Fascia of Colles

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Template:Infobox Anatomy

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List of terms related to Fascia of Colles

The deep layer of superficial fascia (fascia of Colles) is thin, aponeurotic in structure, and of considerable strength, serving to bind down the muscles of the root of the penis.

It separates the skin from the superficial perineal space.


In front, it is continuous, with the dartos tunic, the deep fascia of the penis, the fascia of the spermatic cord, and Scarpa's fascia upon the anterior wall of the abdomen;

On either side it is firmly attached to the margins of the rami of the pubis and ischium, lateral to the crus penis and as far back as the tuberosity of the ischium.

Posteriorly, it curves around the Transversi perinæi superficiales to join the lower margin of the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm.

In the middle line, it is connected with the superficial fascia and with the median septum of the Bulbocavernosus.

This fascia not only covers the muscles in this region, but at its back part sends upward a vertical septum from its deep surface, which separates the posterior portion of the subjacent space into two.

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