Insect bites and stings

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


Insect bites and stings occur when an insect is agitated and seeks to defend itself through its natural defense mechanisms, or when an insect seeks to feed off the bitten person.


Insects inject formic acid, which can cause an immediate skin reaction often resulting in redness and swelling in the injured area.


History and Symptoms

The sting from fire ants, bees, wasps and hornets are usually painful, and may stimulate dangerous allergic reaction called anaphylaxis for at risk patients. Wasps can bite and sting at the same time.


Medical Therapy

Stingers in the skin should be removed by scraping it away with a fingernail or credit card edge. Baking soda paste should then be applied for 20 minutes to neutralize the formic acid. Bites from mosquitoes, fleas and mites are more likely to cause itching than pain.

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