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- Infobox
- Infobox3cols
- InfoboxFireDepartment
- Infobox AU Legislation
- Infobox Airline/doc
- Infobox Airline/sandbox
- Infobox Airliner accident/doc
- Infobox Airport/doc
- Infobox Airport/sandbox
- Infobox Album
- Infobox Album/color
- Infobox Album/color/doc
- Infobox Album/doc
- Infobox Album/link
- Infobox Album/link/doc
- Infobox Album/sandbox
- Infobox Ambulance Company/doc
- Infobox Amphitheatre/doc
- Infobox Amphoe/doc
- Infobox Amtrak/doc
- Infobox Amusement park
- Infobox Anatomy
- Infobox Anatomy/doc
- Infobox Animal
- Infobox Animal/doc
- Infobox Anime convention/doc
- Infobox Archaeological Site Peru/doc
- Infobox Arena
- Infobox Artery
- Infobox Artist/doc
- Infobox Artwork
- Infobox Athlete/doc
- Infobox Aust school/doc
- Infobox Australian Political Party/doc
- Infobox Australian police
- Infobox Austriaemperorstyles
- Infobox Aviator
- Infobox Aviator/doc
- Infobox Awards
- Infobox Awards/doc
- Infobox Awards/sandbox
- Infobox B-side/doc
- Infobox Bar
- Infobox Basketball Olympic tourney/doc
- Infobox Beer/doc
- Infobox Biography/doc
- Infobox Bone
- Infobox Book
- Infobox Book/doc
- Infobox Bot/doc
- Infobox Botanical product
- Infobox Brain
- Infobox Brazilian State/doc
- Infobox Brewery
- Infobox Brewery/doc
- Infobox British Royalty/doc
- Infobox Broadcast/doc
- Infobox CVG
- Infobox CVG/doc
- Infobox Canadian budget/doc
- Infobox CardGame
- Infobox Casino/doc
- Infobox Catbreed
- Infobox Cave/doc
- Infobox Celebrity/color selector
- Infobox Celebrity/doc
- Infobox Charmed Artifact/doc
- Infobox Chinese Film
- Infobox Christian denomination/doc
- Infobox City Spain/doc
- Infobox City in Afghanistan/doc
- Infobox Color
- Infobox Company
- Infobox Company/doc
- Infobox Conditionals
- Infobox Continent/doc
- Infobox Country/doc
- Infobox Country/sandbox
- Infobox Country or territory
- Infobox Country or territory/doc
- Infobox Court Case
- Infobox Cricket Tournaments/doc
- Infobox Cricketer/doc
- Infobox Criminal
- Infobox Criminal Organization
- Infobox Cultivar
- Infobox Currency/doc
- Infobox Currency/sandbox
- Infobox Cycling race/doc
- Infobox Cycling team/doc
- Infobox Diamond
- Infobox Digicam
- Infobox Diplomatic Mission
- Infobox Discography/doc
- Infobox Discography/sandbox
- Infobox Disease
- Infobox Disease/doc
- Infobox Disease2
- Infobox District/doc
- Infobox District Peru/doc
- Infobox Dogbreed
- Infobox Dotcom company/doc
- Infobox East Asian/doc
- Infobox Economist/doc
- Infobox Economy/doc
- Infobox Education in Canada/doc
- Infobox Education in the United States/doc
- Infobox Election/doc
- Infobox Electronic Component
- Infobox Embryology
- Infobox Emmy Awards/doc
- Infobox Eurovision/doc
- Infobox Eurovision Dance country
- Infobox Eurovision country
- Infobox Exalted City-States
- Infobox FIBA tourney/doc
- Infobox Farscape character/doc
- Infobox Fashion Designer/doc
- Infobox Federal LEO
- Infobox Fieldbus Protocol
- Infobox Filipino Wikipedian/doc
- Infobox Film
- Infobox Film/doc
- Infobox Film2
- Infobox Film2/doc
- Infobox Film Bond
- Infobox Film Bond/doc
- Infobox Film Festival
- Infobox Football biography
- Infobox Football biography/doc
- Infobox Forgotten Realms Cities
- Infobox Forgotten Realms Countries
- Infobox France station/doc
- Infobox Frankfurt Stadtteil
- Infobox Fraternity
- Infobox Fraternity/doc
- Infobox Game
- Infobox German Bundesland/doc
- Infobox Germanykstyles
- Infobox Given name
- Infobox Given name 2
- Infobox Go player/doc
- Infobox Golf Facility/doc
- Infobox Govt Agency
- Infobox Govt Agency/doc
- Infobox Gunfighter/doc
- Infobox HM Prison
- Infobox HighSchool/doc
- Infobox Hiking trail/doc
- Infobox Holiday
- Infobox Holiday/doc
- Infobox Hollywood cartoon/doc
- Infobox Hong Kong Film Awards
- Infobox Hospital
- Infobox Hospital/doc
- Infobox ILO convention
- Infobox IPA
- Infobox IPA base
- Infobox Indian Jurisdiction/Sandbox/doc
- Infobox Indian Jurisdiction/doc
- Infobox Institute/doc
- Infobox Internet celebrity/doc
- Infobox Interstate/Business/doc
- Infobox Interstate/Intrastate/doc
- Infobox Interstate/doc
- Infobox Journal
- Infobox Korean Film/doc
- Infobox Korean name/doc
- Infobox Korean settlement/doc
- Infobox LE Organization
- Infobox LOTR place
- Infobox LUG
- Infobox Laboratory equipment
- Infobox Laboratory equipment/doc
- Infobox Language
- Infobox Language/IPA notice
- Infobox Language/Indic
- Infobox Language/agency
- Infobox Language/aposteriori
- Infobox Language/creationdate
- Infobox Language/family-color
- Infobox Language/genetic2
- Infobox Language/image
- Infobox Language/map
- Infobox Language/nonotice
- Infobox Language/official
- Infobox Language/pronunciation
- Infobox Language/quilt
- Infobox Language/rank
- Infobox Language/script
- Infobox Language/signnotice
- Infobox Language/statesregion
- Infobox Language/terminological
- Infobox Language family/iso2
- Infobox Language family/map
- Infobox Law School/doc
- Infobox Library
- Infobox Library/doc
- Infobox Ligament
- Infobox London museum
- Infobox Lymph
- Infobox MLB manager/doc
- Infobox MLB player/doc
- Infobox MLB retired
- Infobox MLB retired/doc
- Infobox MLS/doc
- Infobox MS Gundam/doc
- Infobox Magazine/doc
- Infobox Magic: The Gathering Player
- Infobox Magic: The Gathering Playing Card
- Infobox Malaysia School/doc
- Infobox Mancala
- Infobox Mandir
- Infobox Mandir/doc
- Infobox Medical Person
- Infobox Medieval Scottish Diocese/doc
- Infobox Medieval cathedral
- Infobox Micronation/doc
- Infobox Mid-air accident/doc
- Infobox Mineral
- Infobox Mobile
- Infobox Monarch
- Infobox Monstertruck/doc
- Infobox Motorcycle
- Infobox Mountain/doc
- Infobox MunicipalPark/doc
- Infobox Muscle
- Infobox Museum
- Infobox Museum/doc
- Infobox Musical/doc
- Infobox NAACP Awards
- Infobox NC Route/doc
- Infobox NFL/doc
- Infobox NFL PlayerCoach/doc
- Infobox NFL player/doc
- Infobox NFLactive/doc
- Infobox NFLretired/doc
- Infobox NHS health board
- Infobox NPP/doc
- Infobox NS-station/doc
- Infobox NYCS/doc
- Infobox NZ Legislation
- Infobox Nahua officeholder/doc
- Infobox National flag/doc
- Infobox Nerve
- Infobox Network
- Infobox Network/doc
- Infobox News event
- Infobox Newspaper/doc
- Infobox Noh
- Infobox Non-profit
- Infobox OS version/doc
- Infobox Observatory
- Infobox Observatory/doc
- Infobox Officeholder
- Infobox Organization
- Infobox Organization/doc
- Infobox Organization2
- Infobox Organization3
- Infobox Orthodox monastery
- Infobox PDA
- Infobox PMP
- Infobox Painting
- Infobox Papua New Guinea District/doc
- Infobox Papua New Guinea Province/doc
- Infobox Paranormalcreatures
- Infobox Particle
- Infobox Person
- Infobox Person/doc
- Infobox Person/sandbox
- Infobox Personal
- Infobox Photographic film
- Infobox Photographic film/doc
- Infobox Pipe band
- Infobox Pipe band/doc
- Infobox Planet/doc
- Infobox Play
- Infobox Podcast
- Infobox Police
- Infobox Police Department
- Infobox Political Division/doc
- Infobox Polyhedron
- Infobox Pope/doc
- Infobox Protected area/doc
- Infobox Province Peru/doc
- Infobox Province TR/doc
- Infobox Public transit/doc
- Infobox Radio Presenter/doc
- Infobox Radio Show
- Infobox Radio Show/doc
- Infobox Radio station
- Infobox Radio station/doc
- Infobox Rally
- Infobox Reactor/doc
- Infobox Recurring event
- Infobox Research Group/doc
- Infobox Road in Frankfurt am Main
- Infobox Road race
- Infobox Russian federal city/doc
- Infobox RvB character/doc
- Infobox SG rail/doc
- Infobox SL Interschool Tournaments
- Infobox SMS station/doc
- Infobox Sailboat Specifications/doc
- Infobox Scientist
- Infobox Scientist/doc
- Infobox Scottish castle
- Infobox Scottish island/doc
- Infobox Sculpture
- Infobox Secondary school/doc
- Infobox Serial Killer
- Infobox Serial Killer/doc
- Infobox Settlement/doc
- Infobox Ship/doc
- Infobox Ship Class/doc
- Infobox Signal
- Infobox Simpsons episode
- Infobox Singapore School/doc
- Infobox Single/doc
- Infobox Software/doc
- Infobox Song/doc
- Infobox Space Agency
- Infobox Space Agency/doc
- Infobox Space Shuttle
- Infobox Space Telescope
- Infobox Space mission/doc
- Infobox Space station/doc
- Infobox Stadium/doc
- Infobox Station/doc
- Infobox Submarine communications cable
- Infobox Sura
- Infobox Symptom
- Infobox Symptom/doc
- Infobox TFC Class
- Infobox TV channel/doc
- Infobox Telescope
- Infobox Telescope/doc
- Infobox Television Film
- Infobox Television episode/doc
- Infobox Theatre/doc
- Infobox Theatre Group
- Infobox Think Tanks
- Infobox Top level domain