Sandbox: cysticercosis
Presenting symptoms vary with accorfing to the site of infestation:
Many cases (up to 80%) can remain asymptomatic and discovered either in autopsies or accidentallt during routine imaging. 19 Seizures: Most common manifestation of parenchymal neuroccysticercosis.20Seizers can be focal, generalized or focal with secondary generalization. Headache Nausea and vomiting Psychiatric disorders: has a wide variatoin from abnormal dysfunction and up to dementia (20)
Extraparenchymal: Ocular cysticercosis: Symptoms depend on the exact site of infestation in the eye. Retinal and subretinal infestaion have the worst prognosis and are the most difficult to treat.
Extraneural in the brain ventricles and subarachnoid space: Cysticerci obstruct of the flow of the CSF and cause hydrocephalus. Symptoms usually result from increased intracranial pressure.
Headache Nausea and vomiting Decreased visual acuity Seizures
Spinal cord cysticercosis: very rare (1.5-3%) of all the cases. (21) Presentaion depends on the site of the lesion.
Paraesthesia radicular pain Muscular weakness due to LMN lesions
Extraneural cysticercosis:
May be asymtomatic Irritation and disfigurement by the nodules
Asymptoamtic Muscle aches and weakness
- Cysticerci in the muscles: Cysticerci in the muscles generally do not cause symptoms. However, you may be able to feel lumps under your skin.
- Cysticerci in the eyes: Although rare, cysticerci may float in the eye and cause Blurred Vision. Infection in the eyes may cause Swelling or detachment of the retina.
- Neurocysticercosis (cysticerci in the brain, spinal cord): Symptoms of neurocysticercosis depend upon where and how many cysticerci (often called lesions) are found in the brain. Seizures, and Headache are the most common symptoms. However, confusion, lack of attention to people and surroundings, difficulty with balance, swelling of the brain (called hydrocephalus) may also occur. Death can occur suddenly with heavy infections.
Symptoms can occur months to years after infection, usually when the cysts are in the process of dying. When this happens, the brain can swell. The pressure caused by swelling is what causes most of the symptoms of neurocysticercosis. Most people with cysticerci in muscles won’t have symptoms of infection.