Surviving a bad interview

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After looking forward to and preparing extensively for an interview, it can be disappointing to encounter a less than ideal interview day or a poor interviewer. Tips for preparing for an interview are found here. What does one do if they have done everything in their control to prepare for the interview, but they encounter less than ideal situations? The fact is that there are some things about the interview day outside your control, but how you respond to the situation is under your control. Never throw away any opportunity to make the best impression possible. Given below are tips on how to handle some of the difficult interview situations encountered.

You are not given the opportunity to meet with the Program Director/ person in charge

This can happen for a variety of reasons, the most common one being that the person in charge is too busy.

  1. For starters, do not take it personally, or bother questioning whether it is intentional towards you as an interviewee. If you let yourself get offended, it will show in your behavior.
  2. Remain confident, positive, and continue to put your best foot forward.
  3. It is likely you will meet with the Associate Program Director, or the second person in charge. Treat this person with the utmost respect, as if they are the person in charge. Do not treat them as second rate individuals, as they will pick up on this. Associate program directors communicate directly and work closely basis with Program Directors, so it is likely whatever impression you leave with them will be communicated back to the program director.
  4. Do not ask the Program Coordinator or anyone else why you did not get to meet with the Program Director/ person in charge. You will look needy and ungrateful, and it is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the answer anyway.

You are asked to arrive at a later time than some of the other applicants, have less interviews, or are interviewed last

This can occur either on purpose, to stagger the interviews so that too many interviewees are not waiting, or by accident due to poor coordination of the interview day.

  1. Again, do not take it personally or bother to question whether it is intentional towards you as an interviewee. It will distract you and will come through in your attitude.
  2. Continue to put your best foot forward, and remain confident in your abilities to impress the interviewer.
  3. Treat the situation as a challenge. If you have less interviews, make it your goal to give the best impression and connect with the interviewers as much as you can in a short amount of time. If you are interviewed last, make it your goal to make an impressive last impression that sets you apart from the other interviewees.