Cerebellar Developmental Delay

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WikiDoc Resources for Cerebellar Developmental Delay


Most recent articles on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Most cited articles on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Review articles on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Articles on Cerebellar Developmental Delay in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


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Images of Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Photos of Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Podcasts & MP3s on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Videos on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Evidence Based Medicine

Cochrane Collaboration on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Bandolier on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

TRIP on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Cerebellar Developmental Delay at Clinical Trials.gov

Trial results on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Clinical Trials on Cerebellar Developmental Delay at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

NICE Guidance on Cerebellar Developmental Delay


FDA on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

CDC on Cerebellar Developmental Delay


Books on Cerebellar Developmental Delay


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Blogs on Cerebellar Developmental Delay


Definitions of Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Discussion groups on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Patient Handouts on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Directions to Hospitals Treating Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Risk calculators and risk factors for Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Causes & Risk Factors for Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Diagnostic studies for Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Treatment of Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Cerebellar Developmental Delay


Cerebellar Developmental Delay en Espanol

Cerebellar Developmental Delay en Francais


Cerebellar Developmental Delay in the Marketplace

Patents on Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Cerebellar Developmental Delay

Cerebellar Developmental Delay (CDD)[1] is a term coined by scientists at DDAT / Dore (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Attention Treatment initiated by Wynford Dore) centres (and thus should not be confused with a generally accepted medical condition).

Dores claims to have helped over 19,0000 people around the world. Many minor celebrities and ex sports stars support Dore.

The brain can be divided by function into two distinct areas; the cerebrum, which receives and processes stimuli from the sensory organs, and the cerebellum, which is responsible for coordinating the motor responses to these stimuli. According to the Dore theory, in individuals with CDD the neural pathways connecting these two areas of the brain do not develop fully. As this affects the brain’s ability to initiate an appropriate response to sensory input, affected individuals may suffer from learning difficulties.


  1. How does it work?, Dore webpage describing CDD
