Ketracel White
In the fictional Star Trek universe, ketracel-white (also known as "white" for short) is an "isogenic enzyme" which the Dominion uses to control its Jem'Hadar warriors. The Jem'Hadar have been genetically engineered to be born dependent on the substance for survival. The Dominion is the only supplier of the drug, and as such keeps the Jem'Hadar firmly under the control of the Founders. The White is the sole source of nutrition that the Jem'Hadar ever need - they require no sleep, food, or other enhancements, since the White provides all that they need.
In the field, supplies of the White are under the sole control of the Vorta. When a Vorta supervisor dispenses the White to the assembled Jem'Hadar soldiers, a ritual dialogue takes place:
Vorta: "First (name of Jem'Hadar First), can you vouch for the loyalty of your men?"
Jem'Hadar: "We pledge our loyalty to the Founders, from now until death."
Vorta: "Then receive this reward from the Founders, may it make you strong."
There has been one known instance of a Jem'Hadar not dependent on ketracel-white, the Jem'Hadar commander Goran'Agar in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Hippocratic Oath." The reason for his independence of the drug was never discovered, but was speculated to be some sort of random genetic mutation.
It is rumored that ketracel-white can also be used as a narcotic by other species; the Son'a are known to cultivate supplies of the drug for this purpose.