Upper gastrointestinal bleeding resident survival guide

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Twinkle Singh, M.B.B.S. [2]


This section provides a short and straight to the point definition of the disease or symptom in one sentence.


Life Threatening Causes

Life-threatening causes include conditions which may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated.

Common Causes


Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the approach to [[disease name]].

Characterize the symptoms:

❑ Blood in vomiting
❑ Coffee ground emesis
❑ Black, tarry stools
❑ Frank blood in stools
❑ Maroon colored stool
Abdominal pain
Altered mental status
Elicit past medical history

❑ History of previous GI bleed
❑ Patient taking anticoagulants
❑ History of NSAIDs intake
❑ History of other comorbities
Physical examination

Abdominal examination

Abdominal tenderness
❑ Involuntary guarding
❑ Bowel sounds

Hyperactive: Suggests UGIB
Hypoactive: Suggests mesenteric ischemia or ileus

Signs of liver failure
Rectal exam to assess stool color
Guaiac test

Signs of hypovolemia:

Severity of blood lossSigns
Mild to moderate Resting tachycardia
15% blood lossOrthostatic hypotension
40% blood lossHypotension
ShockCold clammy extremities,
Weak and thready pulse
Order tests

Blood type and cross-match
Platelet count
Prothrombin time and INR
Liver enzymes

❑ Order EKG and cardiac enzymes to rule out myocardial infarction in elderly patients
Initial assessment

❑ Ensure normal breathing and clear airway

Consider intubation in patients with ongoing massive bleeding
❑ Assess hemodynamic status
❑ Monitor vital signs
Cardiac monitoring
❑ Assess mental status
Patient is unstable and/or massive active bleeding
and/or altered mental status
Patient is stable
❑ Consider admission to ICU after urgent initial resuscitation

Initial resuscitative measures

Nil per oral
❑ 2 large bore IV lines
❑ Supplemental oxygen
❑Fluid resuscitation
* Administer 500 ml of NS during first 30 min and simultaneously send blood sample for cross-matching
* Consider increasing fluid administration if blood pressure fails to rise

❑ Consider blood transfusion in patients with Hb < 7 g/dL
❑ Cardiac monitoring in ICU
Pulse oximetry
❑ Monitor urine output

❑ Order a surgical consult
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