HIV AIDS chest x ray
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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editors-in-Chief: Ujjwal Rastogi, MBBS [2]
Chest X-ray is an extremely common procedure done to evaluate the organs located in the chest area i.e. lungs, heart, and chest wall. It also helps in diagnosing the cause of various symptoms. (for example persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain or injury, and fever.
Chest Xray
Pneumocystis pneumonia
The disease PCP is relatively rare in people with normal immune systems, but common among people with weakened immune systems, such as premature or severely malnourished children, the elderly, and especially persons living with HIV/AIDS, in whom it is most commonly observed.[1] PCP can also develop in patients who are taking immunosuppressive medications. Chest x-ray shows widespread pulmonary infiltrates.

- ↑ Ryan KJ; Ray CG (editors) (2004). Sherris Medical Microbiology (4th ed.). McGraw Hill. ISBN 0838585299.
Template:Viral diseases Template:STD/STI
Template:Link FA Template:Link FA af:Vigs als:AIDS am:ኤድስ an:SIDA ar:متلازمة العوز المناعي المكتسب ast:SIDA az:QİÇS bat-smg:AIDS be-x-old:СНІД bg:Синдром на придобитата имунна недостатъчност bm:Sida bn:এইডস bs:Sida ca:SIDA cs:AIDS da:Aids de:Aids dv:އެއިޑްސް ބަލި el:AIDS eo:Aidoso et:AIDS eu:Hartutako Immuno Eskasiaren Sindromea fa:ایدز fi:AIDS fur:AIDS ga:SEIF gd:AIDS gl:SIDA gu:એડ્સ he:איידס hi:एड्स hr:Sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije ht:Sida hu:AIDS hy:ՁԻԱՀ id:AIDS is:Alnæmi it:AIDS ka:შიდსი ki:AIDS km:ជំងឺអេដស៍ kn:ಏಡ್ಸ್ ರೋಗ ko:에이즈 ku:AIDS la:SCDI lb:Aids ln:Sida lo:ເອດສ໌ lt:AIDS lv:AIDS mk:СИДА ml:എയ്ഡ്സ് mn:Дархлалын олдмол хомсдол mr:एड्स ms:AIDS mt:AIDS new:एड्स nl:Aids nn:Hiv/aids no:Aids oc:SIDA ps:اېډز qu:Unquy hark'aypa chaskisqa waqlliynin scn:AIDS sh:AIDS si:ඒඩ්ස් simple:AIDS sk:Aids sl:Aids sr:Сида sv:Aids sw:Ukimwi ta:எய்ட்ஸ் te:ఎయిడ్స్ tg:СПИД th:เอดส์ tt:AİDS uk:СНІД ur:محصولی کسرمناعی متلازمہ uz:Orttirilgan Imunitet Tanqisligi Sindromi vec:AIDS yi:עידס yo:AIDS zh-min-nan:AIDS zh-yue:愛滋病