Interventional Cardiology

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

Diagnostic Catheterization | Risk Stratification and the Benefits of PCI vs Medical Therapy | Conscious Sedation | Preparation of the Patient for Diagnostic Catheterization | Technical Aspects of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory | Obtaining Venous and Arterial Access | Equipment Used in Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterizaiton | Hemodynamic Assessment in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory | Radiation Safety

Therapeutic Catheterization | Therapeutic procedures | Advances in catheter based physical treatments

Coronary angiography | Overview | Historical Perspective | Contraindications | Appropriate use criteria for revascularization | Complications | Technique | Film Quality

Coronary Anatomy and Projection Angles | Normal Coronary Anatomy | Coronary arteries | Left coronary artery | Left main coronary artery | Left anterior descending artery | Left circumflex artery | Ramus intermedius | Right coronary artery | Coronary artery dominance | Coronary Anatomic Variants | Separate ostia | Anomalous origins of the coronary arteries | Coronary artery fistula | Projection Angles | Standard angiographic views | Left coronary artery | Right coronary artery

Assessment of Epicardial Coronary Blood Flow | TIMI flow grade (TFG) | TIMI flow grade 0 | TIMI flow grade 1 | TIMI flow grade 2 | TIMI flow grade 3 | TIMI frame count (TFC) | Pulsatile flow | Deceleration

Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade (TMPG) | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade 0 | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade 0.5 | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade 1 | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade 2 | TIMI myocardial perfusion grade 3

Assessment of Coronary Lesions | Coronary Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)) | Coronary flow reserve(CFR) | Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) | Lesion Complexity | ACC-AHA characteristics of type A, B, and C coronary lesions | SCAI Lesion Classification System

Thrombus Grades | TIMI thrombus grade | TIMI thrombus grade 0 | TIMI thrombus grade 1 | TIMI thrombus grade 2 | TIMI thrombus grade 3 | TIMI thrombus grade 4 | TIMI thrombus grade 5 | TIMI thrombus grade 6 | Lesion Morphology | Quantitative angiography | Definitions of Preprocedural Lesion Morphology | Irregular lesion | Disease extent | Arterial foreshortening | Infarct related artery (Culprit lesion) | Restenosis | Degenerated saphenous vein graft | Collaterals | Coronary artery ulceration | Coronary artery aneurysm | Coronary artery bifurcation | Coronary artery trifurcation

PCI | Preparation of the Patient for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): Basic Principles and Guidelines | Equipment Used in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Pharmacotherapy to Support PCI | Antiplatelet therapy | Antithrombotic therapy | Angiography and PCI in Special Patient Populations | Management Of Specific Lesion Types | High Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) | Vascular Closure Devices | Post PCI Medical Management of the Interventional Patient | Complications During and Following Cardiac Catheterization and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | Coronary stent thrombosis

PCI in Specific Populations and Lesion Types

High Risk PCI | PCI in the Patient in Cardiogenic Shock | PCI in the Patient Requiring CPR and Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmias | PCI in the Patient with Severely Depressed Ventricular Function | PCI in the Patient with Critical Valve Stenosis | PCI in the Sole Remaining Conduit | PCI in the Unprotected Left Main Patient | Adjuncts for High Risk Percuatenous Coronary Intervention

Mechanical circulatory support | Mechanical circulatory support | Intra-aortic balloon pump | Ventricular assist devices | Artificial heart

PCI Complications | Vessel Perforation | Dissection | Distal Embolization | No-reflow | Abrupt Closure | Restenosis | Late Acquired Stent Malapposition | Loss of Side Branch | Multiple Complications | Coronary stent thrombosis | Slow flow | Pulsatile flow | Deceleration | Ectasia | Intimal flap | Staining | Coronary air embolism

Left Ventriculography | Technique | Quantification of LV Function | Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation

Other TopicsNon Coronary Interventions in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory | Transfusion in ACS management | Revascularization in the "No Option" Patient

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