Red Defender

Template:WikiDoc Cardiology News Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]
The Red Defender is a cartoon character used in a public service advertising campaign promoting blood donation.
The blood donation campaign was created pro bono by ad agency Euro RSCG Worldwide New York. The Red Defender character was created in 2006 by animator J. J. Sedelmaier (known for his work on Saturday Night Live’s TV Funhouse) for the Advertising Council's blood donation campaign. The ads' tagline is “Saving the world isn’t easy, but saving a life is.”
The campaign is targeted at young adults, especially 17-24 year olds, and aims to increase awareness of the need for regular blood donation and to set the foundation for lifelong donor behavior.
The blood donation campaign was distributed nationally throughout the United States to more than 28,000 media outlets in September 2006.