Medical Abbreviations
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- a: artery, before
- A&Ox3: alert and oriented to person, place and time
- A-a:alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
- aa: equal part of each
- AA: affected area
- AAA: abdominal aortic aneurysm
- A2: aortic second sound
- AAL: acute lymphoblastic, leukemia,anterior axillary line
- ab: antibody
- AB: abortion
- ABC: airway, breathing and circulation
- abd: abdomen
- ABG: arterial blood gasses
- ABI: Ankle-Brachial Index
- ABMT: autologous bone marrow transplantation
- ABN: abnormal
- ABP: arterial blood pressure
- abs: absent
- abx: antibiotics
- a.c.: before meals (ante sebum)
- Ac: acute
- AC: anterior chamber, air conduction, acromioclavicular
- acc: accident
- accom.: accommodation
- ACE:angiotensin converting enzyme
- ACEI: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
- ACh: acetylcholine
- acid: phos. acid phosphate
- ACL: anterior cruciate ligament
- ACLS:advanced cardiac life support
- ACTH: adrenocorticotrophic hormone
- AD: right ear, alzheimer's disease
- ADA: adenosine deaminase
- add.: abductor or abduction
- ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
- ADH: antidiruetic hormone
- ADL: activites of daily living
- ad lib: as desired
- adm.: admission
- ADR: adverse drug reaction
- AE: above elbow
- AEA: above elbow amputation
- AEM: ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring
- AF: atrial fibrillation, afebrile, amniotic fluid
- AFB: acid fast bacilli
- AFO: ankle-foot orthosis
- AFP: alpha fetoprotein
- Ag: antigen
- A/G: albumin globulin ratio (blood)
- AGA: appropriate gestational age
- AHF: antihemophilic factor
- AHG: antiemophilic globulin
- AHH: aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase
- AI: aortic insufficiency, artificial insemination
- AICA: anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- AICD: automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator
- AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- AJ: ankle jerk
- a.k.: above knee
- aka: alcoholic ketoacidosis, also known as
- AKA: above knee amputation
- alb.: albumin
- alc.: alcohol
- ALG: antilymphocytic globulin
- alk.: phos. alkaline phosphate
- ALL: acute lymphocytic leukemia
- ALPS: autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
- ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, advanced life support
- ALT: alternating with, alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT)
- AMA: against medical advice, anti-mitochondrial antibodies
- amb.: ambulating, ambulatory
- AMC: arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- AMI: acute myocardial infarction
- AML: acute myeloid leukemia
- amnio: amniocentesis
- amp.: amputation, ampule
- AMP: adenosine monophosphate
- AMS: acute mountain sickness, atypical measeles syndrome
- ANA: antinuclear antibody
- ANCA:antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
- anes.: anesthesia
- ANF: antrial natriuretic factor
- ann.: fib. annulus fibrosis
- ANP: antrial natriuretic peptide
- ANS: autonomic nervous system
- ant.: anterior
- ante: before
- ANUG: acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
- Anxty: anxiety
- A/O: alert and oriented
- AOB: alcohol on breath
- AODM: adult onset diabetes mellitus
- AP: ante partum, anteroposterior, alkaline phosphatase
- A&P: auscultation and percussion
- A/P: anterior/posterior
- APC: atrial premature contractions
- APD: adult polycystic disease
- aph: aphasia
- A-P: anteroposterior and lateral
- AP: resection abdominal perineal resection of the rectum
- APEDED: autoimmune polyendocrinopathy
- APS: autoimmunne polyglandular syndrome
- APSAC: anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activated complex
- APTT: activated partial thromboplastin time
- aq.: water
- AR: aortic regurgitation
- ARB:angiotension receptor blocker
- ARC: AIDS related complex
- ARD: acute respiratory distress
- ARDS: adult respiratory distress syndrome
- ARF: acute respiratory failure, acute rheumatic fever
- Arg: Arginine
- AROM: artificial rupture of membranes
- art: arterial
- ART: antiretroviral therapy
- AS: left ear,aortic stenosis
- ASA: acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin
- A.S.A.: American Society of Anesthesiologists
- A.S.A.1: normal healthy patient
- A.S.A.2: patient with mild systemic disease
- A.S.A.3: patient with severe systemic disease
- A.S.A.4: patient with incapacitating systemic disease that is constant threat
- ASAP: as soon as possible
- ASCVD: atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- ASCUS: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
- ASD: atrial septal defect
- ASGUS: atypical squamous glandular cells of undetermined significance
- ASHD: arteriosclerotic heart disease
- ASO: antistreptolysin O antibodies
- AST: aspartate aminotransferase
- ASX: asymptomatic
- ATCC: American type culture collection
- AT-III: antithrombin III
- at. Flutter: atrial flutter
- ATN: acute tubular necrosis
- ATNR: asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
- ATP: adenosine triphosphate, anti-tachycardia pacing
- AU: both ears
- aud.: auditory
- Aur.: Fib auricular fibrillation
- A-V: arteriovenous; atrioventricular
- AVB: auriculo-ventricular block
- AVF: arteriovenous fistula
- AVM: arterovenous malformation
- AVNRT: av nodal re-entrant tachycardia
- AVRT: av re-entrant tachycardia
- AVR: aortic valve replacement
- A&W: alive and well
- Ax.: axilla, axillary
- AXR: abdominal X-ray
- A.Z.: Ascheim-Zondek test
- AZT: zidovudine or azidothymidine
- B.: bath
- BA: barium
- Bab.: Babinski sign
- Ba.E: barium enema
- BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage, British anti-Lewisite
- BAO: bacille calmette-guerin
- BAPS: biomechanical ankle platform system
- Bas.: basal,basilar
- baso: basophile
- BBB: bundle branch block
- BBT: basal body temperature
- BC: bone conduction
- BCA: basal cell atypia
- BCC: Basal cell carcinoma
- BCD: basal cell dysplasia
- BCE: basal cell epithelioma
- BCG: bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine (tuberculosis vaccine)
- BDC: burn dressing change
- BE: below elbow, barium enema, base excess
- BEA: below elbow amputation
- BFP: biological false positive
- BIBA: brought in by ambulance
- Bic.: biceps
- b.i.d.: twice daily
- BIH: bilateral inguinal hernia
- bilat.: Bilateral, bilaterally
- bili: bilirubin
- b.i.n.: twice a night
- BiPAP: bilevel positive airway pressure
- BiW: twice weekly
- BJ: biceps reflex
- bk.: back
- BK: below knee, bacterium koch
- BKA: below knee amputation
- bl: cult blood culture
- bld.: blood
- Bl.T: bleeding time
- BM: black male, bone marrow,bowel movement
- BMC: bone mass content
- BMD: bone mass density
- BMI: body mass index
- BMR: basal metabolic rate
- BMS: Bare metal stent/s
- BMT: bone marrow transplantation
- BNF: british national formulary
- BNP: brain or b-type nartiuretic peptide
- body: wt. body weight
- BOMA: otitis media, both ears,acute
- BOOP: bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia
- BOW: bag of water
- BP: blood pressure, bipolar disorder
- BPD: bronchopulmonary dysplasia, borderline personality disorder
- BPH: benign prostatic hypertrophy;benign prostatic hyperplasia
- BPM: beats per minute
- BPV: benign positional vertigo
- Br.: breech presentation
- BR: bedrest, bathroom
- brach.: brachial
- BrBx.: breast biopsy
- broncho: bronchoscopy
- BRP: bathroom privileges
- BS: blood sugar, bowel sounds
- B.S.: breath sounds
- BSA: body surface area
- BSB: bedside bag
- BSC: bedside commode
- BSD: bedside drainage
- BSE: bovine spingiform encephalopathy, breast self exam
- BSO: bilateral salpingooophorectomy
- BSP: bromsulphthalein
- BST: blood serologic test
- BT: bleeding time
- BTL: bilateral tubal ligation
- BUN: blood urea nitrogen
- BV: bacterial vaginosis
- BW: birth weight
- Bx.: biopsy
- c.: with
- C: cervical, Caucasian
- C.: centigrade, Celsius complement
- CI-XII: 1st to 12th cranial nerve
- C-1: to C-7 cervical vertebrae
- C1: complement factor 1
- Ca: calcium
- CA: carcinoma, cancer
- CABG: coronary artery bypass graft
- CAD: coronary artery disease
- CAH: congential adrenal hyperplasia
- CAHD: coronary atherosclerotic heart disease
- Cal: calorie, calories
- CAPD: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
- Caps: capsules
- car.: carotid
- card.: cardiac
- Card: cardiac catheterization
- CAT: computerized axial tomography
- cath: catheterization, catheter
- CB: Cesarean birth
- CBC: complete blood count
- CBCD: complete blood count with differential
- CBD: common bile duct
- CBE: complete breast exam
- CBF: cerebral blood flow
- CBG: capillary blood gas
- CBR: complete bed rest
- cc.: cubic centimeter
- CC: chief complaint
- CCF: congestive cardiac failure
- CCK: cholecystokinin
- CCU: coronary care unit
- CD: cardiac disease, contagious disease
- CDC: centers for disease control
- CDH: congenital dislocation of hip
- C. diff: clostridium difficile
- CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen
- Cerv.: cervix, cervical
- CF: cardiac failure, cystic fibrosis
- CGD: chronic granulomatous disease
- CHD: congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease
- Chem.: chemotherapy
- CHF: congestive heart failure
- CHO: carbohydrate
- Chol: cholesterol
- Chr: chronic
- C.I: color index
- CI: cardiac insufficiency, cardiac index, confidence interval
- CIPD: chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
- CIS: carcinoma in situ
- CJD: Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
- CK: creatinine kinase
- CK-MB: Creatine kinase-myocardial type
- Cl: chlorine, chloride
- Clav.: clavicle
- cldy: cloudy
- CLL: chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Cl.T: clotting time
- cm.: centimeter
- CML: chronic myeloid leukemia
- CMML: chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
- CMS: chronic mountain sickness
- CMT:charcot-marie-tooth disease
- CMV: cytomegalovirus
- CN: cranial nerve
- CNS: central nervous system
- cnst.: constipation
- c/o: complains of, complaints
- CO: cardiac output
- Co2: carbon dioxide
- COLD: chronic obstructive lung disease
- comb.: combine, combination
- comm.: communicable
- comp.: compound, compress
- conc.: concentrated
- cons.: consultation
- cont.: contractions, continued
- COP: cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
- COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Cor: heart
- COX: cyclooxygenase
- CP: cerebral palsy, cerebral-pontine
- CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure
- CPC: clinicopathological conference
- CPD: cephalo-pelvic disproportion
- CPEO: chronic progressive external opthalmoplegia
- CPK: creatinine phosphokinase
- CPPB: continuous positive pressure breathing
- CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- CPT: chest physical therapy
- CR: closed reduction
- cran.: cranial
- CRD: chronic respiratory disease
- creat.: creatinine
- CREST: calcinosis,raynauds phenomenon, esphageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia
- CRF: chronic renal failure
- CRI: chronic renal insufficiency
- CRP: c-reactive protein
- C/S,: CS Cesarean section
- C&S: culture and sensitivity
- CsA: cyclosporin A
- CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
- C-spine: cervical spine
- CT: computed axial tomography
- CTA: computerized tomographic angiography
- C-V: cardiovascular
- CVA: cerebrovascular accident, costovertebral angle
- CVL: central venous line
- CVP: central venous pressure
- CVS: cardiovascular system
- Cx: cervix, culture
- c/w: consistent with
- CxR: chest x-ray
- Cysto: cystoscopy
- D5: 5% dextrose solution
- D5W: 5% dextrose solution in water
- D5RL: 5% dextrose and lactated ringers
- DAP: distal airway pressure
- DASH: dietary approches to stop hypertension
- db.: decibel
- DBE: deep breathing exercise
- DBP: diastolic blood pressure
- d/c: discontinue
- DC: discharges, discontinue
- D&C: dilation and curettage
- DCM: dilated cardiomyopathy
- DD: discharge diagnosis
- DDD: daily defined doses
- DDAVP: desmopression acetate, 1-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopression
- DDH: developmental dysplasia of the hip
- D/DW: dextrose, distilled water
- DDx: differential diagnosis
- D&E: dilation and evacuation
- decr.: decreased
- dehyd.: dehydrated
- Derm.: Dermatology
- DES: Diethylstilbestrol
- DES:Drug eluting stents
- DHEA-S: dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate
- DI: diabetes insipidus, diagnostic imaging
- DIAG.: diagnosis
- diam.: diameter
- DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation, disseminated coagulopathy
- diff.: differential
- dil.: dilute
- dim.: diminished
- DIP: distal interphalangeal (joint)
- dis.: disease
- disch.: discharge
- disp.: disposition
- dist.: distilled, distal
- DIU: death in utero
- div.: divorced
- DJD: degenerative joint disease
- DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis
- DLE: disseminated lupus erythematosis
- D/L: DI decilter
- DM: diabetes mellitus, diastolic murmur
- DMSA: dimercaptosuccinic acid
- DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
- DNKA: did not keep appointment
- DNR: do not resuscitate
- DOA: dead on arrival
- DOB: date of birth
- DOE: dyspnea on exertion
- Dors: dorsal
- D.P.: dorsal pedia
- DPT: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine
- DR: delivery room
- D&R: dilation and radium implant
- DRPLA: dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy
- drsg.: dressing
- D/S: discharge summary
- DSM-IV:diagnostic statistic manual IV
- d/t: due to
- DTR: deep tendon reflexes
- DT’s: delirium tremens
- DU: duodenal ulcer
- DUB: dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- DUI: driving under influence
- DVT: deep vein thrombosis
- D/W: dextrose in water
- Dx: diagnosis
- e: without
- EBL: estimated blood loss
- EBM: evidence based medicine
- EBV: Epstein-Barr virus
- EC: enterically coated
- ECF: extended care facility, extracellular fluid
- ECG: electrocardiogram
- ECHO: enterocytopathogenic human orphan virus
- E.coli: Escherichia coli
- ECS: endocervical scrape
- ECT: electroconvulsive
- ED: emergency department
- EDC: estimated date of confinement
- EDOD: estimated date of delivery
- EDRF: endothelium-derived relaxing factor
- EEG: electroencephalogram
- EENT: eyes, ears, nose, throat
- EEX: electrodiagnosis
- EGA: estimated gestational age
- EGF: epidermal growth factor
- EGD: esophago- gastroduodenoscopy
- EKG: electrocardiogram
- elev.: elevated
- ELF: elective low forceps
- ELISA: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- EmBx: endometrial biopsy
- EMC: encephalomyocarditis
- EMG: electromyogram
- EMS: endometrial scrape, emergency medical service
- EMSU: early morning specimen of urine
- En.: enema
- ENT: ears, nose, throat
- Eoc.: eosinophiles
- EOM: extraocular movement
- Epis.: episiotomy
- Epis.LML: left mediolateral episiotomy
- Epis.: Med. medial episiotomy
- Epis.: RML right mediolateral episiotomy
- EPS: extrapyramidal side effects
- ERCP: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
- ERT: estrogen replacement therapy
- ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- EST: electroshock therapy
- ETIOL.: etiology
- ETOH: ethanol
- EUA: examine under anesthesia
- EUS: endoscopic ultrasonography
- EVAL: evaluation
- ex.: exercise, example
- expir: expiration, expiratory
- Exp.: Lap exploratory laparotomy
- ext.: extremities, external
- ext.: gen. external genitalia
- F: finger, female, Fahrenheit
- FA: fluorescent antibody
- F.A.: first aid
- F.B.: foreign body
- FBC: full blood count
- FBS: fasting blood sugar
- FD: fully dilated
- FDA: Food and Drug Administration
- FDP: flexor digitorum profundus
- Fe: def. iron deficiency
- FEF: forced expiratory flow
- FEKG: fetal electrocardiogram
- fem.: femoral
- fem.: pop. femoral popliteal
- fet.: fetal
- FEV: forced expiratory volume
- f.f.: force fluid
- FFP: fresh frozen plasma
- fh: fundal height
- FH: family history, fetal heart
- FHR: fetal heart rate
- FHR-UC: fetal heart rate- uterine contraction
- FHT: fetal heart tones
- FGR: fetal growth restriction
- FiO2: faction of inspired oxygen concentration
- fl.: fluids
- flac.: flaccid
- flex.: flexor, flexion
- fl.: oz. fluid ounce
- FM: finger movement
- FNA: fine needle aspiration
- FPAL: full term premature abortion living
- fract.: fractional
- FRC: functional residual capacity
- FS: finger stick
- FSGN: focal segmental glomerulonephritis
- FSH: follicle stimulating hormone
- FTA:fluorescent treponemal antibody
- FT: full term
- FTD: failure to descend
- FTND: full term normal delivery
- FTT: failure to thrive
- FUB: functional uterine bleeding
- F/U,F-U,F.U.: follow-up
- FUO: fever of unknown origin
- FVC: forced vital capacity
- FW: fetal weight
- Fx: fracture
- fxn: function
- G: gravida
- G6PD: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- G.A.: general anesthesia
- GB: gallbladder
- GBM: glomerular basement membranes
- GBS: gallbladder series
- G.C.: gonococcus
- GCA: giant cell arthritis
- GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale
- GE: Gastroenterology
- G/E: gastroenteritis
- GERD:Gastroesphageal Reflux Disease
- gen,: genl. general
- gest.: gestation
- GFR: glomerular filtration rate
- GGTP: gammaglutamyl transpeptidase
- G.H.: growth hormone
- G.I.: gastrointestinal
- gluc: glucose
- gm: gram
- Gm+: gram positive
- Gm-: gram negative
- gm.%: grams per 100 c.c.
- GMA: grand mal attack
- GNC: general nursing care
- GNR: gram-negative rod
- GnRH: gonadortopin-releasing hormone
- GP: General Practitioner, general paralysis
- gr.: grain, grains (dosage)
- Grav.: pregnancy
- gt.: drop
- gait training
- gtts.: drops
- GSW: gunshot wound
- GTN: glyceryl trinitrate
- GTT: glucose tolerance test
- GU: genitourinary
- GVH: graft-versus-host
- G/W: glucose and water
- GYN: Gynecology
- h: hour
- 5HIAA: 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
- βHCG: Beta human chronic gonadotrophin
- H2O: water
- H: hydrogen history, hour, hypodermic
- H/A: headache
- HAF: hyperalimentation fluid
- HASCVD: hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- Hb.,Hgb: hemoglobin
- HB: heart block
- HBa1c: glycohemoglobin
- HBP: high blood pressure
- HC: head circumference
- H&C: hot and cold
- HCG: human chorionic gonadotropin
- HCO3: bicarbonate
- Hct.: hematocrit
- HCVD: hypertensive cardiovascular disease
- h.d.: at bedtime
- Hd: head, Hodgkin’s disease
- HDl: high density lipids
- HEENT: head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
- hern.: hernia
- Hem: Hematology
- Hem: Pro hematology profile
- Hep.: Lock Heparin lock
- HGO: hepatic glucose output
- HH: hard of hearing
- HIDA(scan): hepatobiliary scan
- HIE: hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- hist.: history, histology
- HIT: heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
- HIV: human immunodificiency virus
- HKAFO: hip knee ankle foot orthosis
- HLA: human leukocyte group A,histocompatibility leukocyte focus
- HM: hand movement
- HMD: hyaline membrane disease
- HMG: human menopausal gonadotropin
- HNP: herniated nucleus pulposus
- h/o: history of
- H.O.: house officer
- HOB: head of bed
- HOCM:hypotrophic cardiomyopathy
- horiz.: horizontal
- H&P: history and physical
- hpf: high power field
- HPI: history of present illness
- HPL: human placental lactogen
- HPV: human papilloma virus
- HR: heart rate
- H.R.S.T.: heat, reddening, swelling, tenderness
- HRT: hormone replacement therapy
- HS: bedtime
- HSG: hysterosalpingography
- HSP: henoch-schonlein syndrome
- H2O2: hydrogen peroxide
- Ht: height, heart
- HTLV: human t cell lymphotropic virus
- HTN:hypertension
- HUS: hemolytic uremic syndrome
- HVD: hypertensive vascular disease
- Hx: history
- Hyperal.: hyperalimenation
- Hz: hertz (cycles/second)
- HZV: herpes zoster virus
- I: radioactive iodine
- IA: intra-arterially
- IABP: intra-aortic balloon pump
- IBD: inflammatory bowel disease
- IBS: irritable bowel syndrome
- i.c.: intracutaneous(ly)
- ICCU: intensive coronary care unit
- ICD: implantable cardic defribrillator
- ICF: intracellular fluid
- ICP: intracranial pressure
- ICS: intercostal space
- ICT: insulin coma therapy
- ICU: intensive care unit
- i.d.: during the day
- ID: intradermal, identification, Infectious Disease
- I&D: incision and drainage
- IDDM: insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
- I/E: inspiratory, expiratory
- IFG: impared fasting glucose
- Ig: immunoglobulin
- IGA: immunoglobulin A
- IGE: immunoglobulin E
- IGF-1: insulin growth factor-1
- IGG: immunoglobulin gamma G(Globulin)
- IGM: immunoglobulin M
- IH: infectious hepatitis
- IHD: ischemic heart disease
- IJ: intrajugular
- IM: intramuscular, intramedullary
- IMCU: intermediate medical care unit
- imp.: impression
- IMP: inpatient multidimensional
- psych: scale
- IMV: intermittent mandatory ventilation
- In.: inches
- Inc.: AB incomplete abortion
- incr.: increased (ing)
- Inev.: AB inevitable abortion
- inf: infusion, inferior
- INH: isoniazid
- inj: injured, injection
- INR: coagulant response time, international normalized ratio
- inspir: inspiration, inspiratory
- int.: internal
- INTHC: intrathecally
- IO: inferior oblique
- I&O: intake and output
- IOP: intraocular pressure
- IP: intraperitoneal
- IPJ: interphalangeal joint
- IPPB: intermittent positive pressure breathing
- IQ: intelligence quota
- IRA:Infarct-related artery
- IRA-ST:Infarct-related artery stent thrombosis
- IRDS: idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome
- irreg.: Irregular
- IS: intercostal space
- IST: insulin shock therapy
- ITP: idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- I,U.,: IU International Unit
- IUC: intrauterine catheter
- IUCP: intrauterine contraceptive device
- IUD: intrauterine device
- IUFD: intrauterine fetal death
- IUGR: intrauterine growth retardation
- IUP: intrauterine pregnancy
- IUTP: intrauterine term pregnancy
- IV: intravenous(ly)
- IVC: inferior vena cava, intravenous cholangiogram
- IVD: intervertebral disc
- IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin
- IVP: intravenous pyelogram
- IVPB: intravenous piggy back
- IVU: intravenous urogram
- J: joint
- J-P: Jackson Pratt drain
- JVD: jugular venous distension
- JRA: juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- jt.: joint
- JVP: jugular venous pulse
- K: potassium, kidney
- KC1: potassium chloride
- Kcal.: Kilocalorie, calorie
- Kg.,kg. : kilogram
- KJ,: K-J knee jerk
- KK: knee kick
- KOH: potassium hydroxide
- KS 17: keto steroids
- KUB: kidney, ureter, bladder (x-rays)
- KVO: keep vein open
- L: left, liver, liter, lower, light, lumbar
- L2,L3: second, third lumbar vertebrae
- LA: left antrum
- lab.: laboratory
- lac.: laceration
- lacr.: lacrimal
- lact.: lactic
- LAD: left anterior descending coronary artery
- L&D: labor and delivery
- LAE: left atrial enlargement
- lam.: laminectomy
- lap.: laparotomy
- lat.: lateral
- LAVH: laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
- lax: laxative
- lb.: pound
- LB: large bowel
- LBBB: left bundle branch block
- LBP: lower back pain
- LBW: low birth weight
- LCA: left coronary artery
- LCL: lateral collateral ligament
- LCV: leukocytoclastic vasculitis
- L.D.: lethal dose
- LDH: lactic dehydrogenase
- LDL: low density lipids
- LE: lupus erythematosus
- L.E.: lower extremities
- leuc.: leukocytes
- LES: lower esophageal sphinchter
- LF: low forceps, low flap
- LFA: left frontoanterior
- LFD: low forceps delivery
- LFP: left frontoposterior
- LFT: left frontotransverse, liver function test
- lg: large, leg
- LGA: large for gestational age
- LGV: lymphogranuloma venereum
- LH: luteinizing hormone, lactate dehydrogenase
- LHT: left hypertrophia
- LICS: left intercostal space
- lig.: ligament
- LIH: left inguinal hernia
- liq.: liquid
- LKS: liver, kidneys, spleen
- LL: lower lid
- LLE: left lower extremity
- LLG: left lateral gaze
- LLL: left lower lobe
- LLQ: left lower quadrant
- LMA: left mentoanterior
- LMD: family doctor
- l/min: liter per minute
- LML: left mediolateral
- LMP: left mentoposterior, last menstrual period
- LMT: left mentotransverse
- L.N.: lymph node
- LNMP: last normal menstrual period
- LOA: left occiput anterior
- L.O.C.: loss of consciousness,
- level: of consciousness,laxative of choice
- LOM: left otitis media
- LOP: left occipital posterior
- LOS: length of stay
- LOT: left occiput anterior
- LP: lumbar puncture, light perception
- lpf: low power field
- LPN: licensed practical nurse
- LR: labor room, lateral rectus, light reflex
- LRQ: lower right quadrant
- Ls.: loose
- L.S.: lumbosacral
- LSA: lateral sacrum anterior
- LSB: left sternal border
- LSCS: lower segment Cesarean section
- LSD: lysergic acid diethylamide
- LSK: liver, spleen, kidneys
- LSO: left salpingo-oophorectomy
- LSP: left sacrum posterior
- LST: left sacrum transverse
- Lt.: left, light
- LTCS: low transverse Cesarean section
- LUE: left upper extremity
- LUL: left upper lobe
- LUQ: left upper quadrant
- LV: left ventricle
- LVEDP: left ventricular end diastolic pressure
- LVF: left ventricular failure
- LVH: left ventricular hypertrophy
- L: & W living and well
- LWCT: Lee-White Clotting Time, coagulation time
- Lymphs: lymphocytes
- lytes: electrolytes
- m.: minim
- m,M: married, male, mother murmur, meter, mass, molar
- MA: mental age
- 'MACE:Major adverse cardiac events
- macro.: macrocytic, macroscopic
- MAHA: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- MAO: monoamine oxidase
- MAP: mean arterial pressure
- MAT: multifocal atrial tachycardia
- max.: maximum, maxillary
- MBC: maximum breathing capacity
- mcg.: microgram
- MCH: mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- MCL: midclavicular line
- MCP: metacarpophalangeal joint
- MCV: mean corpuscular volume
- MD: muscular dystrophy
- MDI: metered dose inhaler
- Mdnt.: midnight
- MDS: mylodysplastic syndrome
- ME: middle ear, medical examiner
- MEC: medical emergency clinic
- Med.: medicine
- MEN: multiple endocrine neoplasia
- MEq./L: milliequivalents per liter
- Mets.: metastasis
- mg.: milligram
- Mg.: magnesium
- MG: myasthenia gravis
- mg/dl: milligrams per deciliter
- mg.%: milligrams per 100 cc
- m.g.r.: murmurs, gallops, or rubs
- MGUS: monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
- MH: marital history
- MI: myocardial infarction, mitral insufficiency
- micro: microcytic, microscopic
- MICU: medical intensive care unit
- min: minute
- Mitr.I: mitral insufficiency
- ml.: milliliter
- MLF: medial longitudinal fasciculus
- mm: millimeter
- mm.: muscles
- MM: mucous membrane
- MMPI: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- Mn.: manganese, midnight
- mod: moderate
- MOM: milk of magnesia
- mono.: monocyte
- MP: metacarpophalangea, metacarpophalangeal
- MPA: malpractice attorney
- MPTP: 1-methyl-4-phenyl--1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
- MR: medial rectus, mental retardation, mitral regurgitation
- MRA: magnetic resonance angiogram
- MRCP: magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
- MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
- MRM: modified radical mastectomy
- MRV: magnetic resonance imaging
- ms: mitral stenosis
- Ms: murmurs
- MS: mitral stenosis, multiple sclerosis, morphine sulfate
- MSL: midsternal line
- mss: massage
- MSU: midstream specimen of urine
- MT: metacarpophalangeal (joint)
- MTP: metatarsophalangeal
- MTX: methotrexate
- M.T.: muscles and tendons
- MVA: motor vehicle accident
- MVP: mitral valve prolapse
- MVR: mitral valve replacement
- MW: maximum voluntary ventilation
- n.: nerve
- N2: nitrogen
- N2O: nitrous oxide (anesthetic)
- Na: sodium
- NaCl: sodium chloride
- NAD: no apparent distress
- NASH: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- nb: note well
- NB: newborn
- NBM: nothing by mouth
- NBS: normal bowel sounds, normal breath sounds
- NBT: nitroblue tetrazolium
- NCT: nerve conduction test
- NED: no evidence of disease
- neg.: negative
- NER: no evidence of recurrence
- NERD: no evidence of recurrent disease
- Neur.: Neurology
- NG: nasogastric tube
- NI: no insurance
- NIC: neonatal intensive care
- NICU: neonatal intensive care unit
- NIDDM: noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus
- NKA: no known allergies
- nl: total neutral lipids
- NM: neuromuscular
- NMR: nuclear magnetic resonance
- noct.: nocturnal
- NOS: not otherwise specified
- NP: neuropsychiatric
- N.P.: Neuropsychiatry
- NPH: NPH insulin (Neutral Protamine Zinc), normal pressure hydrocephalus
- NPN: nonprotein nitrogen
- NPO: nothing by mouth
- NPR: normal pressure hydrocephalus
- Ns.: nerves
- N.S.: nervous system
- NSA: no significant abnormality
- NSAID: nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drug
- NSD: normal spontaneous delivery
- NSR: normal sinus rhythm
- NSS: normal saline solution (.09% NaCl)
- NST: non-stress test
- NSTEMI: Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction
- N&V: nausea and vomiting
- NS: Neurosurgery
- NSVD: normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
- NTG: nitroglycerine
- NTP: normal temperature and pressure
- nullip: never gave birth
- NVD: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
- N&W: normal and well
- NWB: non-weight bearing
- NYD: not yet diagnosed
- o: none, without
- O: oral
- O2: oxygen
- O2: cap. oxygen capacity
- O2: sat. oxygen saturation
- OA: osteoarthritis
- OB,: OBG Obstetrics
- OB/GYN: Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Obs: observation
- OBS: organic brain syndrome
- OCC.: occipital, occasional
- OCD: obsessive-conpulsive disorder, osteochrondritis dissecans
- OCP: oral contraceptive pill
- OD: right eye
- O/E: on examination
- OE: otitis externa
- OGD: oesophago-gastric-dudenoscopy
- OH: occupational history
- 17: OH 17 hydroxy steroid
- OHD: organic heart disease
- oint.: ointment
- O.M.: otitis media
- OMS: organic mental syndrome
- OOB: out of bed
- Op.: operation
- OPC: outpatient clinic
- OPD: outpatient department
- Ophth.: Ophthalmology
- OR: operating room, open reduction
- OR-IF: open reduction with internal fixation
- ORT: operating room technician
- Ortho.: Orthopaedic Surgery
- os: opening, mouth, bone
- OS: left eye
- OSM: osmolality
- ot.: ear
- Oto: Otolaryngology
- OTC: over-the-counter (pharmaceuticals)
- O.T.: occupational therapy, old tuberculin
- OU: both eyes
- OV: office visit
- oz.: ounce
- P: after, phosphorus pulse
- P2: pulmonic second heart sound
- PA: physician’s assistant, pulmonary artery
- P-A: posteroanterior
- p & a: percussion and auscultation
- PAC: premature atrial, auricular contraction
- PaCO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension pressure
- PACU: post anesthesia care unit
- PAF: paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
- palp.: palpate, palpated, palpable
- PAN: Polyarteritis Nodosa
- PaO2: alveolar oxygen pressure
- Pap: Papanicolaou test (pap smear)
- Para: prior births, paraplegic
- PARU: post anesthesia recovery unit
- PAS: pulmonary artery systolic pressure, periodic acid schiff
- PAT: pregnancy at term, paroxysm atrial tachycardia
- Path.: Pathology
- PA: view posterioranterior view on x-ray
- Pb: lead
- PB: peripheral blood
- PBI: protein bound iodine
- p/c.,p.c.: after meals
- PCL: posterior cruciate ligament
- PCOS: polycystic ovarian syndrome
- PCO2: carbon dioxide concentration
- PCP: Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, primary care physician, phencyclidine
- PCT: prophyria cutanea tarda
- PCV: packed cell volume (of blood)
- PCWP: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
- PD: pupillary distance, peritoneal dialysis
- PDA: patent ductus arteriosus
- pdr.: powder
- PDR: Physician’s Desk Reference
- PDN: private duty nurse
- PE: physical examination, pulmonary embolism
- Ped.: Pediatrics
- PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure
- PEG: pneumoencephalogram
- PEN: Penicillin
- PERRLA: pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation (normal)
- PES:Paclitaxel eluting stent/s
- PET: positron emission tomography
- PF: push fluids
- PFC: persistent fetal circulation
- PFT: pulmonary function test
- pH: hydrogen ion concentration
- PH: past history
- pharm: pharmacy
- PHYS.: physical, physiology
- PI: present illness, pulmonary insufficiency
- PICA: posterior inferior coronary artery
- PICU: pulmonary intensive care unit
- PID: pelvic inflammatory disease
- PIP: proximal interphalangeal
- Pit.: Pitocin
- PKU: phenylkentonuria
- Plac.: placenta
- plts.: platelets
- PM: petit mal
- P.M.: afternoon, post-mortem
- PMH: past medical history
- PMI: point of maximal impulse
- PMLE: polymorphous light eruption
- PMN: polymorphonuclear (leukocytes)
- PM&R: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- PN: poorly nourished, practical nurse
- P&N: Psychiatry and Neurology
- PNC: prenatal clinic, premature nodal contraction
- PND: paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, post nasal drip
- PNS: peripheral nervous system
- pneu.: pneumo, pneumonia
- PNI: peripheral nerve injury
- PNX: pneumothorax
- p.o.: by mouth
- PO2: oxygen pressure (or tension)
- POC: product of conception
- p.o.d.: postoperative day
- polys: polymorphonuclear leukocytes
- POMR: problem oriented medical record
- poplit.: popliteal
- pos.: positive
- post.: posterior
- POSTOP.: postoperative
- Posm: plasma osmolality
- pot.: or potass. potassium
- pp: post partum, post prandial
- PPBS: post prandial blood sugar
- PPD: purified protein derivative
- PPF: protein plasma fractional
- PPH: post partum hemorrhage
- PPI: proton pump inhibitor
- ppm: parts per million
- PPPG: post prandial plasma glucose
- p.r.: per rectum
- PR: Proctology, pityriasis rosea
- PRBC: packed red blood cells
- PRE: progressive resistive exercise
- prem: premature
- pre-op: preoperative
- prep.: prepare for
- primip.: first pregnancy
- PRL: Prolactin
- PRP: pitriasis rubra pilaris
- p.r.m.: according to circumstances
- p.r.n.,: PRN as often as necessary
- prod.: productive
- Prog.: prognosis
- PROM: passive range of motion, premature rupture of membranes
- pron.: pronator, pronation
- pros.: prostate, prostatic
- prosth.: prosthesis
- prot.: protein, Protestant
- pro.time: prothrombin time
- PS: pulmonary stenosis, psychotic, Plastic Surgery
- PSA: prostate specific antigen
- PSH: past surgical history
- psi: pounds per square inch
- PSMA: progressive spinal muscular atrophy
- Psych.: Psychiatry
- pt.,Pt.: patient
- PT: physical therapy, prothrombin time
- P.T.: physical therapy, posterior tibial artery pulse
- PTA: prior to admission, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
- PTB: patellar tendon bearing
- PTC: percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
- PTCA: percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (balloon angioplasty)
- PTH: parathyroid hormone
- PTT: partial thromboplastin time
- PTU: propylthiouracil
- PU: pregnancy urine
- PUD: peptic ulcer disease
- PUPPP: pruritic urticarial papules & plaques of pregnancy
- PUVA: psoralen with ultraviolet a phototherapy
- PV: plasma volume, peripheral vascular, per vaginam
- PVC: premature ventricular contraction
- PVD: peripheral vascular disease
- PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance
- PVRI: pulmonary vascular resistance index
- PVT: previous trouble
- PWB%: partial weight bearing with percent
- Px,: PX physical examination
- q: every
- q.d.: every day
- q.h.: every hour
- q2H: every two hours
- q4H: every four hours
- q.i.d.: four times a day
- q.i.w.: four times a week
- q.l.: as much as desired
- qn, q.n.: every night
- q.n.s.,QNS: quantity not sufficient
- q.o.d.: every other day
- QOL: quality of life
- q.o.n.: every other night
- q.p.: as much as you please
- q.q.,Q.Q.: each, every
- q.q.h.: every four hours
- q.s.: quantity, sufficient
- qt.: quart
- qts.: drops
- quad.: quadriplegic
- quant.: quantitative or quantity
- q.v.: as much as you wish
- q.w.: every week
- r.,R: right, rectal, roentgen, x-ray
- R.: rub, rectal temperature
- Ra: radium
- RA: rheumatoid arthritis, right atrium
- rad.: radial
- RAI: radioactive iodine
- RAIU: radioactive iodine uptake
- r.a.m.: rapid alternating movements
- R.A.S.: right arm sitting
- RAST: radioallergen sorbine test
- RAtx: radiation therapy
- RBBB: right bundle branch block
- rbc/RBC: red blood cell, red blood count
- RCA: right coronary artery
- RCS: reticulum cell sarcoma
- RCT: randomized controlled trial
- RCU: respiratory care unit
- RD: respiratory distress, reaction to degeneration
- RDS: respiratory distress syndrome
- RDW: red cell distribution width
- RE: reconditioning exercise
- rect.: rectum, rectal (ly), rectus muscle
- reg.: regular
- rehab.: rehabilitation
- REM: rapid eye movement
- resp.: respiratory, respirations
- RF: rheumatic fever, rheumatoid factor
- RFA: right frontoanterior
- RFP: right frontoposterior
- RFT: right frontotransverse
- Rh,: Rh. rhesus blood factor
- RH: right hyperphoria
- RHD: rheumatic heart disease
- RHF: right heart failure
- RHT: right hypertrophia
- RIH: right inguinal hernia
- RIND: reversible ischemic neurologic deficits
- RLA: Rancho Los Amigo Scale
- R to L&A : react to light and accommodation
- RLE: right lower extremity
- RLF: retrolental fibroplasia
- RLL: right lower lobe
- RLQ: right lower quadrant
- RLS: restless leg syndrome
- RMA: right mentoanterior
- RML: right mediolateral,
- right: middle lobe
- RMP: right mentoposterior
- RMSF: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- RMT: right mentotransverse
- RNA: ribonucleic acid
- RO,R/O: rule out
- ROA: right occipital anterior
- ROM: range of motion, rupture of membranes,right otitis media
- ROP: right occipital posterior
- ROS: review of systems
- ROT: right occipital transverse
- RP: retrograde pyelogram
- RPR: rapid plasma reagin
- RQ: respiratory quotient
- RR: recovery room
- RRE, RR&E: round, regular, and equal
- RSO: right salpingo-oophorectomy
- RSA: right sacrum anterior
- RSD: reflex sympathetic dystrophy
- RSP: right sacrum posterior
- RSR: regular sinus rhythm
- RST: right sacrum transverse
- RSV: respiratory syncytial virus
- Rt.: right
- RT: radiation therapy, respiratory therapy
- RTC: return to clinic
- RUC: regular uterine contraction
- RUE: right upper extremity
- RUL: right upper lobe
- RUQ: right upper quadrant
- RV: residual volume, right ventricular
- RVH: right ventricular hypertrophy
- Rx: therapy, prescription
- s: without
- S: sensation, sensitive, serum
- S1: first heart sound
- S2: second heart sound
- S3: third heart sound
- S4: fourth heart sound
- Sa.: Saline
- S&A: sugar and acetone
- SAH: systemic arterial hypertension, subarachnoid hemmorage
- SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation
- SB: stillborn
- SBE: subacute bacterial endocarditis
- SBFT: small bowel follow through (x-ray)
- SBO: small bowel obstruction
- SBP: spontaneous bacterial peritonitis,systolic blood pressure
- s.c.: subcutaneous(ly)
- SC: sickle cell
- SCA: spinocerebellar ataxia
- SCC: sickle cell crisis
- SCD: sudden cardiac death
- schiz: schizophrenia
- SCIWORA: spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality
- SCU: special care unit
- SDH: subdural hematoma
- s/e: side effect
- sec: second
- sed.: rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- sem.: ves seminal vesicles
- Sens.: sensory, sensation
- SES: Sirolimus eluting stent/s
- sep.: separated
- Sept.: AB septic abortion
- Serol.: serology, serological test
- SGA: small for gestational age
- without correction (without glasses)
- SGOT,SGO-T: serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
- SH: social history, serum hepatitis
- SI: sacroiliac joint, stroke index
- SIADH: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone Secretion
- sib.: sibling
- SICU: surgical intensive care unit
- SIDS: sudden infant death syndrome
- SJS: stevens johnson syndrome
- skel.: skeletal
- Sl.: slightly
- SL: under the tongue
- SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus
- SLR: straight leg raising
- sm: small
- SMA-14: routine admission chemistry
- SNS: sympathetic nervous system
- SO: superior oblique
- SO4: sulfate
- S.O.A.P.: subjective, objective assessment plan
- SOB: shortness of breath
- sod.: sodium
- Sol.: solution
- sono.: sonogram
- S.O.S.: repeat once if urgent
- sp.: spine, spinal
- S/P: status post (previous condition)
- spinal cord
- spec.: specimen
- SPEP: serum protein electrophoresis
- sp.fl.: spinal fluid
- spg.: sponge
- specific gravity
- sp&H: speech and hearing
- spin.: spine, spinal
- spont.: spontaneous
- SQ: subcutaneous
- SR: system review, superior rectus muscle,sedimentation rate, stimulus response
- SROM: spontaneous rupture of membranes
- S/S: signs and symptoms
- SS: social service
- SSE: soap suds enema
- SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- SSS: sick sinus syndrome
- st: stage (of disease)
- st.: stomach
- ST: Stent thrombosis
- Staph,: Staph. staphylococcus
- stat.,STAT: immediately
- STD: sexually transmitted disease
- STEMI:ST - segment elevation myocardial infarction
- stom,st.: stomach
- strep.: streptococcus
- S.T.S.: serological test for syphilis
- subcut.: subcutaneous
- subling.: sublingual
- sulf.: sulfate
- sup.: superior
- supin.: supination
- supp: suppository
- surg.: surgery, surgical
- SVC: superior vena cava
- SVD: spontaneous vaginaldelivery
- SVR: systemic vascular resistance
- SVT: supra ventricular tachycardia
- SWD: short wave diathermy
- Sx: symptoms
- sys.: system
- syst.: systolic
- T3: triodothyronine
- T4: total serum thyroxine
- TA: tendon Achilles, temporal artery
- T&A: tonsils and adenoids, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
- T&C: type and crossmatch
- tab.: tablet
- TAB: therapeutic abortion
- TAH: total abdominal hysterectomy
- TAO: thyroid-associated orbitopathy
- T.A.T.: tetanus antitoxin
- TB: tuberculosis
- TBI: total body irradiation
- TBLC: term birth living child
- tbsp.: tablespoon
- TCA: tricyclic antidepressants
- TCDB: turn, cough, deep breathe
- TEE: transesophageal echocardiography
- temp: temperature
- TEN: toxic epidermal necrolysis
- TENS: transient electric nerve stimulation
- TESD: total end systolic diameter
- T.F.: tuning fork
- T of F: tetralogy of Fallot
- TFT: thyroid function test
- TGA: transposition great vessels
- THERAP.: therapy,therapeutic
- thor.: thorax, thoracic
- THR: total hip replacement
- TI: tricuspid insufficiency
- TIA: transient ischemic shock, transient ischemic attack
- TIBC: total iron binding capacity
- t.i.d.: three times a day
- TIP: terminal interphalangeal (joint)
- TIPS: transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
- TIUP: term intrauterine pregnancy
- t.i.w.: three times per week
- TJ: triceps reflex
- TKR: total knee replacement
- TLC: tender loving care, total lung capacity
- TLR:Target lesion revascularization
- T.M.: tympanum membrani (ear drum)
- TMP/SMX: trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
- TMJ: temporomandibular joint dysfunction
- TNF: tumor necrosis factor
- TNI: total nodal irradiation
- TNM: tumor, nodes, and metastases
- TO: telephone order
- TOA: tubo-ovarian abscess
- to: AA to affected areas
- T,OD: tension, right eye
- TORCH: (titer) toxoplamosis others (hepatitis, beta strep, flu, mumps, etc.) rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV),herpes virus II
- TP: term pregnancy
- TPA: thrombo proteolytic activity
- TPN: total parenteral nutrition
- TPR: temperature, pulse, respiration
- tr: trace
- trach: tracheostomy
- TS: tricuspid stenosis
- TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone
- tsp.: teaspoon
- TSS: toxic shock syndrome
- T,T.: temperature, thoracic
- TT: thormbin time
- TTKG: transtubular potassium gradient (in k)
- TTI: total thromboplastin index
- TTP: thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
- T-Tube: cholangiogram
- TUR: transurethral resection
- TURB: transurethral resection of the bladder
- TURP: transurethral resection of the prostate
- TV: tidal volume
- TVH: total vaginal hysterectomy
- TVR: tricuspid valve replacement
- TVR:Target vessel revasculrization
- Tx: treatment, traction
- U.: unit
- U&Es: urea and electrolytes
- U/A: urinalysis
- UC: uterine contractions, ulcerative colitis
- UCD: usual childhood diseases
- UCG: urinary chorionic gonadotropin
- UCHD: usual childhood diseases
- UG: upward gaze
- UGI: upper gastrointestinal series (x-rays),
- UOP: urine output
- Uosm: urine osmolality
- UPEP: urine protein electrophoresis
- upper: gastrointestinal tract
- UL: upper lid
- uln: ulnar
- ULQ: upper left quadrant
- ung.: ointment
- unilat.: unilateral
- u/o: under observation for, urine output
- Ur.: urine
- URD: upper respiratory disease
- URI: upper respiratory infection
- Urol.: Urology
- URQ: upper right quadrant
- u/s,: US ultrasound
- USI: urinary stress incontinence
- USN: ultrasonic nebulizer
- USP.: United States Pharmacy
- USPHA: United States Public Health Administration
- ut.: uterus, uterine
- UTI: urinary tract infection
- UVA: ultraviolet A
- UVB: ultraviolet B
- UVL: ultraviolet light
- V: vein
- VA: visual acuity
- vag: vagina, vaginal
- VC,: (vit.cap) vital capacity
- VCS: vasoconstrictor substance
- VCUG: voiding cystourethrogram
- Vd: void
- VD: venereal disease
- VDRL: blood test for syphilis
- vent.: ventilator
- VEP: visual evoked potential
- vert.: vertical
- VF: visual fields, ventricular fibrillation
- Vfib: ventricular fibrillation
- VG: vein graft
- VHD: valvular heart disease
- VI: volume index
- V.I.: vaginal irrigation
- Via: by way of
- VIP: vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
- VIPS: voluntary interruption of pregnancy and sterilization service
- vit.: vitamin
- VLDL: very low density lipoproteins
- VM: vestibular membrane
- VMA: vanillylmandelic acid
- VN: visiting nurse
- VO: verbal order
- VOD: vision right eye
- vol: volume
- VOS: vision left eye
- VP: venous pressure
- VPC: ventricular premature contraction
- V/Q: ventilation and quantitative scan, ventilation/perfusion ratio
- VS,V.S.: vital signs
- VSA: vital signs absent
- VSD: ventricular septal defect
- VSS: vital signs stable
- VT,V Tach : ventricular tachycardia
- V & T: volume and tension (pulse)
- VTX: vertex
- Vx.: vertex presentation
- VZV: varicella-zoster virus
- W: widowed, white
- W/A: while awake
- Wass.: Wasserman
- WB: whole blood
- wbc,: WBC white blood cells, white blood count
- W/C,: wheelchair
- WBT: weight bearing to tolerance
- WDWN: well developed, well nourished
- WE: wide excision
- WF: white female
- WHR: waist-to-hip ratio
- wk: week
- WM: white male
- w/n: within
- WN: well nourished
- WNL: within normal limits
- WP: whirlpool
- WPW: wolff-parkinson-white syndrome
- wt.: weight
- w/u: workup
- x: times
- X: exophoria distance
- XRT: radiotherapy
- XT: exotrophia distance
- y.o.: years old
- yrs.: years
- isbn=140510368X Kahan, Scott, Smith, Ellen G. In A Page: Signs and Symptoms. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing, 2004:x-xii
- isbn=0443100616 Lim, Eric, Raftery, Andrew T. Differential Diagnosis, 2nd Edition. London, England: Elsevier Publishing, 2005:vii-ix
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