Ebola primary prevention
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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1] Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Syed Hassan A. Kazmi BSc, MD [2] Serge Korjian M.D., Michael Maddaleni, B.S., Guillermo Rodriguez Nava, M.D. [3]
The transmission of Ebola can be limited by implementing preventive measures in both endemic and nonendemic areas which include isolation of infected patients; using gloves/masks/gowns and other standard barrier precautions; routine hand-washing; careful handling, disposal and/or maintenance of sharp objects; proper waste management and proper handling of human remains after death.
Primary Prevention[1]
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Principles of PPE
To watch the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for donning and doffing of PPE[2], please click here |
Healthcare workers must understand the following basic principles to ensure safe and effective PPE use, which include that no skin may be exposed while working in PPE[3]:
- Donning
- PPE must be donned correctly in proper order before entry into the patient care area and not be later modified while in the patient care area. The donning activities must be directly observed by a trained observer.[3]
- During Patient Care
- PPE must remain in place and be worn correctly for the duration of exposure to potentially contaminated areas. PPE should not be adjusted during patient care.[3]
- Healthcare workers should perform frequent disinfection of gloved hands using an ABHR, particularly after handling body fluids.[3]
- If during patient care a partial or total breach in PPE (e.g., gloves separate from sleeves leaving exposed skin, a tear develops in an outer glove, a needlestick) occurs, the healthcare worker must move immediately to the doffing area to assess the exposure. Implement the facility exposure plan, if indicated by assessment.[3]
- Doffing
- The removal of used PPE is a high-risk process that requires a structured procedure, a trained observer, and a designated area for removal to ensure protection.[3]
- PPE must be removed slowly and deliberately in the correct sequence to reduce the possibility of self-contamination or other exposure to Ebola virus.[3]
- A stepwise process should be developed and used during training and daily practice.[3]
Double gloving provides an extra layer of safety during direct patient care and during the PPE removal process. Beyond this, more layers of PPE may make it more difficult to perform patient care duties and put healthcare workers at greater risk for percutaneous injury (e.g., needlesticks), self-contamination during care or doffing, or other exposures to Ebola. If healthcare facilities decide to add additional PPE or modify this PPE guidance, they must consider the risk/benefit of any modification, and train healthcare workers on correct donning and doffing in the modified procedures.[3]
Recommended PPE
- PAPR or N95 Respirator. If an NIOSH-certified PAPR and an NIOSH-certified fit-tested disposable N95 respirator is used in facility protocols, ensure compliance with all elements of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard, including fit testing, medical evaluation, and training of the healthcare worker.[3]
- PAPR: A PAPR with a full face shield, helmet, or headpiece. Any reusable helmet or headpiece must be covered with a single-use (disposable) hood that extends to the shoulders and fully covers the neck and is compatible with the selected PAPR. The facility should follow manufacturer’s instructions for decontamination of all reusable components and, based upon those instructions, develop facility protocols that include the designation of responsible personnel who assure that the equipment is appropriately reprocessed and that batteries are fully charged before reuse.
- A PAPR with a self-contained filter and blower unit integrated inside the helmet is preferred.
- A PAPR with external belt-mounted blower unit requires adjustment of the sequence for donning and doffing, as described below.
- N95 Respirator: Single-use (disposable) N95 respirator in combination with single-use (disposable) surgical hood extending to shoulders and single-use (disposable) full face shield.
- If N95 respirators are used instead of PAPRs, careful observation is required to ensure healthcare workers are not inadvertently touching their faces under the face shield during patient care.
- Single-use (disposable) fluid resistant or impermeable gown that extends to at least mid-calf or coverall without an integrated hood. Coveralls with or without integrated socks are acceptable.[3]
- Consideration should be given to selecting gowns or coveralls with thumb hooks to secure sleeves over the inner glove. If gowns or coveralls with thumb hooks are not available, personnel may consider taping the sleeve of the gown or cover all over the inner glove to prevent potential skin exposure from the separation between the sleeve and inner glove during activity. However, if taping is used, care must be taken to remove tape gently.
- Experience in some facilities suggests that taping may increase risk by making the doffing process more difficult and cumbersome.
- Single-use (disposable) nitrile examination gloves with extended cuffs. Two pairs of gloves should be worn. At a minimum, outer gloves should have extended cuffs.[3]
- Single-use (disposable), fluid resistant or impermeable boot covers that extend to at least mid-calf or single-use (disposable) shoe covers. [3]
- Boot and shoe covers should allow for ease of movement and not present a slip hazard to the worker.
- Single-use (disposable) fluid resistant or impermeable shoe covers are acceptable only if they will be used in combination with a coverall with integrated socks.[3]
- Single-use (disposable), fluid resistant or impermeable apron that covers the torso to the level of the mid-calf should be used if Ebola patients have vomiting or diarrhea.[3]
- An apron provides additional protection against exposure of the front of the body to body fluids or excrement.
- If a PAPR will be worn, consider selecting an apron that ties behind the neck to facilitate easier removal during the doffing procedure.
Use of a Trained Observer
Because the sequence and actions involved in each donning and doffing step are critical to avoiding exposure, a trained observer will read aloud to the healthcare worker each step in the procedure checklist and visually confirm and document that the step has been completed correctly.[3] The trained observer is a dedicated individual with the sole responsibility of ensuring adherence to the entire donning and doffing process. The trained observer will be knowledgeable about all PPE recommended in the facility’s protocol and the correct donning and doffing procedures, including disposal of used PPE, and will be qualified to provide guidance and technique recommendations to the healthcare worker. The trained observer will monitor and document successful donning and doffing procedures, providing immediate corrective instruction if the healthcare worker is not following the recommended steps.[3] The trained observer should know the exposure management plan in the event of an unintentional break in procedure.[3]
Designated Areas for Donning and Doffing
Facilities should ensure that space and layout allow for clear separation between clean and potentially contaminated areas. It is critical that physical barriers (e.g., plastic enclosures) be used where necessary, along with visible signage, to separate distinct areas and ensure a one-way flow of care moving from clean areas (e.g., area where PPE is donned and unused equipment is stored) to the patient room and to the PPE removal area (area where PPE is removed and discarded).[3]
- Post signage to highlight key aspects of PPE donning and doffing, including[3]
- Designating clean areas vs. potentially contaminated areas
- Reminding healthcare workers to wait for a trained observer before removing PPE
- Reinforcing need for slow and deliberate removal of PPE to prevent self-contamination
- Reminding healthcare workers to perform disinfection of gloved hands in between steps of the doffing procedure, as indicated below.
Designate the following areas with appropriate signage:
1. PPE Storage and Donning Area[3]
- This is an area outside the Ebola patient room (e.g., a nearby vacant patient room, a marked area in the hallway outside the patient room) where clean PPE is stored and where healthcare workers can don PPE before entering the patient’s room. Do not store potentially contaminated equipment, used PPE, or waste removed from the patient’s room in this area. If waste must pass through this area, it must be properly contained.
2. Patient Room[3]
- This is a single-patient room. The door is kept closed. Any item or healthcare worker exiting this room should be considered potentially contaminated.
3. PPE Removal Area[3]
- This is an area in proximity to the patient’s room (e.g., anteroom or adjacent vacant patient room that is separate from the clean area) where healthcare workers leaving the patient’s room can doff and discard their PPE. Alternatively, some steps of the PPE removal process may be performed in a clearly designated area of the patient’s room near the door, provided these steps can be seen and supervised by a trained observer (e.g., through a window such that the healthcare worker doffing PPE can still hear the instructions of the trained observer). Do not use this clearly designated area within the patient room for any other purpose. Stock gloves in a clean section of the PPE removal area accessible to the healthcare worker while doffing.
- In the PPE removal area, provide supplies for disinfection of PPE and for performing hand hygiene and space to remove PPE, including a place for sitting that can be easily cleaned and disinfected, where the healthcare workers can remove boot covers. Provide leak-proof infectious waste containers for discarding used PPE. Perform frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection of the PPE removal area, including upon completion of doffing procedure by healthcare workers.
- If a facility must use the hallway outside the patient room as the PPE removal area, construct physical barriers to close the hallway to through traffic and thereby create an anteroom. In so doing, the facility should make sure that this hallway space complies with fire-codes. Restrict access to this hallway to essential personnel who are properly trained on recommended infection prevention practices for the care of Ebola patients.
Facilities should consider making showers available for use by healthcare workers after doffing of PPE.
Donning Procedure
PAPR-Protocol - This donning procedure assumes the facility has elected to use PAPRs. Use a trained observer to verify successful compliance with the protocol.[3]
- Engage Trained Observer: The donning process is conducted under the guidance and supervision of a trained observer, who confirms visually that all PPE is serviceable and has been donned successfully. The trained observer uses a written checklist to confirm each step in donning PPE and can assist with ensuring and verifying the integrity of the ensemble. No exposed skin or hair of the healthcare worker should be visible at the conclusion of the donning process.
- Remove Personal Clothing and Items: Change into surgical scrubs (or disposable garments) and dedicated washable (plastic or rubber) footwear in a suitable clean area. No personal items (e.g., jewelry, watches, cell phones, pagers, pens) should be brought into the patient room.
- Inspect PPE Prior to Donning: Visually inspect the PPE ensemble to be worn to ensure that it is in serviceable condition, that all required PPE and supplies are available, and that the sizes selected are correct for the healthcare worker. The trained observer reviews the donning sequence with the healthcare worker before the healthcare worker begins the donning process and reads it to the healthcare worker in a step-by-step fashion.
- Perform Hand Hygiene: Perform hand hygiene with ABHR. When using ABHR, allow hands to dry before moving to next step.
- Put on Inner Gloves: Put on the first pair of gloves.
- Put on Boot or Shoe Covers.
- Put on Gown or Coverall: Put on a gown or coverall. Ensure gown or coverall is large enough to allow unrestricted freedom of movement. Ensure cuffs of inner gloves are tucked under the sleeve of the gown or coverall
- If a PAPR with a self-contained filter and blower unit that is integrated inside the helmet is used, then the belt and battery unit must be put on prior to donning the impermeable gown or coverall so that the belt and battery unit are contained under the gown or coverall.
- If a PAPR with the external belt-mounted blower is used, then the blower and tubing must be on the outside of gown or coverall to ensure proper airflow.
- Put on Outer Gloves: Put on second pair of gloves (with extended cuffs). Ensure the cuffs are pulled over the sleeves of the gown or coverall
- Put on Respirator: Put on PAPR with a full face-shield, helmet, or headpiece
- If a PAPR with a self-contained filter and blower unit integrated inside the helmet is used, then a single-use (disposable) hood that extends to the shoulders and fully covers the neck must also be used. Be sure that the hood covers all of the hair and the ears, and that it extends past the neck to the shoulders.
- If a PAPR with external belt-mounted blower unit and attached reusable headpiece is used, then a single-use (disposable) hood that extends to the shoulders and fully covers the neck must also be used. Be sure that the hood covers all of the hair and the ears, and that it extends past the neck to the shoulders.
- Put on Outer Apron (if used): Put on full-body apron to provide additional protection to the front of the body against exposure to body fluids or excrement from the patient.
- Verify: After completing the donning process, the integrity of the ensemble is verified by the trained observer. The healthcare worker should be comfortable and able to extend the arms, bend at the waist, and go through a range of motions to ensure there is sufficient range of movement while all areas of the body remain covered. A mirror in the room can be useful for the healthcare worker while donning PPE.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with ABHR. Allow drying prior to patient contact.
N95 Protocol - This donning procedure assumes the facility has elected to use N95 masks. Use a trained observer to verify successful compliance with the protocol.[3]
- Engage Trained Observer: The donning process is conducted under the guidance and supervision of a trained observer who confirms visually that all PPE is serviceable and has been donned successfully. The trained observer will use a written checklist to confirm each step in donning PPE and can assist with ensuring and verifying the integrity of the ensemble. No exposed skin or hair of the healthcare worker should be visible at the conclusion of the donning process.
- Remove Personal Clothing and Items: Change into surgical scrubs (or disposable garments) and dedicated washable (plastic or rubber) footwear in a suitable, clean area. No personal items (e.g., jewelry, watches, cell phones, pagers, pens) should be brought into the patient room.
- Inspect PPE Prior to Donning: Visually inspect the PPE ensemble to be worn to ensure it is in serviceable condition, all required PPE and supplies are available, and that the sizes selected are correct for the healthcare worker. The trained observer reviews the donning sequence with the healthcare worker before the healthcare worker begins and reads it to the healthcare worker in a step-by-step fashion.
- Perform Hand Hygiene: Perform hand hygiene with ABHR. When using ABHR, allow hands to dry before moving to next step.
- Put on Inner Gloves: Put on the first pair of gloves.
- Put on Boot or Shoe Covers.
- Put on Gown or Coverall: Put on gown or coverall. Ensure gown or coverall is large enough to allow unrestricted freedom of movement. Ensure cuffs of inner gloves are tucked under the sleeve of the gown or coverall.
- Put on N95 Respirator: Put on N95 respirator. Complete a user seal check.
- Put on Surgical Hood: Over the N95 respirator, place a surgical hood that covers all of the hair and the ears, and ensure that it extends past the neck to the shoulders. Be certain that hood completely covers the ears and neck.
- Put on Outer Apron (if used): Put on full-body apron to provide additional protection to the front of the body against exposure to body fluids or excrement from the patient.
- Put on Outer Gloves: Put on the second pair of gloves (with extended cuffs). Ensure the cuffs are pulled over the sleeves of the gown or coverall.
- Put on Face Shield: Put on full face shield over the N95 respirator and surgical hood to provide additional protection to the front and sides of the face, including skin and eyes.
- Verify: After completing the donning process, the integrity of the ensemble is verified by the trained observer. The healthcare worker should be comfortable and able to extend the arms, bend at the waist and go through a range of motions to ensure there is sufficient range of movement while all areas of the body remain covered. A mirror in the room can be useful for the healthcare worker while donning PPE.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with ABHR. Allow drying prior to patient contact.
Doffing Procedure
PAPR Protocol - PPE doffing should be performed in the designated PPE removal area. Place all PPE waste in a leak-proof infectious waste container.[3]
- Engage Trained Observer: The doffing process is conducted under the supervision of a trained observer, who reads aloud each step of the procedure and confirms visually that the PPE is removed properly. Prior to doffing PPE, the trained observer must remind the healthcare worker to avoid reflexive actions that may put them at risk, such as touching their face. Post this instruction and repeat it verbally during doffing. Although the trained observer should minimize touching the healthcare worker or the healthcare worker’s PPE during the doffing process, the trained observer may assist with removal of specific components of PPE, as outlined below. The trained observer disinfects the outer-gloved hands immediately after handling any healthcare worker PPE.
- Inspect: Inspect the PPE to assess for visible contamination, cuts, or tears before starting to remove. If any PPE is potentially contaminated, then disinfect using an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe. If the facility conditions permit and appropriate regulations are followed, an *EPA-registered disinfectant spray can be used, particularly on contaminated areas.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR, and allow to dry.
- Remove Apron (if used): Remove and discard apron taking care to avoid contaminating gloves by rolling the apron from inside to outside.
- Inspect: Following apron removal, inspect the PPE ensemble to assess for visible contamination or cuts or tears. If visibly contaminated, then disinfect affected PPE using an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Boot or Shoe Covers: While sitting down, remove and discard boot or shoe covers.
- Disinfect and Remove Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Remove and discard outer gloves, taking care not to contaminate inner glove during removal process.
- Inspect and Disinfect Inner Gloves: Inspect the inner gloves’ outer surfaces for visible contamination, cuts, or tears. If an inner glove is visibly soiled, cut, or torn, then disinfect the glove with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Then remove the inner gloves, perform hand hygiene with ABHR on bare hands, and don a clean pair of gloves. If visible contamination, cuts, or tears are identified on the inner gloves, then disinfect the inner-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Respirator (PAPR):
- If a PAPR with a self-contained filter and blower unit integrated inside the helmet is used, then wait until Step 15 for removal and go to Step 11.
- If a PAPR with an external belt-mounted blower unit is used, then all components must be removed at this step.
- Remove and discard disposable hood.
- Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove headpiece, blower, tubing, and the belt and battery unit. This step might require assistance from the trained observer. Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Place all reusable PAPR components in an area or container designated for the collection of PAPR components for disinfection.
- Remove Gown or Coverall: Remove and discard.
- Depending on gown design and location of fasteners, the healthcare worker can either untie fasteners, receive assistance by the trained observer to unfasten the gown, or gently break fasteners. Avoid contact of scrubs or disposable garments with outer surface of gown during removal. #Pull gown away from body, rolling inside out and touching only the inside of the gown.
- To remove coverall, tilt head back and reach under the PAPR hood to reach zipper or fasteners. Use a mirror to help avoid touching the skin. Unzip or unfasten coverall completely before rolling down and turning inside out. Avoid contact of scrubs with outer surface of coverall during removal, touching only the inside of the coverall.
- Disinfect Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR
- Disinfect Washable Shoes: Sitting on a new clean surface (e.g., second clean chair, clean side of a bench) use an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe to wipe down every external surface of the washable shoes.
- Disinfect Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Respirator (if not already removed): If a PAPR with a self-contained filter and blower unit that is integrated inside helmet is used, then remove all components.
- Remove and discard disposable hood
- Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR
- Remove and discard inner gloves taking care not to contaminate bare hands during removal process
- Perform hand hygiene with ABHR
- Don a new pair of inner gloves
- Remove helmet and the belt and battery unit. This step might require assistance from the trained observer.
- Disinfect and Remove Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Remove and discard gloves taking care not to contaminate bare hands during removal process.
- Perform Hand Hygiene: Perform hand hygiene with ABHR.
- Inspect: Perform a final inspection of healthcare worker for any indication of contamination of the surgical scrubs or disposable garments. If contamination is identified, immediately inform infection preventionist or occupational safety and health coordinator or their designee before exiting PPE removal area.
- Scrubs: Healthcare worker can leave PPE removal area wearing dedicated washable footwear and surgical scrubs or disposable garments.
- Shower: Showers are recommended at each shift’s end for healthcare workers performing high-risk patient care (e.g., exposed to large quantities of blood, body fluids, or excreta). Showers are also suggested for healthcare workers spending extended periods of time in the Ebola patient room.
- Protocol Evaluation/Medical Assessment: Either the infection preventionist or occupational safety and health coordinator or their designee on the unit at the time should meet with the healthcare worker to review the patient care activities performed to identify any concerns about care protocols and to record healthcare worker’s level of fatigue
N95 Protocol - PPE doffing is performed in the designated PPE removal area. Place all PPE waste in a leak-proof infectious waste container.[3]
- Engage Trained Observer: The doffing process is conducted under the supervision of a trained observer, who reads aloud each step of the procedure and confirms visually that the PPE has been removed properly. Prior to doffing PPE, the trained observer must remind healthcare workers to avoid reflexive actions that may put them at risk, such as touching their face. Post this instruction and repeat it verbally during doffing. Although the trained observer should minimize touching healthcare workers or their PPE during the doffing process, the trained observer may assist with removal of specific components of PPE as outlined below. The trained observer disinfects the outer-gloved hands immediately after handling any healthcare worker PPE.
- Inspect: Inspect the PPE to assess for visible contamination, cuts, or tears before starting to remove. If any PPE is visibly contaminated, then disinfect using an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe. If the facility conditions permit and appropriate regulations are followed, an *EPA-registered disinfectant spray can be used, particularly on contaminated areas.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Apron (if used): Remove and discard apron taking care to avoid contaminating gloves by rolling the apron from inside to outside.
- Inspect: Following apron removal, inspect the PPE ensemble to assess for visible contamination or cuts or tears. If visibly contaminated, then disinfect affected PPE using an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe.
- Disinfect Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Boot or Shoe Covers: While sitting down, remove and discard boot or shoe covers.
- Disinfect and Remove Outer Gloves: Disinfect outer-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Remove and discard outer gloves taking care not to contaminate inner gloves during removal process.
- Inspect and Disinfect Inner Gloves: Inspect the inner gloves’ outer surfaces for visible contamination, cuts, or tears. If an inner glove is visibly soiled, cut, or torn, then disinfect the glove with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Then remove the inner gloves, perform hand hygiene with ABHR on bare hands, and don a clean pair of gloves. If visible contamination, cuts, or tears are identified on the inner gloves, then disinfect the inner-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Face Shield: Remove the full face shield by tilting the head slightly forward, grabbing the rear strap and pulling it over the head, gently allowing the face shield to fall forward and discard. Avoid touching the front surface of the face shield.
- Disinfect Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Surgical Hood: Unfasten (if applicable) surgical hood, gently remove, and discard. The trained observer may assist with unfastening hood.
- Disinfect Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR.
- Remove Gown or Coverall: Remove and discard.
- Depending on gown design and location of fasteners, the healthcare worker can either untie fasteners, receive assistance by the trained observer to unfasten to gown, or gently break fasteners. Avoid contact of scrubs or disposable garments with outer surface of gown during removal. Pull gown away from body, rolling inside out and touching only the inside of the gown.
- To remove coverall, tilt head back to reach zipper or fasteners. Unzip or unfasten coverall completely before rolling down and turning inside out. Avoid contact of scrubs with outer surface of coverall during removal, touching only the inside of the coverall.
- Disinfect and Change Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Remove and discard gloves taking care not to contaminate bare hands during removal process. Perform hand hygiene with ABHR. Don a new pair of inner gloves.
- Remove N95 Respirator: Remove the N95 respirator by tilting the head slightly forward, grasping first the bottom tie or elastic strap, then the top tie or elastic strap, and remove without touching the front of the N95 respirator. Discard N95 respirator.
- Disinfect Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner gloves with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR
- Disinfect Washable Shoes: Sitting on a new clean surface (e.g., second clean chair, clean side of a bench) use an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe to wipe down every external surface of the washable shoes.
- Disinfect and Remove Inner Gloves: Disinfect inner-gloved hands with either an *EPA-registered disinfectant wipe or ABHR. Remove and discard gloves taking care not to contaminate bare hands during removal process.
- Perform Hand Hygiene: Perform hand hygiene with ABHR.
- Inspect: Perform a final inspection of healthcare worker for any indication of contamination of the surgical scrubs or disposable garments. If contamination is identified, immediately inform infection preventionist or occupational safety and health coordinator or their designee before exiting PPE removal area.
- Scrubs: Healthcare worker can leave PPE removal area wearing dedicated washable footwear and surgical scrubs or disposable garments.
- Shower: Showers are recommended at each shift’s end for healthcare workers performing high risk patient care (e.g., exposed to large quantities of blood, body fluids, or excreta). Showers are also suggested for healthcare workers spending extended periods of time in the Ebola patient room.
- Protocol Evaluation/Medical Assessment: Either the infection preventionist or occupational health safety and health coordinator or their designee on the unit at the time should meet with the healthcare worker to review the patient care activities performed to identify any concerns about care protocols and to record healthcare worker’s level of fatigue.
rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine
- rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine is a recombinant, replication-competent vesicular stomatitis virus-based candidate vaccine carrying the glycoproteins of Zaire Ebola virus.[4]
- In 2015, A trial conducted in Guinea involving 11,841 subjects demonstrated the efficacy of rVSV-ZEBOV in preventing Ebola virus induced hemorrhagic fever in the 1st and 2nd degree contacts of patients infected with Ebola virus.[5]
- The study utilized a“ring vaccination” design whereby each case contact (household contacts, workmates, visitors, etc) for 3 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms was followed and their network was mapped to form a "cluster". A total of 117 clusters were identified; each one consisted of approximately 80 individuals. Subjects (contacts of the infected individual) were randomized either to receive the vaccine immediately or 3 weeks after the start of the trial. The vaccine was given to those who are above 18 years of age.
- After 10 days, none of the participants in the vaccinated group developed hemorrhagic fever. At the same time, 23 cases of Ebola virus infection were confirmed in the delayed vaccine group (who had not yet been immunized).
- The vaccine is not fully approved yet, however, it can be available prior to approval during an outbreak through a “compassionate use" approval, meaning that it can be administered after signing an informed consent.
- In light of the recent (2018) outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo[6], high hopes are held upon the "compassionate use" of rVSV-ZEBOV to limit the impact of the outbreak.
- The ring vaccination strategy is a highly efficient delivery strategy for Ebola vaccines during outbreaks. Only 2 contacts of contacts developed EVD suggesting ring vaccination is effective in preventing tertiary generation of cases. This concept, which is based on smallpox eradication strategies, considers the fact that Ebola transmits mainly through human-to-human contact, has a relatively long serial interval (i.e., 2 weeks), and that the people at risk of contracting the disease can be identified (contacts and contacts of contacts). It is also efficient for teams operating in an insecure context and is a dose sparing vaccination strategy.

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Other vaccines under experimentation
- Designed to provide both cell mediated and humoral immunity, using plasmids from different ebola strains (incluidng strains from 2014 outbreak).[7]
- Primary outcome measures are expected to be released by May 2018.[8]
Infection Control Precautions
- Patients who are hospitalized or treated in an outpatient healthcare setting should be placed in a private room and Standard, Contact, and Droplet Precautions should be initiated.[9]. Patients with respiratory symptoms also should wear a face mask to contain respiratory droplets prior to placement in their hospital or examination room and during transport.[10]
- Caretakers should use appropriate PPE (detailed below) to prevent skin or mucous membrane exposure of the eyes, nose, and mouth with patient blood, other body fluids, secretions (including respiratory droplets), or excretions.
- Nonessential staff and visitors should be restricted from entering the room of patients with suspected VHF. Maintain a log of persons entering the patient’s room.
- Use a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered hospital disinfectant with a label claim for a non-enveloped virus (e.g., norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, poliovirus) to disinfect environmental surfaces in rooms of patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus infection. Although there are no products with specific label claims against the Ebola virus, enveloped viruses such as Ebola are susceptible to a broad range of hospital disinfectants used to disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces. In contrast, non-enveloped viruses are more resistant to disinfectants. As a precaution, selection of a disinfectant product with a higher potency than what is normally required for an enveloped virus is being recommended at this time. EPA-registered hospital disinfectants with label claims against non-enveloped viruses (e.g., norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, poliovirus) are broadly antiviral and capable of inactivating both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.
- Avoid contamination of reusable porous surfaces that cannot be made single use. Use only a mattress and pillow with plastic or other covering that fluids cannot get through. Do not place patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus infection in carpeted rooms and remove all upholstered furniture and decorative curtains from patient rooms before use.
- To reduce exposure among staff to potentially contaminated textiles (cloth products) while laundering, discard all linens, non-fluid-impermeable pillows or mattresses, and textile privacy curtains into the waste stream and disposed of appropriately.
- The Ebola virus is a classified as a Category A infectious substance by and regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). Any item transported offsite for disposal that is contaminated or suspected of being contaminated with a Category A infectious substance must be packaged and transported in accordance with the HMR. This includes medical equipment, sharps, linens, and used health care products (such as soiled absorbent pads or dressings, kidney-shaped emesis pans, portable toilets, used Personal Protection Equipment (gowns, masks, gloves, goggles, face shields, respirators, booties, etc.) or byproducts of cleaning) contaminated or suspected of being contaminated with a Category A infectious substance.
Key Components of Standard, Contact, and Droplet Precautions Recommended for Prevention of EVD Transmission in U.S. Hospitals
Component | Recommendation | Comments |
Facility Infrastructure- Patient Room(s) |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) | Detailed above | |
Patient Care Equipment |
Patient Care Considerations |
Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) |
Hand Hygiene |
Safe Injection practices |
Duration of Infection Control Precautions |
Monitoring and Management of Potentially Exposed Personnel | Facilities should develop policies for monitoring and management of potentially exposed HCP Facilities should develop sick leave policies for HCP that are non-punitive, flexible and consistent with public health guidance
Monitoring, Management, and Training of Visitors | Avoid entry of visitors into the patient's room
Visits should be scheduled and controlled to allow for:
Primary Prevention in Endemic Areas[11][12]
Standard Precautions
A patient with a virus hemorrhagic fever (VHF) may come to the health facility at any point in his or her illness:
- When the possibility of exposure is often highest
- Before the specific cause of the patient’s illness is known
Because an health worker cannot always know when a patient’s body fluids are infectious, standard precautions should be used with all patients in the health care setting, regardless of their infection status. Standard Precautions are designed to prevent unprotected contact between the health care worker and:
- Blood and all body fluids whether or not they contain blood
- Mucous membranes.
When a specific diagnosis is made, additional precautions are taken, based on how the disease is transmitted.
Limited supplies and resources may prevent a health facility from using all the Standard Precautions all the time. However, health facilities should establish and maintain a basic, practical level of Standard Precautions that can be used routinely with patients in their health facility. At a minimum, consider the services in the health facility that present a risk of disease transmission due to potential contact with blood and all body fluids, broken skin or mucous membranes. For health facility staff who work in such areas, establish at least:
- A source of clean water
- Routine handwashing before and after any contact with a patient who has fever
- Safe handling and disposal of sharp instruments and equipment, including needles and syringes
Infection Control Measures
Routine Hand Washing
Handwashing is the most important precaution for the prevention of infections. Handwashing before and after contact with a patient who has fever should be a routine practice in the health facility even when VHF is not present. Washing hands with soap and water eliminates microorganisms from the skin and hands. This provides some protection against transmission of VHF and other diseases. In services where health care workers see patients with fever, provide at least:
- Cake soap cut into small pieces.
- Soap dishes. Microorganisms grow and multiply in humidity and standing water. If cake soap is used, provide soap dishes with openings that allow water to drain away.
- Running water, or a bucket kept full with clean water.
- A bucket for collecting rinse water and a ladle for dipping, if running water is not available.
- One-use towels. Sharing towels can result in contamination. Use paper towels. If they are not available, provide cloth towels that can be used once and then laundered. If towels are not available, health care workers and health facility staff can air-dry their hands
Make sure health facility staff know the steps of hand-washing:
- Place a piece of soap in the palm of one hand
- Wash the opposite hand and forearm. Rub the surfaces vigorously for at least 10 seconds. Move soap to the opposite hand and repeat
- Use clean water to rinse both hands and then the forearms. If running water is not available, pour clean water from a bucket over the soapy hands and forearms. The rinse water should drain into another bucket
- Dry the hands and forearms with a clean, one-use towel. First dry the hands and then the forearms. Or let rinsed hands and forearms air-dry
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
MSF (Doctors Without Borders) Protocol
Video courtesy of The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Advertisements in the embedded video are not endorsed by WikiDoc.org
Handling Equipment
- Disease transmission can occur through accidental needlestick injuries. Make sure health facility staff always handle sharp instruments safely. Do not recap needles after use.
- Limit invasive procedures to reduce the number of injectable medications. This will limit the opportunities for accidental needlestick injuries.
- When an injection is necessary, always use a sterile needle and sterile syringe for each injection.
- To discard disposable needles and syringes safely: Disposable needles and syringes should be used only once. Discard the used disposable needle and syringe in a puncture-resistant container. Then burn the container in an incinerator or pit for burning.
- If puncture-resistant containers are not available, use empty water, oil, or bleach bottles made with plastic or other burnable material. Adapt them for use as puncture-resistant containers.
- Reusable needles and syringes are not recommended. If reusable needles and syringes are used, clean, disinfect and sterilize them before reuse, according to your hospital’s policy.
- Needles and syringes used with VHF patients require special care. Cleaning staff should wear two pairs of gloves when handling needles and syringes used with any patient with a known or suspected VHF.
- Whenever possible, use disposable needles and syringes only once and then discard them safely.
- In situations when disposable needles and syringes must be reused, make sure they are cleaned and disinfected after each use. Disinfection with bleach will reduce the risk of transmission of VHF and blood-borne diseases, such as HIV infection and viral hepatitis.
- Obtain a jar or pan. Clean and disinfect it.
- Place the disposable needle and syringe in a pan of soapy water after use. Fill the needle and syringe with soapy water. Leave them to soak until they are cleaned.
- Take the soaking needles and syringes to the cleaning area.
- Clean them very carefully in soap and water. Remove any blood or other biological waste, especially from the area around the syringe fittings. Blood or other biological products may collect in these small openings.
- Draw full-strength bleach into the needle and syringe.
- Soak for 30 seconds, and then expel bleach into a container for contaminated waste.
- Soak again by once more drawing full-strength bleach into the needle and syringe. Soak for 30 seconds, and then expel bleach into the container for contaminated waste.
- Let the disinfected needle and syringe air-dry. Store them in a clean jar or pan that has been disinfected.
- Environmental surfaces or objects contaminated with blood, other body fluids, secretions or excretions should be cleaned and disinfected using standard hospital detergents/disinfectants. Application of disinfectant should be preceded by cleaning.
- Do not spray (i.e. fog) occupied or unoccupied clinical areas with disinfectant. This is a potentially dangerous practice that has no proven disease control benefit.
- Wear gloves, gown and closed shoes (e.g. boots) when cleaning the environment and handling infectious waste. Cleaning heavily soiled surfaces (e.g. soiled with vomit or blood) increases the risk of splashes. On these occasions, facial protection should be worn in addition to gloves, gown and closed, resistant shoes.
- Soiled linen should be placed in clearly-labelled, leak-proof bags or buckets at the site of use and the container surfaces should be disinfected (using an effective disinfectant) before removal from the site. Linen should be transported directly to the laundry area and laundered promptly with water and detergent. For low-temperature laundering, wash linen with detergent and water, rinse and then soak in 0.05% chlorine for approximately 30 minutes. Linen should then be dried according to routine standards and procedures.
- Linen that has been used by HF patients can be heavily contaminated with body fluids (e.g. blood, vomit) and splashes may result during handling. When handling soiled linen from hemorrhagic fever patients, use gloves, gown, closed shoes and facial protection.
- If safe cleaning and disinfection of heavily soiled linen is not possible or reliable, it may be prudent to burn the linen to avoid any unnecessary risks to individuals handling these items.
Waste Management
- Waste should be triaged to enable appropriate and safe handling.
- Sharp objects (e.g. needles, syringes, glass articles) and tubing that has been in contact with the bloodstream should be placed inside puncture resistant containers. These should be located as close as practical to the area in which the items are used.
- Collect all solid, non-sharp, medical waste using leak-proof waste bags and covered bins.
- Waste should be placed in a designated pit of appropriate depth (e.g. 2 m deep and filled to a depth of 1–1.5 m). After each waste load the waste should be covered with a layer of soil 10–15 cm deep.
- An incinerator may be used for short periods during an outbreak to destroy solid waste. However, it is essential to ensure that total incineration has taken place. Caution is also required when handling flammable material and when wearing gloves due to the risk of burn injuries if gloves are ignited.
- Placenta and anatomical samples should be buried in a separate pit.
- The area designated for the final treatment and disposal of waste should have controlled access to prevent entry by animals, untrained personnel or children.
- Wear gloves, gown and closed shoes (e.g. boots) when handling solid infectious waste.
- Waste, such as feces, urine and vomit, and liquid waste from washing, can be disposed of in the sanitary sewer or pit latrine. No further treatment is necessary.
- Wear gloves, gown, closed shoes and facial protection, when handling liquid infectious waste (e.g. any secretion or excretion with visible blood even if it originated from a normally sterile body cavity). Avoid splashing when disposing of liquid infectious waste. Goggles provide greater protection than visors from splashes that may come from below when pouring liquid waste from a bucket.
Interim Guidance for the U.S. Residence Decontamination for Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) and Removal of Contaminated Waste
Effective disinfectant product(s)
Use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered hospital disinfectant according to manufacturer’s instructions with a label claim against a non-enveloped virus, such as norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, or poliovirus. Currently, no EPA-registered disinfectant products will have a statement on the label that specifically says it can kill Ebola virus. However, any EPA-registered disinfectant that is effective against a non-enveloped virus will also be effective against Ebola virus.</ref>[13] One simple way to identify an appropriate product effective against Ebola virus is to use a product included in EPA’s List L: Disinfectants for Use Against the Ebola Virus.[13]
Level of cleaning and decontamination
Once a person has been confirmed to have Ebola, the way to decontaminate the residence depends on the person’s symptoms at the time they were in the residence:[13]
- Cleaning by residents - If the person with Ebola only had a fever with no gastrointestinal (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting) or hemorrhagic (bleeding) symptoms while he or she was in the residence, the person should not be contaminating their environment. Therefore, remaining members of the residence can clean and launder as normal.[13]
- Cleaning by contract company - If the person with Ebola had a fever AND diarrhea, vomiting, and/or unexplained bleeding, public health and/or assigned authorities may need to contact a contract company who will assess the residence to determine the proper decontamination and disposal procedures. Remaining members of the residence should avoid contaminated rooms and areas until after the completion of the assessment and decontamination.[13]
Which contract companies can conduct the cleaning?
Companies with experience in cleaning biohazard and crimes scenes. Any contract company conducting such work must comply with the its state’s Ebola policies and with OSHA standards for, among others that may apply, bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory protection, and hazard communication (e.g., for chemical hazards).[13]
Transport of waste
Transportation of Ebola-contaminated waste (i.e., materials that cannot be decontaminated and were in contact with the person with Ebola having fever AND diarrhea, vomiting, and/or unexplained bleeding) must be packaged and transported in accordance with regulations on the transportation of Ebola contaminated items provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT): U.S. DOT Hazardous Materials Regulation for Category A Infectious Substance. If a contract company is handling the waste, requirements in OSHA standards, including Bloodborne Pathogens may also apply.[13]
Contract company
A company hired to complete a needed task. In regards to decontaminating residences of Ebola virus, the contract company will be specialized in decontaminating, handling, and discarding of toxic chemicals, infectious agents, etc. with experience in cleaning biohazard or crime scenes and comply with all health and safety regulations.[13]
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Equipment worn to prevent exposure to hazardous substances (e.g., chemicals, infectious agents, particles). For Ebola decontamination, the level of PPE will vary due to the contamination level and chemicals used for cleaning and decontaminating. [13]
Decontamination and waste disposal - Determined by the symptoms of the person confirmed with Ebola while they were within the residence
- Remaining members of residences where a person with Ebola only had a fever with no gastrointestinal (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting) or hemorrhagic (bleeding) symptoms, can clean and launder as normal because the individual should not be contaminating their environment.[13]
- Remaining members of residences where a person with Ebola had a fever AND diarrhea, vomiting, and/or unexplained bleeding should have local public health and/or assigned authorities for Ebola emergency response managing the decontamination and waste disposal through a contract company. Members of the residence (or property owners, if the residence is rented) should not handle contaminated materials; do not touch any body fluids or soiled surfaces and materials.[13]
- The public health authorities can assist in finding a qualified contract company. Any contract company conducting such work must comply with the its state’s Ebola policies and with OSHA standards for, among others that may apply,bloodborne pathogens, personal protective equipment (PPE), respiratory protection, and hazard communication (e.g., for chemical hazards). In states that operate their own occupational safety and health programs, different or additional requirements may exist. The contract company will assess the residence to determine the proper decontamination and disposal procedures. Only areas/rooms with contamination from diarrhea, vomiting, unexplained bleeding, and/or other body fluids, will need to be cleaned and disinfected.[13]
Recommendations for contract companies about disinfectants, training requirements, PPE, and waste removal
- For non-porous surfaces (e.g., door handles, tile floors), use an EPA-registered hospital disinfectant according to manufacturer’s instructions with a label claim against a non-enveloped virus, such as norovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, or poliovirus. Any EPA-registered disinfectant that is effective against a non-enveloped virus will also be effective against Ebola virus.[13]
- Porous materials (e.g., linens, carpet, mattress, pillows) should be properly contained and disposed of according to regulations set by the state where the waste is located. Store the properly contained contaminated material in a room that is not being used until it can be collected for disposal.[13]
- Waste contaminated with Ebola virus must be packaged and transported in accordance to U.S. DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations. If a contract company is handling the waste, requirements in OSHA standards, including Bloodborne Pathogens may also apply.[13]
Contract company requirements and PPE (biological and chemical)
Contract company employees must be properly trained. The contract company is responsible for selecting and providing PPE to protect their workers from exposure to Ebola and to chemical hazards from the cleaning and disinfectant agents. Where respiratory hazards exist, such as from aerosolized viral particles or chemicals used in cleaning and disinfection, workers must use NIOSH-approved respirators, be fit-tested before using respirators, and be medically cleared.[13]
Interim guidance summary for decontamination and waste disposal in a U.S. residence where a person has Ebola
Category | Definition | Decontamination and Disposal | Training and PPE |
Cleaning by residents |
Cleaning by contract company |
Table adapted from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Interim guidance summary for decontamination and waste disposal in a U.S. residence where a person has Ebola.[13]
Interim Recommendations for Cleaning Houses Safely in West Africa Ebola-Affected Areas after Persons with Symptoms of Ebola are Transferred to Ebola Treatment Units or Community Care Centers
- Only one person should be responsible to clean the house after someone in the household with symptoms of Ebola is transferred to an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) or Ebola Community Care Center (CCC).[14]
- Do not touch body fluids or anything that was used by the sick person including bed covers, plate, cup and utensils without wearing appropriate protective gear.[14]
Prepare Strong (0.5%) and Mild (0.05%) Chlorine Solutions
- You can make these chlorine solutions from a variety of different products.[14]
- Chlorine powder
- 5% liquid bleach
- 3.5% liquid bleach
- 2.6% liquid bleach
- Chlorine powder
- If using liquid bleach to make strong (0.5%) and mild (0.05%) chlorine solutions, then make sure you know what kind of liquid bleach (what percentage: 5%, 3.5% or 2.6%) you are using.[14]
Protective Gear to be Used For Cleaning Procedures[14]
- Heavy duty/rubber gloves and, if available, nitrile or latex gloves to be used below rubber gloves.
- Impermeable water-proof gown or a long waste plastic bag to cover your full body.
- Closed shoes, ideally boots.
- Face protection (e.g., mask and goggles or face shield) if cleaning surfaces contaminated with body fluids such as saliva, sweat, blood, feces, urine or vomit.
- Put on these items before you start any of the cleaning procedures below.
Cleaning Procedures
- For latrines used by the sick person or blood stains, urine, vomit, or stool on the floor[14]
- Pour carefully 0.5% chlorine solution on the latrine and floor using a cup or a bottle and let it sit for 15 minutes. Sprayers should not be used to avoid formation of droplets.
- If floor is visibly soiled with body fluids such as blood, urine, vomit or stool, then use a towel to cover the soiled area and pour 0.5% chlorine solution on top of the towel to avoid splashes or dispersion of body fluid spills. Let the towel with chlorine solution on the surface for 15 minutes.
- Remove dirty towel after 15 minutes and dispose in a plastic bag.
- Clean and remove remaining chlorine solution using a towel or absorbent fabric soaked with 0.5% chlorine solution.
- Do not touch any spills of body fluids. Use a wooden stick to clean the floor using the towels or fabrics soaked with 0.5% chlorine solution.
- Rinse the floor and latrine with water and soap to reduce chlorine residues.
- Dispose all dirty towels/fabrics in a plastic bag and burn the plastic bag containing the dirty towels/fabrics.
- Pour carefully 0.5% chlorine solution on the latrine and floor using a cup or a bottle and let it sit for 15 minutes. Sprayers should not be used to avoid formation of droplets.
- Chamber/Bucket used as latrines[14]
- Keep the bucket sick person used closed.
- Carefully pour enough of the 0.5% chlorine solution into the bucket to cover the contents. Let solution stay for 30 minutes.
- Dump the contents in a latrine after 30 minutes.
- Use a clean towel or fabric soaked with 0.5% chlorine solution to clean latrine.
- Rinse the bucket with 0.5% chlorine solution and then wash with water and soap.
- Keep the bucket sick person used closed.
- Clothes, linens, towels, and mattress that were in contact with the sick person[14]
- Throw linens, towels or clothes that are visibly soiled with blood, vomit, urine, or feces, away in a plastic bag to be burned.
- Put linens, towels, or clothes that are NOT visibly soiled in a bucket with 0.05% chlorine solution. Let it stay for 30 minutes and then wash normally.
- If mattress is NOT covered with plastic sheeting, then pour 0.5% chlorine solution on mattress and burn it outside of the house with the other items that need to be burned.
- If mattress is covered with plastic sheeting, then pour 0.5% chlorine solution on the plastic sheeting, let the solution sit for 15 minutes, remove solution with towel, and then wash the plastic sheeting normally.
- Throw linens, towels or clothes that are visibly soiled with blood, vomit, urine, or feces, away in a plastic bag to be burned.
- Plates, utensils, and cups[14]
- Remove all plates, cups, and utensils used by the sick person.
- Throw away left over food in a plastic bag.
- Wash plates, cups, and utensils with clean water and soap.
- Rinse plates, cups, and utensils with 0.05% chlorine solution and let them air-dry.
- Remove all plates, cups, and utensils used by the sick person.
After Cleaning is Complete
These steps should be done in order[14]:
- Wash your rubber gloves with 0.5% chlorine solution.
- Use a clean towel soaked with 0.5% chlorine solution to clean your shoes/boots.
- Remove washed rubber gloves and put in the bucket with 0.5% chlorine solution for 30 minutes.
- Wash your hands, or inner pair of gloves if wearing inner gloves, with soap and water or with 0.05% chlorine solution.
- Remove waterproof gown and place in the same bucket as the rubber gloves.
- Wash your hands, or inner pair of gloves again if wearing inner gloves, with soap and water or with 0.05% chlorine solution.
- If wearing mask, remove using the ties or bands and throw it away.
- If wearing goggles, remove without touching the front of the goggles and place in the bucket with the gown.
- Wash your hands or inner pair of gloves again with soap and water or with 0.05% chlorine solution.
- If wearing an inner pair of gloves, remove gloves and throw them away.
- Wash hands with soap and water or with 0.05% chlorine solution after removing inner pair of gloves.
- Proceed with normal washing of gown, gloves, and goggles after 30 minutes.
Postmortem Care
====Postmortem Examinations====[15]
- Post-mortem examination of hemorrhagic fever patient remains should be limited to essential evaluations only and should be performed by trained personnel.
- Personnel examining remains should wear eye protection, mask, gloves and gowns as recommended for patient care.
- In addition, personnel performing autopsies of known or suspected HF patients should wear a particulate respirator and eye protection or face shield, or a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR).
- When removing protective equipment, avoid any contact between soiled gloves or equipment and the face (i.e. eyes, nose or mouth).
- Hand hygiene should be performed immediately following the removal of protective equipment used during post-mortem examination and that may have come into contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.
- Place specimens in clearly-labelled, non-glass, leak-proof containers and deliver directly to designated specimen handling areas.
- All external surfaces of specimen containers should be thoroughly disinfected (using an effective disinfectant) prior to transport.
- Tissue or body fluids for disposal should be carefully placed in clearly marked, sealed containers for incineration.
Movement and Burial of Human Remains
- The handling of human remains should be kept to a minimum. Take account of cultural and religious concerns:
- Remains should not be sprayed, washed or embalmed.
- Only trained personnel should handle remains during the outbreak.
- Personnel handling remains should wear personal protective equipment (gloves, gowns, apron, surgical masks and eye protection) and closed shoes.
- Protective equipment is not required for individuals driving or riding a vehicle to collect human remains.
- Protective equipment should be put on at the site of collection of human remains and worn during the process of collection and placement in a body bag.
- Protective equipment should be removed immediately after remains have been placed in a body bag and then placed inside a coffin.
- Remains should be wrapped in sealed, leak-proof material and should be buried promptly.
To read more about guidance for safe handling of human remains of Ebola patients, click here.
- ↑ "Interim Guidance for Managing Patients with Suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fever in U.S. Hospitals".
- ↑ "Guidance for Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals". www.cdc.gov. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nov 4 2014. Retrieved Nov 6 2014. Check date values in:
|accessdate=, |date=
(help) - ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 "Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment To Be Used by Healthcare Workers During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Putting On (Donning) and Removing (Doffing)". www.cdc.gov. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). October 20 2014. Retrieved October 20 2014. Check date values in:
|accessdate=, |date=
(help) - ↑ Henao-Restrepo AM, Camacho A, Longini IM, Watson CH, Edmunds WJ, Egger M, Carroll MW, Dean NE, Diatta I, Doumbia M, Draguez B, Duraffour S, Enwere G, Grais R, Gunther S, Gsell PS, Hossmann S, Watle SV, Kondé MK, Kéïta S, Kone S, Kuisma E, Levine MM, Mandal S, Mauget T, Norheim G, Riveros X, Soumah A, Trelle S, Vicari AS, Røttingen JA, Kieny MP (2017). "Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine in preventing Ebola virus disease: final results from the Guinea ring vaccination, open-label, cluster-randomised trial (Ebola Ça Suffit!)". Lancet. 389 (10068): 505–518. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)32621-6. PMC 5364328. PMID 28017403.
- ↑ "WHO | Final trial results confirm Ebola vaccine provides high protection against disease".
- ↑ "Congo reports death in new Ebola virus "outbreak" - CBS News".
- ↑ "Open-Label Study of INO-4212 With or Without INO-9012, Administered IM or ID Followed by Electroporation in Healthy Volunteers - Tabular View - ClinicalTrials.gov".
- ↑ "Ebola Immunotherapy".
- ↑ "Standard, Contact, and Droplet Precautions".
- ↑ "Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette in Healthcare Settings".
- ↑ "Infection Control for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers in the African Health Care Setting" (PDF).
- ↑ "Interim Infection Control Recommendations for Care of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Filovirus (Ebola, Marburg) Haemorrhagic Fever" (PDF).
- ↑ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 "Interim guidance summary for decontamination and waste disposal in a U.S. residence where a person has Ebola".
- ↑ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 "Interim Recommendations for Cleaning Houses Safely in West Africa Ebola-Affected Areas after Persons with Symptoms of Ebola are Transferred to Ebola Treatment Units or Community Care Centers".
- ↑ "Guidance for Safe Handling of Human Remains of Ebola Patients in U. S. Hospitals and Mortuaries | Ebola Virus Disease | Clinicians | Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) | CDC".