Inserting statistics

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]


If you type in the words on the left hand side of the table, the output in the middle of the table is displayed:


Word Usage Explanation
{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} 141,029 A variable which returns the total number of articles on the Wiki.
{{NUMBEROFFILES}} 74,549 Returns the number of uploaded files (rows in the image table).
#redirect #REDIRECT [[target]]
at top of source page
Creates a redirect to another page.

Page names, locations, and URLs

Word Example Explanation
{{PAGENAME}} Inserting statistics Returns the name of the current page, including all levels (Title/Subtitle/Sub-subtitle).
{{PAGENAMEE}} Inserting_statistics More URL-friendly percent encoded special characters (rarely necessary).
{{NAMESPACE}} Returns the name of the namespace the current page resides in.
{{REVISIONID}} 900907 Gives you the unique identifying number of the article or diff database.
{{SITENAME}} wikidoc Returns the name of the wiki (set in LocalSettings.php).
{{NS:}} {{NS:4}} = wikidoc
{{NS:PROJECT}} = wikidoc
Returns the name of a given namespace number.
{{LOCALURL:x y}}
Returns the local URL of a given page. The page might not exist.
{{SERVER}} Returns the domain and subdomain URL of the wiki.
{{SCRIPTPATH}} Returns the value of $wgScriptPath in LocalSettings.php.
{{SERVERNAME}} Returns the value of $wgServerName in LocalSettings.php.

Template:WikiDoc Sources