ICD-9-CM Volume 3
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ICD-9-CM Volume 3 is a system of procedural codes. It is a subset of ICD-9-CM (volumes 1 and 2 are used for diagnostic codes.)
The United States National Center for Health Statistics drafted ICD-10-PCS in 2000 as a potential replacement for ICD-9-CM Volume 3, but the World Health Organization (WHO) has neither set an implementation date for ICD-10-PCS nor set a phase-out date for ICD-9-CM. Hence, ICD-9-CM Volume 3 is still in effect.
Main sections
(00) Procedures and interventions, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Procedures and interventions, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Procedures on blood vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Percutaneous angioplasty or atherectomy of precerebral (extracranial) vessel(s)
- (Template:ICD9proc) Procedures on blood vessels
(01-05) Operations on the nervous system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision and excision of skull, brain, and cerebral meninges
- (Template:ICD9proc) Craniotomy and craniectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of brain and cerebral meninges
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision or destruction of brain and meninges
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on spinal cord and spinal canal structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Exploration and decompression of spinal canal structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other exploration and decompression of spinal canal
- (Template:ICD9proc) Division of intraspinal nerve root
- (Template:ICD9proc) Chordotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on spinal cord and spinal canal structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Exploration and decompression of spinal canal structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on cranial and peripheral nerves
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, division, and excision of cranial and peripheral nerves
- (Template:ICD9proc) Gasserian ganglionectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other cranial or peripheral ganglionectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Injection into peripheral nerve
- (Template:ICD9proc Injection of anesthetic into peripheral nerve for analgesia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, division, and excision of cranial and peripheral nerves
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on sympathetic nerves or ganglia
(06-07) Operations on the endocrine system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of thyroid field
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on thyroid and parathyroid glands
- (Template:ICD9proc) Unilateral thyroid lobectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other partial thyroidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Complete thyroidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Substernal thyroidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of lingual thyroid
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of thyroglossal duct or tract
- (Template:ICD9proc) Parathyroidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on thyroid (region) and parathyroid
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on other endocrine glands
- (Template:ICD9proc) Exploration of adrenal field
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland, and thymus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial adrenalectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bilateral adrenalectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on adrenal glands, nerves, and vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on pineal gland
- (Template:ICD9proc) Hypophysectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on hypophysis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Thymectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on thymus
(08-16) Operations on the eye
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on eyelids
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on lacrimal system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on conjunctiva
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on cornea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Corneal transplant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other reconstructive and refractive surgery on cornea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on iris, ciliary body, sclera, and anterior chamber
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on lens
- Cataract surgery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Phacoemulsification and aspiration of cataract
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on retina, choroid, vitreous, and posterior chamber
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on retina, choroid, vitreous, and posterior chamber
- (Template:ICD9proc) Destruction of lesion of retina and choroid
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of retinal tear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of retinal detachment with scleral buckling and implant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of retinal detachment
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of surgically implanted material from posterior segment of eye
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on vitreous
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on retina, choroid, and posterior chamber
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on extraocular muscles
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on orbit and eyeball
(18-20) Operations on the ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion of external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture of laceration of external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Surgical correction of prominent ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reconstruction of external auditory canal
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other plastic repair of external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on external ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reconstructive operations on middle ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Stapes mobilization
- (Template:ICD9proc) Stapedectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of stapedectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on ossicular chain
- (Template:ICD9proc) Myringoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other tympanoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of tympanoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of middle ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on middle and inner ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Myringotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of tympanostomy tube
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of mastoid and middle ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on middle and inner ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Mastoidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of middle ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Fenestration of inner ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, excision, and destruction of inner ear
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on Eustachian tube
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on inner and middle ear
(21-29) Operations on the nose, mouth, and pharynx
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Control of epistaxis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion of nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Resection of nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Submucous resection of nasal septum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Turbinectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reduction of nasal fracture
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair and plastic operations on the nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture of laceration of nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closure of nasal fistula
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total nasal reconstruction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision rhinoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Augmentation rhinoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Limited rhinoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other rhinoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other septoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair and plastic operations on nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on nose
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on nasal sinuses
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal and restoration of teeth
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on teeth, gums, and alveoli
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on tongue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on salivary glands and ducts
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on mouth and face
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on tonsils and adenoids
- (Template:ICD9proc) Tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Adenoidectomy without tonsillectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on pharynx
(30-34) Operations on the respiratory system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of larynx
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of larynx
- (Template:ICD9proc) Hemilaryngectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other partial laryngectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Complete laryngectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical laryngectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on larynx and trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Injection of larynx
- (Template:ICD9proc) Temporary tracheostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Permanent tracheostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other incision of larynx or trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on larynx and trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of larynx
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair and plastic operations on trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on larynx and trachea
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of lung and bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Segmental resection of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Lobectomy of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Complete pneumonectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical dissection of thoracic structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on lung and bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on lung and bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Surgical collapse of lung
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair and plastic operation on lung and bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Lung transplant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Combined heart-lung transplantation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on lung and bronchus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on chest wall, pleura, mediastinum, and diaphragm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of chest wall and pleura
- (Template:ICD9proc) Exploratory thoracotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of mediastinum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on chest wall, pleura, mediastinum, and diaphragm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transpleural thoracoscopy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Mediastinoscopy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Biopsy of chest wall
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pleural biopsy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed (percutaneous) (needle) biopsy of mediastinum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open mediastinal biopsy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Biopsy of diaphragm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other diagnostic procedures on chest wall, pleura, and diaphragm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other diagnostic procedures on mediastinum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of mediastinum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion of chest wall
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pleurectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Scarification of pleura
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of chest wall
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on diaphragm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on thorax
- (Template:ICD9proc) Thoracentesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Injection into thoracic cavity
- Chemical pleurodesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of chest wall and pleura
(35-39) Operations on the cardiovascular system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on valves and septa of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed heart valvotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Replacement of heart valve
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on structures adjacent to heart valves
- (Template:ICD9proc) Production of septal defect in heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with prosthesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of atrial and ventricular septa with tissue graft
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other and unspecified repair of atrial and ventricular septa
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total repair of certain congenital cardiac anomalies
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on valves and septa of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Creation of conduit between atrium and pulmonary artery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on vessels of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of coronary artery obstruction and insertion of stent(s)
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bypass anastomosis for heart revascularization
- (Template:ICD9proc) Heart revascularization by arterial implant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other heart revascularization
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on vessels of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on heart and pericardium
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pericardiocentesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cardiotomy and pericardiotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on heart and pericardium
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pericardiectomy and excision of lesion of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pericardiectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of aneurysm of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, open approach
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of heart, other approach
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial ventriculectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of heart and pericardium
- (Template:ICD9proc) Heart replacement procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Implantation of heart and circulatory assist system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Insertion, revision, replacement, and removal of pacemaker leads; insertion of temporary pacemaker system; or revision of cardiac device pocket
- (Template:ICD9proc) Insertion, replacement, removal, and revision of pacemaker device
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on heart and pericardium
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, excision, and occlusion of vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of vessel
- (Template:ICD9proc) Endarterectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on blood vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Resection of vessel with anastomosis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Resection of vessel with replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Ligation and stripping of varicose veins
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of vessel
- (Template:ICD9proc) Interruption of the vena cava
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other surgical occlusion of vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Puncture of vessel
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arterial catheterization
- (Template:ICD9proc) Umbilical vein catheterization
- (Template:ICD9proc) Venous catheterization, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Venous cutdown
- (Template:ICD9proc) Venous catheterization for renal dialysis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other puncture of artery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other puncture of vein
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
- (Template:ICD9proc) Intra-abdominal venous shunt
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other shunt or vascular bypass
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture of vessel
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of vascular procedure
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of vessels
- (Template:ICD9proc) Extracorporeal circulation and procedures auxiliary to heart surgery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Extracorporeal circulation auxiliary to open heart surgery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Hypothermia (systemic) incidental to open heart surgery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cardioplegia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Intraoperative cardiac pacemaker
- (Template:ICD9proc) Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
- (Template:ICD9proc) Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass
- (Template:ICD9proc) Endovascular repair of vessel
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on carotid body and other vascular bodies
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on vessels
(40-41) Operations on the hemic and lymphatic system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on lymphatic system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of lymphatic structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on lymphatic structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Simple excision of lymphatic structure
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of deep cervical lymph node
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of internal mammary lymph node
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of axillary lymph node
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of inguinal lymph node
- (Template:ICD9proc) Simple excision of other lymphatic structure
- Simple lymphadenectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Regional lymph node excision
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical excision of cervical lymph nodes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical excision of other lymph nodes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on thoracic duct
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on lymphatic structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on bone marrow and spleen
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Puncture of spleen
- (Template:ICD9proc) Splenotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on bone marrow and spleen
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of spleen
- (Template:ICD9proc) Marsupialization of splenic cyst
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of lesion or tissue of spleen
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial splenectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total splenectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on spleen and bone marrow
(42-54) Operations on the digestive system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on esophagus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of esophagus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Esophagectomy, not otherwise specified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of esophagus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision and excision of stomach
- (Template:ICD9proc) Gastrotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Gastrostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pyloromyotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of stomach
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to esophagus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to duodenum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to jejunum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other partial gastrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total gastrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on stomach
- (Template:ICD9proc) Vagotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Gastroenterostomy without gastrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) High gastric bypass
- (Template:ICD9proc) Percutaneous (endoscopic) gastrojejunostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other gastroenterostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transabdominal endoscopy of small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Endoscopy of small intestine through artificial stoma
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other endoscopy of small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed (endoscopic) biopsy of small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open biopsy of small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) with closed biopsy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other diagnostic procedures on small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on large intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial excision of large intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Right hemicolectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total intra-abdominal colectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on small intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on appendix
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on rectum, rectosigmoid and perirectal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on rectum, rectosigmoid and perirectal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transabdominal proctosigmoidoscopy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Proctosigmoidoscopy through artificial stoma
- (Template:ICD9proc) Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed (endoscopic) biopsy of rectum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open biopsy of rectum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Biopsy of perirectal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other diagnostic procedures on rectum, rectosigmoid and perirectal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on rectum, rectosigmoid and perirectal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on anus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision or excision of perianal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision or excision of anal fistula
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on anus andperianal tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of other lesion or tissue of anus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Procedures on hemorrhoids
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoidectomy NOS
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of hemorrhoids
- (Template:ICD9proc) Division of anal sphincter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of anus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of anus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on anus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Hepatotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of liver tissue or lesion
- (Template:ICD9proc) Marsupialization of lesion of liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial hepatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other destruction of lesion of liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Lobectomy of liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total hepatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Liver transplant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on liver
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on gallbladder and biliary tract
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cholecystotomy and cholecystostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on biliary tract
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cholecystectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Anastomosis of gallbladder or bile duct
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of bile duct for relief of obstruction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other incision of bile duct
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of biliary ducts and sphincter of Oddi
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of bile ducts
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on biliary ducts and sphincter of Oddi
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on biliary tract
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on pancreas
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pancreatotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on pancreas
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of pancreas and pancreatic duct
- (Template:ICD9proc) Marsupialization of pancreatic cyst
- (Template:ICD9proc) Internal drainage of pancreatic cyst
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial pancreatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total pancreatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transplant of pancreas
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on pancreas
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of hernia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on abdominal region
- (Template:ICD9proc) Laparotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations of abdominal region
(55-59) Operations on the urinary system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Nephrotomy and nephrostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pyelotomy and pyelostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial nephrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Complete nephrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transplant of kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Nephropexy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on kidney
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on ureter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transurethral removal of obstruction from ureter and renal pelvis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Ureteral meatotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Ureterotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on ureter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Ureterectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cutaneous uretero-ileostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other external urinary diversion
- (Template:ICD9proc) Formation of other cutaneous ureterostomy
- Ureterostomy NOS
- (Template:ICD9proc) Formation of other cutaneous ureterostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other anastomosis or bypass of ureter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Urinary diversion to intestine
- Internal urinary diversion NOS
- (Template:ICD9proc) Urinary diversion to intestine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of ureter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on ureter
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on urinary bladder
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transurethral clearance of bladder
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cystotomy and cystostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Vesicostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on bladder
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transurethral excision or destruction of bladder tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision or destruction ofbladder tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial cystectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total cystectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of urinary bladder
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on bladder
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on urethra
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on urinary tract
(60-64) Operations on the male genital organs
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on prostate and seminal vesicles
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of prostate
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on prostate and seminal vesicles
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transurethral prostatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suprapubic prostatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Retropubic prostatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical prostatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other prostatectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on seminal vesicles
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision or excision of periprostatic tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on prostate
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on scrotum and tunica vaginalis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on testes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on spermatic cord, epididymis, and vas deferens
- (Template:ICD9proc) Vasectomy and ligation of vas deferens
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of vas deferens and epididymis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reconstruction of surgically divided vas deferens
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on penis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Circumcision
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on the penis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion of penis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Amputation of penis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair and plastic operation on penis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations for sex transformation, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on male genital organs
(65-71) Operations on the female genital organs
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on ovary
- (Template:ICD9proc) Oophorotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on ovaries
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of ovarian lesion or tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Unilateral oophorectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bilateral oophorectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of ovary
- (Template:ICD9proc) Lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallopian tube
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on ovary
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on fallopian tubes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Salpingotomy and salpingostomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on fallopian tubes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bilateral endoscopic destruction or occlusion of fallopian tubes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other bilateral destruction or occlusion of fallopian tubes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total unilateral salpingectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total bilateral salpingectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other salpingectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of fallopian tube
- (Template:ICD9proc) Insufflation of fallopian tube
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on fallopian tubes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on cervix
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other incision and excision of uterus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Hysterotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on uterus and supporting structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Vaginal hysterectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on uterus and supporting structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Dilation and curettage of uterus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of uterus and supporting structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of uterine supporting structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Paracervical uterine denervation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Uterine repair
- (Template:ICD9proc) Aspiration curettage of uterus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Menstrual extraction or regulation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on uterus, cervix, and supporting structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on vagina and cul-de-sac
- (Template:ICD9proc) Culdocentesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of vagina and cul-de-sac
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on vagina and cul-de-sac
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of vagina and cul-de-sac
- (Template:ICD9proc) Obliteration and total excision of vagina
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of cystocele and rectocele
- (Template:ICD9proc) Vaginal construction and reconstruction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of vagina
- (Template:ICD9proc) Obliteration of vaginal vault
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on vagina and cul-de-sac
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on vulva and perineum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of vulva and perineum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on vulva
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on Bartholin's gland
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other local excision or destruction of vulva and perineum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on clitoris
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical vulvectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other vulvectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair of vulva and perineum
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on vulva
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on female genital organs
(72-75) Obstetrical procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other procedures inducing or assisting delivery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Artificial rupture of membranes
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other surgical induction of labor
- (Template:ICD9proc) Internal and combined version and extraction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Failed forceps
- (Template:ICD9proc) Medical induction of labor
- (Template:ICD9proc) Manually assisted delivery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Episiotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on fetus to facilitate delivery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations assisting delivery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cesarean section and removal of fetus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other obstetric operations
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic amniocentesis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other intrauterine operations on fetus and amnion
(76-84) Operations on the musculoskeletal system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on facial bones and joints
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of facial bone without division
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on facial bones and joints
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision or destruction of lesion of facial bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial ostectomy of facial bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision and reconstruction of facial bones
- (Template:ICD9proc) Temporomandibular arthroplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other facial bone repair and orthognathic surgery
- (Template:ICD9proc) Augmentation genioplasty
- Mentoplasty NOS
- (Template:ICD9proc) Augmentation genioplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reduction of facial fracture
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on facial bones and joints
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision, excision, and division of other bones
- (Template:ICD9proc) Sequestrectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other incision of bone without division
- (Template:ICD9proc) Wedge osteotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other division of bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Biopsy of bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision and repair of bunion and other toe deformities
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision of lesion or tissue of bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of bone for graft
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other partial ostectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total ostectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on bones, except facial bones
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bone graft
- (Template:ICD9proc) Application of external fixator device
- (Template:ICD9proc) Limb shortening procedures]
- (Template:ICD9proc) Limb lengthening procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair or plastic operations on bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Internal fixation of bone without fracture reduction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of implanted devices from bone
- (Template:ICD9proc) Osteoclasis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on bone, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Insertion of bone growth stimulator
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reduction of fracture and dislocation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed reduction of fracture without internal fixation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed reduction of fracture with internal fixation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open reduction of fracture without internal fixation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed reduction of separated epiphysis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open reduction of separated epiphysis
- (Template:ICD9proc) Debridement of open fracture site
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed reduction of dislocation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Open reduction of dislocation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Unspecified operation on bone injury
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision and excision of joint structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arthroscopy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of intervertebral disc
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of intervertebral disc
- (Template:ICD9proc) Repair and plastic operations on joint structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Spinal fusion
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arthrodesis and arthroereisis of foot and ankle
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arthrodesis of other joint
- (Template:ICD9proc) Refusion of spine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair of joint of lower extremity
- (Template:ICD9proc) Joint replacement of lower extremity
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total hip replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Partial hip replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of hip replacement, not otherwise specified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total knee replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of knee replacement, not otherwise specified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total ankle replacement
- (Template:ICD9proc) Replacement of joint of foot and toe
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of joint replacement of lower extremity, not elsewhere classified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other procedures on spine
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arthroplasty and repair of hand, fingers and wrist
- (Template:ICD9proc) Arthroplasty and repair of shoulder and elbow
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on joint structures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on muscle, tendon, and fascia of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Division of muscle, tendon, and fascia of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of lesion of muscle, tendon, and fascia of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of soft tissue of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture of muscle, tendon, and fascia of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transplantation of muscle and tendon of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reconstruction of thumb
- (Template:ICD9proc) Plastic operation on hand with graft or implant
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other plastic operations on hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on muscle, tendon, and fascia of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa, except hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa
- (Template:ICD9proc) Division of muscle, tendon, and fascia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa, including that of hand
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision of lesion of muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other excision of muscle, tendon, and fascia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Bursectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture of muscle, tendon, and fascia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reconstruction of muscle and tendon
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other plastic operations on muscle, tendon, and fascia
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on muscle, tendon, fascia, and bursa
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other procedures on musculoskeletal system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Amputation of upper limb
- (Template:ICD9proc) Amputation of lower limb
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reattachment of extremity
- (Template:ICD9proc) Revision of amputation stump
- (Template:ICD9proc) Implantation or fitting of prosthetic limb device
- (Template:ICD9proc) Implantation of other musculoskeletal devices and substances
- (Template:ICD9proc) Replacement of spinal disc
- (Template:ICD9proc) Adjunct codes for external fixator devices
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on musculoskeletal system
(85-86) Operations on the integumentary system
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on the breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Mastotomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of breast tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Local excision of lesion of breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Reduction mammoplasty and subcutaneous mammectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Mastectomy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Augmentation mammoplasty
- (Template:ICD9proc) Mastopexy
- (Template:ICD9proc) Total reconstruction of breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair and plastic operations on breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on the breast
- (Template:ICD9proc) Operations on skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic procedures on skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other local excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Radical excision of skin lesion
- (Template:ICD9proc) Suture or other closure of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Free skin graft
- (Template:ICD9proc) Pedicle grafts or flaps
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other repair and reconstruction of skin and subcutaneous tissue
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other operations on skin and subcutaneous tissue
(87-99) Miscellaneous diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Diagnostic radiology
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques
- (Template:ICD9proc) Interview, evaluation, consultation, and examination
- (Template:ICD9proc) Anatomic and physiologic measurements and manual examinations -- nervous system and sense organs
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cardiac stress tests, pacemaker and defibrillator checks
- (Template:ICD9proc) Microscopic examination-II
- (Template:ICD9proc) Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, rehabilitation, and related procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Skeletal traction and other traction
- (Template:ICD9proc) Procedures related to the psyche
- (Template:ICD9proc) Ophthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment
- (Template:ICD9proc) General and subjective eye examination
- (Template:ICD9proc) Nonoperative intubation and irrigation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Replacement and removal of therapeutic appliances
- (Template:ICD9proc) Nonoperative removal of foreign body or calculus
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of intraluminal foreign body from digestive system without incision
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of intraluminal foreign body from other sites without incision
- (Template:ICD9proc) Removal of other foreign body without incision
- (Template:ICD9proc) Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL)
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other nonoperative procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Transfusion of blood and blood components
- (Template:ICD9proc) Injection or infusion of therapeutic or prophylactic substance
- (Template:ICD9proc) Injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance
- (Template:ICD9proc) Prophylactic vaccination and inoculation against certain bacterial diseases
- (Template:ICD9proc) Prophylactic vaccination and inoculation against certain viral diseases
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other vaccination and inoculation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Conversion of cardiac rhythm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, not otherwise specified
- (Template:ICD9proc) Atrial cardioversion
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other electric countershock of heart
- (Template:ICD9proc) Closed chest cardiac massage
- (Template:ICD9proc) Carotid sinus stimulation
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other conversion of cardiac rhythm
- (Template:ICD9proc) Therapeutic apheresis or other injection, administration, or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance
- (Template:ICD9proc) Miscellaneous physical procedures
- (Template:ICD9proc) Other miscellaneous procedures