Lipid pneumonia

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Differentiating Pneumonia from other Diseases

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Lipid pneumonia or lipoid pneumonia is a specific form of lung inflammation (pneumonia) that develops when lipids enter the bronchial tree.

Pathophysiology and Etiology

Sources of such lipids could be either:

Exogenous: from outside the body. For example, inhaled nose drops with an oil base, or accidental inhalation of cosmetic oil.

Endogenous: from the body itself, for example, when an airway is obstructed, it is often the case that distal to the obstruction, lipid-laden macrophages (foamy macrophages) and giant cells fill the lumen of the disconnected airspace.


Pathologic Findings

The gross appearance of a lipid pneumonia] is that in which there is an ill-defined, pale yellow area on the lung. This yellow appearance explains the colloquial term "golden" pneumonia.

At the microscopic scale foamy macrophages and giant cells are seen in the airways, and the inflammatory response is visible in the mesenchyme.


Treatment is with antibiotics, corticosteroids and possibly intravenous immunoglobulins.


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