Norovirus infection resident survival guide

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Twinkle Singh, M.B.B.S. [2]


Norovirus is one of the extremely contagious viruses leading to 50% of the gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide.[1] An outbreak of norovirus is defined as an occurrence of 2 or more similar illnesses resulting from a common exposure that is either suspected or laboratory-confirmed to be caused by norovirus.[2]


Life Threatening Causes

Life-threatening causes include conditions which may result in death or permanent disability within 24 hours if left untreated. Severe dehydration can be a life threatening without medical attention.

Common Causes

Approach to Norovirus Outbreak

Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the approach to norovirus infection outbreak according to recommendations by CDC.[3]

Characterize the symptoms

❑ Non bloody diarrhea
Abdominal cramps
Low grade fever
❑ Body aches
Necrotising enterocolitis (in neonates)
❑ Chronic diarrhea (in immunosuppressed)
Irritable bowel syndrome
Collect samples

Whole stool sample

❑ Within 48 to 72 hrs after onset
❑ From at least 5 ill patients
❑ 10-50 ml of whole stool sample in a stool cup is preferred.


❑ If testing done < 3 weeks
❑ Refrigerate samples at 39 F
❑ If testing done > 3 weeks
❑ Refrigerate samples at - 4 F


❑ Bagged, sealed and transported on ice packs in an insulated and waterproof container.

Vomitus sample

❑ Collected, stored and transported in same ways as mentioned above for stool sample.
Environmental samples:
❑ Water sample
❑ Shellfish samples
❑ Environmental surface swabs

(Pursued in consultation with CDC)

Norovirus positive
Norovirus negative
Take measures to prevent and control outbreak (see below)
❑ Treat acute gastroenteritis

Prevention and Control of Norovirus Outbreak

Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the approach to prevention and control of a norovirus infection outbreak according to recommendations by CDC.[3]

Before Cruising

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❑ If you are sick before starting your cruise, consider alternative cruising options.
Hand Hygiene

❑ Wash hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds
❑ Hand sanitizers (with at least 60% alcohol) can be used as an adjunct to soap.
❑ Wash your hands:

❑ Before eating, drinking and smoking
❑ After visiting bathroom
❑ After changing diapers
❑ After touching things that other people might have touched

❑ Avoid touching your face

❑ Do not touch any ready to eat foods with bare hands.
Food and water precautions:

❑ Avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables unless they are washed and peeled by yourself
❑ Avoid eating improperly cooked shellfish, oysters and clams
❑ Prefer food which is cooked properly and served hot
❑ Avoid ice
❑ Safe beverages include :

Bottled or canned water
❑ Bottled carbonated soda
Hot tea, coffee, beer and wine
❑ Boiled water, or water which has been treated appropriately with chlorine.
❑ Beverages from sealed containers are safe
Isolation of infected people

❑ Infected patients should be isolated during period of illness and up to 48-72 hours following recovery.

❑ Asymptomatic but norovirus positive food service workers should also be isolated.
Disinfect environment

❑ Cleaning of contaminated surfaces initially to remove organic loads.
❑ Use freshly prepared 5000 ppm chlorine bleach solution.
❑ Apply disinfecting agent for up to 4 min on fecally soiled surfaces.
❑ Other disinfecting agents include:

❑ Pasteurization to 140 F
❑ Ozone
❑ Hydrozen peroxide
❑ A list of disinfecting agents approved by EPA is available.[4]

Initial Management of Acute Gastroenteritis

Shown below is an algorithm summarizing the approach to initial management of acute gastroenteritis.

Assess volume status
General conditionNormalIrritable/less active*Lethargic/comatose§
EyesNormalSunken -
MucosaNormalDry -
ThirstNormalThirstyUnable to drink§
Radial pulseNormalLow volume*Absent/ uncountable§
Skin turgorNormalReduced -

† Some dehydration = At least two signs, including at least one key sign (*) are present.

‡ Severe dehydration = Signs of “some dehydration” plus at least one key sign (§) are present.
No dehydration
Some dehydration
Severe dehydration
Start altered diet

❑ Stop lactose products
❑ Avoid alcohol and high osmolar supplements
❑ Drink 8-10 large glasses of clear fluids (Fruit juices, soft drinks etc)
❑ Eat frequent small meals (Rice, potato, banana, pastas etc)

Can start oral rehydration therapy (ORT) for replacement of stool losses
❑ Start ORT at a volume of 50-100 mL/kg
❑ Start altered diet
❑ Reassess status every 4 hr
❑ Start IV fluids: Ringer lactate at 30ml/kg in the first 1/2hr and 70ml/kg for the next 2 1/2 hr, if unavailable use normal saline
❑ Assess status every 15 mins until strong pulse felt and then every 1 hr
Patient stable and able to drink
❑ Start ORT at a volume of 100 mL/kg over 4 hour
❑ Calculate the continuing stool and emesis losses every hour for additional maintenance ORT therapy
❑ Reassess status every 4 hr


  • Settings prone to outbreaks:

❑ Health care settings
❑ Restraunts
❑ Cruise ships
❑ Schools and other institutional settings


  1. Patel MM, Hall AJ, Vinjé J, Parashar UD (2009). "Noroviruses: a comprehensive review". J Clin Virol. 44 (1): 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.jcv.2008.10.009. PMID 19084472.
  2. "CDC - Norovirus - Reporting and Surveillance for Norovirus". Retrieved 10 February 2014.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Division of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). "Updated norovirus outbreak management and disease prevention guidelines". MMWR Recomm Rep. 60 (RR-3): 1–18. PMID 21368741.
  4. "" (PDF). Retrieved 10 February 2014. External link in |title= (help)