External cephalic version

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


External cephalic version is a process by which a breech baby can sometimes be turned from buttocks or foot first to head first. It should only be attempted from 34 weeks on and often is reserved for later due to the fact that breech presentation greatly decreases with every week.

In this procedure hands are placed on the mother's abdomen around the baby. The baby is moved up and away from the pelvis and gently turned in several steps from breech, to a sideways position, and finally to a head first presentation. In any attempt to move the baby should be encouraged to keep its knees pulled in so as not to further complicate things.

As with any procedure there can be complications most of which can be greatly decreased by having an experienced professional on the birth team. An ultrasound to estimate a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid and monitoring of the fetus immediately after the procedure can also help minimize risks.

There are a few cases in which there can be a greater risk, these include pre-eclampsia, uterine scarring, and multiple pregnancies or fetal abnormality.

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