Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

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Cochrane Collaboration on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

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Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

NICE Guidance on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy


FDA on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

CDC on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy


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Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Discussion groups on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Patient Handouts on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Directions to Hospitals Treating Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Risk calculators and risk factors for Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Causes & Risk Factors for Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Diagnostic studies for Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Treatment of Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy


Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy en Espanol

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Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy

Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy is a treatment for hemorrhoids that consists of the application of a small probe (electrode) to each hemorrhoid using manual pressure under direct vision (commonly known as the "Ultroid" method). This causes a gentle electrolysis that results in progressive, complete and permanent shrinkage of the hemorrhoid tissue. More than one hemorrhoid site may be treated at each visit with the actual treatment lasting only a few minutes. The average hemorrhoid case will require 3 treatments for symptomatic resolution. However, many sufferers have more than one hemorrhoid so additional treatments may be required.


  • Direct current electrotherapy of internal hemorrhoids: an effective, safe, and painless outpatient approach. by Daniel A. Norman, M.D., R. Newton, G. V. Nicholas [1]
  • A Safe, Effective Alternative to Surgery for Hemorrhoids by Dr. Gary Schubach, Ed.D.[2]
  • Electric Treatment of Hemorrhoids by Dr. Rick A. Shacket, D.O. [3]

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