American College of Chest Physicians

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The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) is a medical organization consisting of physicians and non-physician specialists in the field of chest medicine, which includes pulmonology, thoracic surgery, and critical care medicine.

"Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians" (FCCP) is a title given to a doctor who specializes in pulmonology, thoracic surgery, and critical care medicine. FCCP is used as a post-nominal title, such as John Citizen, MD, FCCP. To be eligible for the Fellowship, a physician in the United States of America or Canada must be board certified in both a primary board and an applicable subspecialty board, have at least 18 months experience in the field, and be sponsored by two Fellows of the College. Non-physicians who do active work in chest medicine — including those with a Ph.D., Pharm.D., D.Sc., or a doctorally-prepared nurse — are also eligible for the fellowship. Physicians outside of the United States and Canada are also eligible for the Fellowship. International Fellows (also given the designation FCCP) must have three years' experience in their field after the completion of training.

Chest is a medical journal published by the ACCP.

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