Red 2G

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List of terms related to Red 2G

Red 2G is a synthetic red azo dye. It is soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. It usually comes as a disodium salt of 8-actamido-1-hydroxy-2-phenylazonaphthalene-3,6 disulphonate.


Food dye

In the European Union, Red 2G is used as a food dye (E number E128). However, it is only permitted for use in breakfast sausages with a minimum cereal content of 6% and burger meat with a minimum vegetable and/or cereal content of 4%. [1]

Following safety concerns raised by EFSA in its opinion of 5 July 2007 [2], the European Commission has prepared a draft Regulation to suspend use of E128 as a food colouring. This proposed course of action was unanimously approved by European Union Member States at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Food Chain and Animal Health (Section Toxicological Safety of the Food Chain) on 20 July 2007 [3].

Red 2G is banned in Australia, Austria, Canada, Japan, Norway[4], Sweden, Malaysia[5] and the United States. It was banned in Ireland, Israel and Greece in July 2007. [6] [7].

It is relatively insensitive to the bleaching effect of sulfur dioxide (E220) and sodium metabisulfite (E223). In the intestines, Red 2G can be converted to the toxic compound aniline [8], so there are concerns Red 2G may ultimately interfere with blood haemoglobin, as well as cause cancer.


It is also used as a dye for coatings, inks, paper, crepe paper, and fine tissue.


Red 2G can be also used for staining in histology, though rarely, e.g. as a component of Masson's trichrome.

Health risks

It is one of the colourants that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends be eliminated from the diet of children.

The EU agency EFSA recently established E128 is potentially is carcinogenic as it forms aniline in the body when consumed.[9]

The pressure group The Food Commission, said there had been concerns about Red 2G going back decades and it was suspected of being a carcinogen in the 1980s[10]


  1. European Parliament and council directive 94/36/EC of june 1994 on colours for use in foodstuffs
  2. EFSA announcement
  3. Sanco -E
  4. Mattilsynet
  5. Dye used in burgers and sausages banned
  6. 'Food safety body bans colour additive' - RTE News
  7. 'RED 2G Guilty for Cancer? - ANT1 News (Greek)'
  8. Additive used in sausages and burgers may cause cancer - News, Food & Drink -
  9. 'Sausage additive linked to cancer' - BBC News
  10. Hickman, Martin. "Additive used in sausages and burgers may cause cancer". The Independent. Retrieved 2007-07-10.

de:Rot 2G hu:Vörös 2G nl:Rood 2G fi:Punainen 2G

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