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Author [[PageAuthor::Rim Halaby, M.D. [1]]]
Exam Type ExamType::USMLE Step 1
Main Category MainCategory::Biochemistry
Sub Category SubCategory::Hematology
Prompt [[Prompt::A 6 month old boy is brought by his mother to the pediatrician for evaluation because she is concerned of an abdominal mass she palpated while showering her child. Hepatosplenomegaly is noted on physical exam. Further work-up later reveals the patient has the finding shown in the image below on bone marrow biopsy. Lab work-up will most likely reveal elevated level of which of the following compounds?


Answer A AnswerA::Ceramide trihexoside
Answer A Explanation [[AnswerAExp::Ceramide trihexoside accumulation is characteristic of Fabry’s disease. Always remember that Fabry’s disease and Hunter’s syndrome are X-linked recessive, while other lyososomal storage disease are usually autosomal recessive. (Mnemonic: FABulous HUNTER is X-Rated)]]
Answer B AnswerB::Glucocerebroside
Answer B Explanation AnswerBExp::Glucocerebroside accumulation is characteristic of Gaucher’s disease
Answer C AnswerC::Sphingomyelin
Answer C Explanation AnswerCExp::Sphingomyelin accumulation is characteristic of Niemann-Pick disease
Answer D AnswerD::Galactocerebroside
Answer D Explanation AnswerDExp::Galactocerebroside accumulation is characteristic of Krabbe’s disease
Answer E AnswerE::GM2 ganglioside
Answer E Explanation AnswerEExp::GM2-ganglioside accumulation is characteristic of Tay-Sachs disease
Right Answer RightAnswer::B
Explanation [[Explanation::Gaucher’s disease is an autosomal recessive lyososomal storage disease characterized by deficiency of glucocerebrosidase with accumulation of glucocerebrosides. Patients with Gaucher disease usually have neurological symptoms, hepatosplenomegaly, and aseptic necrosis of the femur. Patients usually complain of bone and joint pain crises, especially in the hips and knees.

Gaucher’s disease is diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy that reveals characteristic Gaucher cells, which are macrophages that appear on light microscopy like crumpled tissue paper.

Educational Objective: Gaucher’s disease is an autosomal recessive lyososomal storage disease characterized by deficiency of glucocerebrosidase and accumulation of glucocerebroside.
Educational Objective:
References: ]]

Approved Approved::No
Keyword WBRKeyword::Gaucher, WBRKeyword::lyosomal, WBRKeyword::storage, WBRKeyword::disease, WBRKeyword::glucocerebroside, WBRKeyword::hepatosplenomegaly
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