Status asthmaticus

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Template:DiseaseDisorder infobox

Asthma Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Asthma from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Chest X Ray



Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies

Pulmonary Function Test
Bronchial Challenge Test
Exhaled nitric oxide


Emergency Management

Medical Therapy

Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Bronchial Thermoplasty

Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

Status asthmaticus On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Status asthmaticus

All Images
Echo & Ultrasound
CT Images

Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Status asthmaticus

CDC on Status asthmaticus

Status asthmaticus in the news

Blogs on Status asthmaticus

Directions to Hospitals Treating Asthma

Risk calculators and risk factors for Status asthmaticus

For patient information click here Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-In-Chief: Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, M.B.B.S. [2]


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Status asthmaticus from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


Diagnostic Criteria | History and Symptoms | Physical Examination | Laboratory Findings | Chest X ray | CT | MRI | Other Imaging Findings | Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy | Surgery | Primary Prevention | Secondary Prevention | Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy | Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1


Approximately 10% of the US population is affected by asthma and an increased prevalence of 60% is observed in all age groups, with status asthmaticus requiring the highest rates of hospitalization.[1]

Predisposing factors

  • Increase use of bronchodilator despite resistance,
  • Frequent exacerbations despite the use of corticosteroids,
  • Despite adhering to therapy, a peak flow rate of less than 10% from baseline,
  • Frequent hospitalization for acute attacks,
  • History of syncope or seizure during an acute asthmatic attack,
  • Oxygen saturation lower than 92% despite supplemental oxygen,
  • Airway obstruction is significantly reduced, resulting in severe impairment of air motion that leads to a silent chest with the absence of wheeze suggestive of an imminent respiratory arrest.


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Vital Signs

General Physical Examination

  • Sit upright with arms extended to support the upper chest (tripod position) that assists the use of accessory muscles of respiration
  • Peak flow rate measurement is a simple bedside method to assess the severity of airway obstruction. A red zone indicates less than 50% of the usual or normal peak flow reading signifying a severe airway obstruction.

Respiratory Examination

  • Use of accessory muscles of respiration such as sternocleidomastoid, scalene and intercostal muscles, correlates with the disease severity
  • Intercostal retractions
  • Paradoxical thoraco-abdominal breathing
  • High-pitch prolong polyphonic expiratory wheeze
  • Bilateral crackles
  • Air entry may or may not be reduced depending on the disease severity
  • Absence of wheeze and breath sounds secondary to severe airway obstruction may represent a silent chest which is an ominous sign of imminent respiratory failure.

Cardiovascular Examination

Progressive untreated airway obstruction and increased work of breathing eventually leads to worsening hypoxemia, hypercarbia and increased air trapping with compromised stroke volume that results in bradycardia, hypotension, hypoventilation and subsequent cardiorespiratory arrest.

Neurological Examination

  • Level of consciousness ranges from lethargy, agitation to even loss of consciousness or seizure, secondary to severe airway obstruction, hypoxia and carbon-di-oxide retention.
  • Unable to speak in full sentences

Laboratory Tests

  • Measurement of oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry may be useful to identify patients with acute severe asthma who may rapidly progress to respiratory failure and thereby require more intensive therapy.[2]

Pulmonary Function Test

FEV1 lower than 60% predicted is strongly suggestive of severe airway obstruction.


The presence of supraventricular tachycardia on ECG should raise a suspicion of theophylline toxicity.

Imaging Modalities

High-resolution CT may reveal several structural changes related to small-airway disease including cylindrical bronchiectasis, bronchial wall thickening, and air trapping.[3]

Stating based on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4


  • Helium with oxygen mixture has shown to reduce airway resistance and thereby reduce the work of breathing and also improve bronchodilator efficacy.
  • Non-invasive ventilation using C-PAP or tight-fitting face mask may be used to reduce the work of breathing without intubation.




  1. Gorelick M, Scribano PV, Stevens MW, Schultz T, Shults J (2008) Predicting need for hospitalization in acute pediatric asthma. Pediatr Emerg Care 24 (11):735-44. DOI:10.1097/PEC.0b013e31818c268f PMID: 18955910
  2. Overall JE (1975) Rating session. Video taped interviews and BPRS ratings. Psychopharmacol Bull 11 (1):15. PMID: 1121560
  3. Robards VL, Lubin EN, Medlock TR (1975) Renal transplantation and placement of ileal stoma. Urology 5 (6):787-9. PMID: 1094668
  4. Press S, Lipkind RS (1991) A treatment protocol of the acute asthma patient in a pediatric emergency department. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 30 (10):573-7. PMID: 1934839
  5. Scarfone RJ, Loiselle JM, Joffe MD, Mull CC, Stiller S, Thompson K et al. (2000) A randomized trial of magnesium in the emergency department treatment of children with asthma. Ann Emerg Med 36 (6):572-8. DOI:10.1067/mem.2000.111060 PMID: 11097697
  6. Bessmertny O, DiGregorio RV, Cohen H, Becker E, Looney D, Golden J et al. (2002) A randomized clinical trial of nebulized magnesium sulfate in addition to albuterol in the treatment of acute mild-to-moderate asthma exacerbations in adults. Ann Emerg Med 39 (6):585-91. PMID: 12023699
  7. Glover ML, Machado C, Totapally BR (2002) Magnesium sulfate administered via continuous intravenous infusion in pediatric patients with refractory wheezing. J Crit Care 17 (4):255-8. DOI:10.1053/jcrc.2002.36759 PMID: 12501154
  8. Blitz M, Blitz S, Beasely R, Diner BM, Hughes R, Knopp JA et al. (2005) Inhaled magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute asthma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2):CD003898. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD003898.pub2 PMID: 15846687

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