Heart failure smart algorithm

Revision as of 21:15, 24 July 2013 by Mahmoud Sakr (talk | contribs) (/* If you suspect your patient may have heart failure, make sure to stabilize the patient first e.g. provide adequate oxygenation to keep oxygen saturations above 90%, adequate respiratory support with mask/CPAP as needed, monitor blood pressure, keep ...)
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  • Heart failure; congestive heart failure; or commonly known as CHF is the inability of the heart muscle to eject or fill with blood to meet the metabolic demands of the body.

If you suspect your patient may have heart failure, make sure to stabilize the patient first e.g. provide adequate oxygenation to keep oxygen saturations above 90%, adequate respiratory support with mask/CPAP as needed, monitor blood pressure, keep the patient on a monitored bed, then click here