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Leda and the Swan, a 16th century copy of a lost painting by Michelangelo, 1530 (National Gallery, London)

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Avisodomy is the act of a human engaging in sexual activity that involves a bird. Due to the size difference between the species, any act involving penetration is usually fatal to the bird.[citation needed]

R.E.L. Masters, in his book (1962) describes it and other zoosadistic acts under "related perversions" as follows:

According to de Sade, a variant of this bestial pleasure with the goose was to be found in the parisian brothels of his day. Known as avisodomy, it was accomplished, as described by the Marquis, in this way: " ... the girl holds the bird's (turkey's) neck locked between her thighs, you have her ass straight ahead of you for prospect, and she cuts the bird's throat the same moment you discharge.

Some descriptions of this act feature the perpetrator breaking the bird's neck as the moment of orgasm approaches.

Other references

  • One of the tracks on Whitehouse's album Erector is titled "Avisodomy".
  • An episode of South Park entitled Chickenlover, wherein an unknown perpetrator molests the town's chickens.
  • David Lynch's cartoon series Dumbland features a character described as a "one armed duck fucker".
  • In Mario Vargas Llosa's novel, La Ciudad y los Perros (1962), one of the characters, a cadet nicknamed Boa, engages in sexual acts with hens to satisfy his libido.
  • In the Rob Zombie's film, The Devil's Rejects (2005), when a character enquires about purchasing a chicken.

See also
