Period 7 element
A period 7 element is one of the chemical elements in the seventh row (or period) of the periodic table of the elements.
This period contains the heaviest element which occurs naturally on earth, uranium. Subsequent elements in the period have been synthesized artificially. Whilst some of these (e.g. plutonium) are now available in tonne quantities, most are extremely rare, having only prepared in microgram amounts or less. Some of the later elements have only ever been identified in laboratories in quantities of a few atoms at a time.
These are:
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
# Name |
87 Fr |
88 Ra |
89-103 | 104 Rf |
105 Db |
106 Sg |
107 Bh |
108 Hs |
109 Mt |
110 Ds |
111 Rg |
112 Uub |
113 Uut |
114 Uuq |
115 Uup |
116 Uuh |
117 Uus |
118 Uuo |
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Actinides | 89 Ac |
90 Th |
91 Pa |
92 U |
93 Np |
94 Pu |
95 Am |
96 Cm |
97 Bk |
98 Cf |
99 Es |
100 Fm |
101 Md |
102 No |
103 Lr | |||
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ar:عناصر الدورة السابعة ast:Elementos del periodu 7 ca:Elements del període 7 de:Periode-7-Element eo:Elemento de periodo 7 eu:7. periodoko elementu ko:7주기 원소 it:Elementi del periodo 7 lmo:Elemeent del períut 7 nl:Periode-7-element sk:7. perióda sr:7. периода хемијских елемената sh:7. perioda hemijskih elemenata ta:கிடைக்குழு 7 th:ธาตุคาบ 7