[[Prompt::A 34-year-old woman who works in a wool factory presents to the emergency room with a boil-like black ulcer which developed on her forearm over the past 3 days. Which component of the organism causing this disease induces the production of TNF and IL-1?]]
[[Explanation::The patient in this passage has become infected with Bacillus anthracis, a gram-positive, spore forming rod. In this case, the patient has contracted Cutaneous anthrax. Patients are often exposed to anthrax in the occupations where they come in frequent contact with animals or their products (such as skin, wool and meat). Inhalational anthrax has alternatively been called ‘Woolsorter’s Disease’
Educational Objective: Cutaneous anthrax is known for causing black eschar lesion. Anthrax is a gram positive rod, whose lipoteichoic acid stimulates IL-1 and TNF. References: First Aid 2014 page 133
First Aid 2012 page 146.]]