ALS Therapy Development Institute
The ALS Therapy Development Institute[1] (ALS TDI) is a nonprofit biotechnology company seeking effective treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS TDF was founded in 1999 by James Heywood and Robert Bonazoli after James' brother, Stephen Heywood, was diagnosed with the disease. In 2007, ALS TDF changed its name to ALS TDI corresponding with a major grant and research partnership with the MDA's Augie's Quest.
ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a neurodegenerative disorder that paralyzes the body but leaves the mind intact. ALS is not rare; 350,000 patients have it worldwide. Patients live on average two-to-five years following diagnosis. There is no cure and no effective treatment.
TDI practices open-source science and maintains a patient and research-focused discussion forum at[1]. ALS TDI is a federal registered 501c3 non-profit organization, all donations go directly to fund research and are considered tax-deductible.
- Contact Information
- ALS Therapy Development Institute
- 215 First Street
- Cambridge, MA 02142
- 617-441-7200
- email: