ICD-10 Chapter H
Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]
H00-H59 - Diseases of the eye and adnexa
(H00-H06) Disorders of eyelid, lacrimal system and orbit
- (H00) Hordeolum and chalazion
- (H01) Other inflammation of eyelid
- (H01.0) Blepharitis
- (H01.1) Noninfectious dermatoses of eyelid
- (H02) Other disorders of eyelid
- (H02.0) Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid
- (H02.1) Ectropion of eyelid
- (H02.2) Lagophthalmos
- (H02.3) Blepharochalasis
- (H02.4) Ptosis of eyelid
- (H02.5) Other disorders affecting eyelid function
- (H02.6) Xanthelasma of eyelid
- (H02.7) Other degenerative disorders of eyelid and periocular area
- (H03) Disorders of eyelid in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H04) Disorders of lacrimal system
- (H04.0) Dacryoadenitis
- (H04.1) Other disorders of lacrimal gland
- (H04.2) Epiphora
- (H04.3) Acute and unspecified inflammation of lacrimal passages
- Acute, subacute or unspecified dacryocystitis
- (H04.4) Chronic inflammation of lacrimal passages
- Chronic dacryocystitis
- (H04.5) Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages
- (H04.6) Other changes in lacrimal passages
- (H05) Disorders of orbit
- (H05.2) Exophthalmic conditions
- (H05.4) Enophthalmos
- (H06) Disorders of lacrimal system and orbit in diseases classified elsewhere
(H10-H13) Disorders of conjunctiva
- (H10) Conjunctivitis
- (H11) Other disorders of conjunctiva
- (H11.0) Pterygium
- (H11.1) Conjunctival degenerations and deposits
- (H11.2) Conjunctival scars
- (H11.3) Conjunctival haemorrhage
- (H11.4) Other conjunctival vascular disorders and cysts
- (H11.8) Other specified disorders of conjunctiva
- (H11.9) Disorder of conjunctiva, unspecified
- (H13) Disorders of conjunctiva in diseases classified elsewhere
(H15-H19) Disorders of sclera and cornea
- (H16) Keratitis
- (H16.0) Corneal ulcer
- (H16.1) Other superficial keratitis without conjunctivitis
- (H16.2) Keratoconjunctivitis
- (H16.3) Interstitial and deep keratitis
- (H16.4) Corneal neovascularization
- (H17) Corneal scars and opacities
- (H18) Other disorders of cornea
- (H18.0) Corneal pigmentations and deposits
- (H18.1) Bullous keratopathy
- (H18.2) Other corneal oedema
- (H18.3) Changes in corneal membranes
- (H18.4) Corneal degeneration
- (H18.5) Hereditary corneal dystrophies
- (H18.6) Keratoconus
- (H18.7) Other corneal deformities
- (H18.8) Other specified disorders of cornea
- (H18.9) Disorder of cornea, unspecified
- (H19) Disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H19.0) Scleritis and episcleritis in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H19.1) Herpesviral keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis
- (H19.2) Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases
- (H19.3) Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere
- (H19.8) Other disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere
(H20-H22) Disorders of iris and ciliary body
- (H20) Iridocyclitis
- (H20.0) Acute and subacute iridocyclitis
- (H21) Other disorders of iris and ciliary body
- (H21.0) Hyphaema
- (H21.1) Other vascular disorders of iris and ciliary body
- (H21.2) Degeneration of iris and ciliary body
- (H21.3) Cyst of iris, ciliary body and anterior chamber
- (H21.4) Pupillary membranes
- (H21.5) Other adhesions and disruptions of iris and ciliary body
- (H21.8) Other specified disorders of iris and ciliary body
- (H21.9) Disorder of iris and ciliary body, unspecified
- (H22) Disorders of iris and ciliary body in diseases classified elsewhere
(H25-H28) Disorders of lens
- (H25) Senile cataract
- (H26) Other cataract
- (H27) Other disorders of lens
- (H28) Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere
(H30-H36) Disorders of choroid and retina
- (H30) Chorioretinal inflammation
- (H30.0) Focal chorioretinal inflammation
- (H30.1) Disseminated chorioretinal inflammation
- (H30.2) Posterior cyclitis
- (H30.8) Other chorioretinal inflammations
- (H30.9) Chorioretinal inflammation, unspecified
- Chorioretinitis NOS
- Choroiditis NOS
- Retinitis NOS
- Retinochoroiditis NOS
- (H31) Other disorders of choroid
- (H31.0) Chorioretinal scars
- (H31.1) Choroidal degeneration
- (H31.2) Hereditary choroidal dystrophy
- (H31.3) Choroidal haemorrhage and rupture
- (H31.4) Choroidal detachment
- (H31.8) Other specified disorders of choroid
- (H31.9) Disorder of choroid, unspecified
- (H32) Chorioretinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H33) Retinal detachments and breaks
- (H33.1) Retinoschisis and retinal cysts
- (H34) Retinal vascular occlusions
- (H35) Other retinal disorders
- (H35.0) Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes
- (H35.1) Retinopathy of prematurity
- (H35.3) Degeneration of macula and posterior pole
- (H35.5) Hereditary retinal dystrophy
- (H35.6) Retinal haemorrhage
- (H35.7) Separation of retinal layers
- (H35.8) Other specified retinal disorders
- (H36) Retinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
(H40-H42) Glaucoma
- (H40) Glaucoma
- (H40.0) Glaucoma suspect
- (H40.1) Primary open-angle glaucoma
- (H40.2) Primary angle-closure glaucoma
- (H40.3) Glaucoma secondary to eye trauma
- (H40.4) Glaucoma secondary to eye inflammation
- (H40.5) Glaucoma secondary to other eye disorders
- (H40.6) Glaucoma secondary to drugs
- (H42) Glaucoma in diseases classified elsewhere
(H43-H45) Disorders of vitreous body and globe
- (H43) Disorders of vitreous body
- (H43.0) Vitreous prolapse
- (H43.1) Vitreous haemorrhage
- (H43.2) Crystalline deposits in vitreous body
- (H43.3) Other vitreous opacities
- (H43.8) Other disorders of vitreous body
- (H43.9) Disorder of vitreous body, unspecified
- (H44) Disorders of globe
- (H44.0) Purulent endophthalmitis
- (H44.1) Other endophthalmitis
- Sympathetic uveitis
- (H44.2) Degenerative myopia
- (H44.3) Other degenerative disorders of globe
- (H44.4) Hypotony of eye
- (H44.5) Degenerated conditions of globe
- (H44.6) Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic
- (H44.7) Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, nonmagnetic
- (H44.8) Other disorders of globe
- (H44.9) Disorder of globe, unspecified
- (H45) Disorders of vitreous body and globe in diseases classified elsewhere
(H46-H48) Disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways
- (H46) Optic neuritis
- (H47) Other disorders of optic (2nd) nerve and visual pathways
- (H47.1) Papilloedema, unspecified
- (H47.2) Optic atrophy
- (H48) Disorders of optic (2nd) nerve and visual pathways in diseases classified elsewhere
(H49-H52) Disorders of ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation and refraction
- (H49) Paralytic strabismus
- (H49.0) Third (oculomotor) nerve palsy
- (H49.1) Fourth (trochlear) nerve palsy
- (H49.2) Sixth (abducent) nerve palsy
- (H49.3) Total (external) ophthalmoplegia
- (H49.4) Progressive external ophthalmoplegia
- (H49.8) Other paralytic strabismus
- (H49.9) Paralytic strabismus, unspecified
- (H50) Other strabismus
- (H50.0) Convergent concomitant strabismus
- Esotropia (alternating)(monocular), except intermittent
- (H50.1) Divergent concomitant strabismus
- Exotropia (alternating)(monocular), except intermittent
- (H50.2) Vertical strabismus
- (H50.3) Intermittent heterotropia
- (H50.4) Other and unspecified heterotropia
- (H50.5) Heterophoria
- (H50.6) Mechanical strabismus
- (H50.8) Other specified strabismus
- (H50.9) Strabismus, unspecified
- (H50.0) Convergent concomitant strabismus
- (H51) Other disorders of binocular movement
- (H51.0) Palsy of conjugate gaze
- (H51.1) Convergence insufficiency and excess
- (H51.2) Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
- (H51.8) Other specified disorders of binocular movement
- (H51.9) Disorder of binocular movement, unspecified
- (H52) Disorders of refraction and accommodation
- (H52.0) Hypermetropia
- (H52.1) Myopia
- (H52.2) Astigmatism
- (H52.3) Anisometropia and aniseikonia
- (H52.4) Presbyopia
- (H52.5) Disorders of accommodation
- (H52.6) Other disorders of refraction
- (H52.7) Disorder of refraction, unspecified
(H53-H54) Visual disturbances and blindness
- (H53) Visual disturbances
- (H53.0) Amblyopia ex anopsia
- (H53.1) Subjective visual disturbances
- (H53.2) Diplopia
- (H53.3) Other disorders of binocular vision
- (H53.4) Visual field defects
- (H53.5) Colour vision deficiencies
- (H53.6) Night blindness
- (H54) Blindness and low vision
(H55-H59) Other disorders of eye and adnexa
- (H55) Nystagmus and other irregular eye movements
- (H57) Other disorders of eye and adnexa
- (H58) Other disorders of eye and adnexa in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H59) Postprocedural disorders of eye and adnexa, not elsewhere classified
H60-H99 - Diseases of the ear and mastoid process
(H60-H62) Diseases of external ear
- (H60) Otitis externa
- (H61) Other disorders of external ear
- (H62) Disorders of external ear in diseases classified elsewhere
(H65-H75) Diseases of middle ear and mastoid
- (H65) Nonsuppurative otitis media
- (H66) Suppurative and unspecified otitis media
- (H67) Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H68) Eustachian salpingitis andobstruction
- (H69) Other disorders of Eustachian tube
- (H70) Mastoiditis and related conditions
- (H71) Cholesteatoma of middle ear
- (H72) Perforation of tympanic membrane
- (H73) Other disorders of tympanic membrane
- (H74) Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid
- (H75) Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid in diseases classified elsewhere
(H80-H83) Diseases of inner ear
- (H80) Otosclerosis
- (H81) Disorders of vestibular function
- (H82) Vertiginous syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
- (H83) Other diseases of inner ear
- (H83.0) Labyrinthitis
- (H83.1) Labyrinthine fistula
- (H83.2) Labyrinthine dysfunction
- (H83.3) Noise effects on inner ear
(H90-H95) Other disorders of ear
- (H90.0) Conductive hearing loss, bilateral
- (H90.1) Conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
- (H90.2) Conductive hearing loss, unspecified
- (H90.3) Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
- (H90.4) Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
- (H90.5) Sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
- (H90.6) Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
- (H90.7) Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
- (H90.8) Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
- (H91) Other hearing loss
- (H91.0) Ototoxic hearing loss
- (H91.1) Presbycusis
- (H91.2) Sudden idiopathic hearing loss
- (H91.3) Deaf mutism, not elsewhere classified
- (H91.8) Other specified hearing loss
- (H91.9) Hearing loss, unspecified
- (H92) Otalgia and effusion of ear
- (H93) Other disorders of ear, not elsewhere classified
- (H93.0) Degenerative and vascular disorders of ear
- (H93.1) Tinnitus
- (H93.2) Other abnormal auditory perceptions
- (H93.3) Disorders of acoustic nerve
- (H93.8) Other specified disorders of ear
- (H93.9) Disorder of ear, unspecified
- (H95) Postprocedural disorders of ear and mastoid process, not elsewhere classified
See also
- List of ICD-10 codes
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- List of ICD-9 codes 360-389: Diseases of the sense organs
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