Curve of spee

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List of terms related to Curve of spee

In Anatomy, the Curve of Spee (called also von Spee's curve or "Spee's curvature") is defined as the curvature of the mandibular occlusal plane beginning at the tip of the lower cuspid and following the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth, continuing to the terminal molar. According an another definition c. of Spee is an anatomic curvature of the occlusal alignment of teeth, beginning at the tip of the lower canine, following the buccal cusps of the natural premolars and molars, and continuing to the anterior border of the ramus. Ferdinand Graf von Spee, German embryologist, (1855–1937) was first to describe anatomic relations of human teeth in the sagittal plane.

The pull of the main muscle of mastication the "masseter" is at a perpendicular angle with the curve of Spee to adapt for favorable loading of force on the teeth.

The Curve of Spee is, essentially, a series of slipped contact points. It is of importance to orthodontists as it may contribute to an increased overbite. Larry Andrews, in his important paper: Six Keys to Normal Occlusion (1972), stated that a flat or mild curve of Spee was essential to an ideal occlusion.


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