.
Although PCI with stenting is effective for focal lesions, there is uncertainty regarding the best treatment for diffusely degenerated SVGs. In these cases, it is often a better choice to abandon the graft and intervene on the native vessel instead.
As mentioned above, prevention of no reflow should be attempted with embolic protection devices, pretreatment using nitroprusside and the avoidance of high-pressure inflations and unnecessary pre/post-dilation and oversizing. However, in the event that no reflow develops, it should be aggressively managed with intracoronary vasodilators (i.e. diltiazem, nicardipine, adenosine, and nitroprusside).
Pathological findings
Saphenous vein coronary bypass graft: Gross, natural color, external view of heart with thrombosed veins
Saphenous vein coronary bypass graft: Thrombosis, Acute: Gross, fixed tissue but well shown cross sections of bypass graft and anastomotic site with thrombosis. 61 yo male, with and acute infarct treated with streptokinase and two days later had bypass. Died 5 days post op. Two veins are thrombosed
Myocardial Infarct Acute Reflow Type: Gross, fixed tissue but good color. A very enlarged heart with moderate LV dilation and high anterior wall hemorrhagic infarct. Initially treated with streptokinase and two days later had saphenous vein grafts. Both grafts are thrombosed. He died after 5 days
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Additional resources
- S. A. Hassantash, B. Bikdeli, S. Kalantarian, M. Sadeghian, and H. Afshar Pathophysiology of Aortocoronary Saphenous Vein Bypass Graft Disease Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann, August 1, 2008; 16(4): 331 - 336.
- A. Coolong, D. S. Baim, R. E. Kuntz, A. J. O'Malley, S. Marulkar, D. E. Cutlip, J. J. Popma, and L. Mauri. Saphenous Vein Graft Stenting and Major Adverse Cardiac Events: A Predictive Model Derived From a Pooled Analysis of 3958 Patients. Circulation, February 12, 2008; 117(6): 790 - 797.
- R. F. Padera Jr. and F. J. Schoen. Pathology of Cardiac Surgery Card. Surg. Adult, January 1, 2008; 3(2008): 111 - 178.
- E. Gongora and T. M. Sundt III. Myocardial Revascularization with Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Card. Surg. Adult, January 1, 2008; 3(2008): 599 - 632.
- P. Widimsky, Z. Straka, P. Stros, K. Jirasek, J. Dvorak, J. Votava, L. Lisa, T. Budesinsky, M. Kolesar, T. Vanek, et al. One-Year Coronary Bypass Graft Patency: A Randomized Comparison Between Off-Pump and On-Pump Surgery Angiographic Results of the PRAGUE-4 Trial Circulation, November 30, 2004; 110 (22): 3418 - 3423.
- M. A. Hlatky, D. B. Boothroyd, K. A. Melsop, M. M. Brooks, D. B. Mark, B. Pitt, G. S. Reeder, W. J. Rogers, T. J. Ryan, P. L. Whitlow, et al. Medical Costs and Quality of Life 10 to 12 Years After Randomization to Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery for Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease Circulation, October 5, 2004; 110 (14): 1960 - 1966.
- J. G. Lobo Filho, M. C. d. A. Leitao, and A. J. d. V. Forte Studying the lumen in composite Y internal thoracic artery-saphenous vein grafts J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., September 1, 2004; 128(3): 490 - 491.
- E. McGregor, L. Kempster, R. Wait, M. Gosling, M. J. Dunn, and J. T. Powell. F-actin Capping (CapZ) and Other Contractile Saphenous Vein Smooth Muscle Proteins Are Altered by Hemodynamic Stress: a proteomic approach Mol. Cell. Proteomics, February 1, 2004; 3(2): 115 - 124.
- M. Endo, Y. Tomizawa, and H. Nishida Bilateral Versus Unilateral Internal Mammary Revascularization in Patients with Diabetes Circulation, September 16, 2003; 108(11): 1343 - 1349.
- T. D. Rea, M. Crouthamel, M. S. Eisenberg, L. J. Becker, and A. R. Lima. Temporal Patterns in Long-Term Survival After Resuscitation From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Circulation, September 9, 2003; 108(10): 1196 - 1201.
- M. Hilker, T. Langin, U. Hake, F.-X. Schmid, W. Kuroczynski, H.-A. Lehr, H. Oelert, and M. Buerke Gene expression profiling of human stenotic aorto-coronary bypass grafts by cDNA array analysis Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., April 1, 2003; 23(4): 620 - 625.
- J. L. Sperry, C. B. Deming, C. Bian, P. L. Walinsky, D. A. Kass, F. D. Kolodgie, R. Virmani, A. Y. Kim, and J. J. Rade Wall Tension Is a Potent Negative Regulator of In Vivo Thrombomodulin Expression Circ. Res., January 10, 2003; 92(1): 41 - 47.
- F. J. Schoen and R. F. Padera Jr. Cardiac Surgical Pathology Card. Surg. Adult, January 1, 2003; 2(2003): 119 - 185.
- A. Y. Kim, P. L. Walinsky, F. D. Kolodgie, C. Bian, J. L. Sperry, C. B. Deming, E. A. Peck, J. G. Shake, G. B. Ang, R. H. Sohn, et al. Early Loss of Thrombomodulin Expression Impairs Vein Graft Thromboresistance: Implications for Vein Graft Failure Circ. Res., February 8, 2002; 90(2): 205 - 212.
- K. B. Kim, C. Lim, C. Lee, I.-H. Chae, B.-H. Oh, M.-M. Lee, and Y.-B. Park Off-pump coronary artery bypass may decrease the patency of saphenous vein grafts Ann. Thorac. Surg., September 1, 2001; 72(3): S1033 - 1037.
- Z. Yang, T. Kozai, B. van de Loo, H. Viswambharan, M. Lachat, M. I. Turina, T. Malinski, and T. F. Luscher. HMG-CoA reductase inhibition improves endothelial cell function and inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation in human saphenous veins J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., November 1, 2000; 36(5): 1691 - 1697.
- H. Hirose, A. Amano, S. Yoshida, A. Takahashi, N. Nagano, and T. Kohmoto Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in the Elderly Chest, May 1, 2000; 117(5): 1262 - 1270.
- D. R. Holmes Jr and P. B. Berger. Percutaneous Revascularization of Occluded Vein Grafts : Is It Still a Temptation to Be Resisted? Circulation, January 12, 1999; 99(1): 8 - 11.
- Y. K. Wong, M. Thomas, V. Tsang, P. J. Gallagher, and M. E. Ward. The prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic blood vessels of patients attending for redo and first time coronary artery bypass graft surgery. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., January 1, 1999; 33(1): 152 - 156.
- F. D. Loop Coronary artery surgery: the end of the beginning Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., December 1, 1998; 14(6): 554 - 571.
- Z. G. Zhu, H.-H. Li, and B.-R. Zhang. Expression of Endothelin-1 and Constitutional Nitric Oxide Synthase Messenger RNA in Saphenous Vein Endothelial Cells Exposed to Arterial Flow Shear Stress Ann. Thorac. Surg., November 1, 1997; 64(5): 1333 - 1338.
- A. Y. Kim, P. L. Walinsky, F. D. Kolodgie, C. Bian, J. L. Sperry, C. B. Deming, E. A. Peck, J. G. Shake, G. B. Ang, R. H. Sohn, et al. Early Loss of Thrombomodulin Expression Impairs Vein Graft Thromboresistance: Implications for Vein Graft Failure. Circ. Res., February 8, 2002; 90(2): 205 - 212.
See Also
- Hybrid bypass
- Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery (OPCAB)
- Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass surgery (MIDCAB)
- Cardiothoracic surgery
- Dressler's syndrome
- Hybrid bypass
External links
- Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery and Cardiothoracic Surgical Procedures
- Cardiothoracic Surgery Notes an online interactive review developed by residents in cardiothoracic surgery
- Contenidos de Enfermería y Cirugía Cardiaca
- CTSNet: The Cardiothoracic Surgery Network
- Curso de Enfermería y Cirugía Cardiaca
- Heart Assist Devices
- LVAD Simulator
- Perfusion Line
- The CardioThoracic Surgery Network: Residents Section
- The Implantable Artificial Heart Project
- The Virtual Textbook Of Extracorporeal Technology
- Yale: Introduction to Cardiothoracic Imaging