Intestinal neuronal dysplasia

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Intestinal neuronal dysplasia is similar to Hirschsprung's disease and necrotising enterocolitis, and is an inherited disease of the intestine. The intestine uses peristalsis to push its contents toward the anus; IND sufferers have a problem with the motor neurons that lead to the intestine, inhibiting this process and thus preventing digestion.

Conservative treatment involves the use of laxatives and enemas, and is often successful. If unsuccessful, surgical treatment (internal sphincter myectomy or colon resection) is used. In extreme cases, the only effective cure is a complete transplant of the affected parts. The threat of IND is such that, even though it is relatively rare, all new born babies are kept in hospital until they defecate.

A famous case of IND is that of Adele Chapman, who had a triple transplant of the small intestine, pancreas and liver, the first of its kind in the UK; ergo the official charity of IND is the Adele Chapman Foundation.


  • Gillick, J.; et al. (May 2001). "Intestinal neuronal dysplasia: results of treatment in 33 patients". Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Retrieved 2006-06-30. Check date values in: |date= (help)

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