Appendix cancer

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Appendix cancer
ICD-10 C18.1, C48.2, C78.6
ICD-9 197.6
ICD-O: Template:ICDO
MeSH D001063

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Appendix cancer or appendiceal cancer is a malignancy of the vermiform appendix, accounting for about 1 in 200 of all gastrointestinal malignancies. This is a very rare condition and can vary in type, the most common type being carcinoid tumor with adenocarcinoma next. Appendiceal tumors often present with peritoneal seeding, resulting in peritoneal carcinomatosis or Pseudomyxoma peritonei (sometimes known as PMP).

Audrey Hepburn was a notable victim of appendix cancer, dying of the disease in 1993.


In most cases the tumor has spread outside of the appendiceal tissue. If this is the case, the approach uses cytoreductive surgery which includes the removal of visible tumor and affected non-essential organs within the abdomen and pelvis. Then the peritoneal cavity is flooded with chemotherapy solution in an attempt to eradicate residual disease. The surgery may or may not be preceded or followed with intravenous chemotherapy.

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