Kallman syndrome medical therapy
Treatment is directed at restoring the deficient hormones -- known as hormone therapy (HT). Males are administered human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or testosterone. Females are treated with oestrogen and progestins.
To induce fertility in males or females, GnRH (aka LHRH) is administered by an infusion pump, or hCG/hMG/FSH/LH combinations are administered through regular injections. Fertility is only maintained whilst actually being treated with these hormones. Once fertility treatment stops it is necessary to revert to the normal HRT of testosterone for men and oestrogen + progestins for women.
The main health risk, for both men and women, of untreated Kallmann Syndrome is osteoporosis. Therefore, regular bone density scans (every 2 years or so) are advisable, even if being treated with HRT. Additional medication specifically for osteoporosis is necessary in some cases.