Penile discharge

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Template:Search infobox Steven C. Campbell, M.D., Ph.D.


Penile discharge is commonly associated with STDs. A thorough sexual history along with a complete medical history and physical exam are necessary. In addition, cultures for STDs should be taken though rarely are nonsexually transmitted diseases the cause. A patient that is not circumscised is at higher risk for STDs.

Differential Diagnosis


History and Symptoms

  • History includes:
  • personal history
  • sexual history
  • Note: onset, color, type and duration of discharge


  • Genital exam

Laboratory Findings

X Ray

  • X-ray for detection of foreign bodies, when necessary


  • Penile discharge should be treated as an STD until definitivly ruled out

Medical Therapy


Acute Pharmacotherapies

Primary Prevention

  • Suggest the patient inform all sexual partners of disease so they can seek treatment
  • Discuss safe sexual practice



The content on this page was first contributed by Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

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