College of Medicine - University of Saskatchewan
College of Medicine - University of Saskatchewan is the only medical school in the province. The school is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
The University of Saskatchewan is one of nine Canadian institutions which offer PM&R Residency Programs in Canada in physical medicine and rehabilitation.[1]
The college offers various medical programs:
A list of departments in the college [2]:
* Anatomy & Cell Biology * Anesthesiology * Biochemistry * Community Health and Epidemiology * Family Medicine * Medical Imaging * Medicine (Department of) * Microbiology * Obstetrics & Gynecology * Oncology/Radiology * Ophthalmology * Pathology * Pediatrics * Pharmacology * Physiology * Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation * Psychiatry * School of Physical Therapy * Surgery (Department of)
College of Medicine - University of Saskatchewan is linked to a number of organizations in the province:
- H.S. Computer Laboratory IHOR Continuing Medical Education
- Saskatchewan Stroke Research Centre Saskatoon Cancer Center Research Unit
- The Saskatchewan Neuroscience Network(SNN)
- Centre for Integrative Medicine
The college also offers:
- international programs - allowing students to further their studies abroad
- Aboriginal programs - 6 spaces for first year students (Aboriginal Equity Program), Aboriginal Student Mentorship Program and Pre-Medicine Awards for Aboriginal Students (6 awards per year).
Historical Sites and Monuments
Cobalt Teletherapy Unit
Appareil De Traitement Au Cobalt
In 1951 Canadian Scientists, here and in London, Ontario, opened a new front in the battle against Cancer. Through a pioneering partnership, the two teams of physicists, physicians and engineers, working independently yet cooperatively, designed the Saskatoon and the Eldorado {London) cobalt teletherapy units. Both became prototypes for the first commercially avaiable units, then called "Cobalt bombs", which allowed gamma radiation to be focussed directly on cancerous cells. Decades of effective worldwide use have proven the dependability of these units.
En 1951, des chercheurs canadiens tirent une vritable percée dans la lute contre le cancer. Un partenariat innovateur permit à deux équipes multidisciplinaires, ici à Saskatoon et à London, de concevoir des appareils de traitement au cobalt permettant de diriger avec précision les rayons gamma sur les cellules cancéreuses. Ces dispositifs servirent de prototypes au premier appareil mis en marché: la "bombe au cobalt". Utilisée dans le monde entier pendant des décennies, celle ci a démontré son efficacité dans la latte contre le cancer.
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
Commission des lieux et monumnets historiques du Canada
Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada