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Site of Infection, by Severity or Extent Route of Administration Setting Duration of Therapy
Soft-tissue only Mild (Grade 2) Oral (or topical for superficial infections) Outpatient 1–2 wk
Moderate (Grade 3) Oral (or initial parenteral) Outpatient (or inpatient) 1–3 wk
Severe (Grade 4) Initial parenteral, switch to oral when possible Inpatient, then outpatient 2–4 wk
Bone or joint No residual infected tissue Parenteral or oral Inpatient, then outpatient 2–5 d
Residual infected soft tissue Parenteral or oral Inpatient, then outpatient 1–3 wk
Residual infected, viable bone Initial parenteral, switch to oral when possible Inpatient, then outpatient 4–6 wk
Residual dead bone or no surgery Initial parenteral, switch to oral when possible Inpatient, then outpatient ≥3 mo