PRR29 is located on the long arm of chromosome 17 (17q23.3), starting at 63998344 and ending at 64004305.[1] The gene spans 5961 base pairs and is oriented on the plus strand. Genes SNHG25 and LOC105371858 neighbor PRR29 on chromosome 17.The gene ICAM2 is located on the negative strand, directly opposite of PRR29.
The gene has 12 common splice variants and one unspliced form.[3] The longest transcribed mRNA is made up of 3048 base pairs and the transcribed protein sequence for this mRNA is 189 amino acids.[1]
Homo sapiens PRR29 has several protein isoforms, with the longest being 236 amino acids.[1] PRR29 has a predicted Isoelectric point of 5.23 and a predicted Molecular weight of 26.1 kilodaltons. PRR29 is characterized by a larger than average proportion of prolines (19.1%) and a smaller than average amount of asparagines (0.4%)[5]
PRR29 contains a proline rich region within its sequence from amino acids 73 to 166. A domain of unknown function, DUF 4587, is also present from amino acids 39 to 113.[6] DUF 4587 is usually between 64 and 79 amino acids long and contains the two sequence motifs QNAQ and HHH. PRR29 is predicted to contain multiple alpha helix and beta-sheet forming regions. Specifically, the DUF 4587 region is predicted to form an alpha helix.[7]
Subcellular localization
Using PSORTII, PRR29 is predicted to localize in the nucleus of the cell.[8] PSORTII does not predict any targeting sequences or signal peptides.
PRR29 is predicted to undergo sumoylation, acetylation, and serine, threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation.[9]
The interactome of PRR29 is not yet well characterized. One experimental study found that a Sus scrofa PRR29-like protein interacts with the N-terminal protease of classical swine fever virus (CSFV).[10]
PRR29 is ubiquitously expressed throughout the body. However, there is particularly high expression in the ovaries, muscle, heart, testes, and thymus.[12] According to PaxDb, PRR29 abundance falls in the bottom 5% relative to other proteins.[13]
PRR29 has a single known paralog, C21orf58.[14] PRR29 is well conserved among chordates and PRR29-like proteins containing the DUF 4587 have been predicted in protostomes, such as Mollusca and Annelida.[15] DUF 4587 is highly conserved in all PRR29 orthologs and is also present in its paralog, C21orf58.[16] This domain has been found in species as distantly related as Capitella teleta, which diverged from humans 847 million years ago.[17]