User:Bobby Schwartz

Robert G. Schwartz, M.D., Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, P.A.
Contact:; Phone 864-235-1834
Address: Robert G. Schwartz, M.D., Piedmont Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, P.A., 317 St. Francis Dr., Suite 350, Greenville, SC 29601.
Dr. Schwartz owns and operates Piedmont Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, P.A., in Greenville, SC. Within his practice, he specializes in pain diagnosis and treatment, vascular medicine and non-surgical specialty care.
Dr. Schwartz completed his undergraduate studies at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, attended medical school at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and completed his residency in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. He is board certified In Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Pain Management, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Orthopedic Medicine and Thermology. Dr. Schwartz is also a fellow of the Society For Vascular Medicine & Biology.
Dr. Schwartz has held numerous medical directorships and chairs, has membership in multiple professional associations, five medical certifications, medical licensure in three states, four long-term teaching appointments, five guest professorships, and numerous committee appointments.
He has lectured extensively throughout the United States and Europe, and has a long list of distinguished publications. These include innovations on neuromusculoskeletal thermography techniques, prolotherapy injections, electroceutical pain management with electric sympathetic block, elecrotherapeutic wound healing, diagnostic and treatment protocols for RSD/ CRPS and Fibromyalgia, Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography, pain pharmachology and Somato-visceral pain syndromes.
Dr. Schwartz is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, the Society for Vascular Ultrasound and the American Headache society. He is the medical director for the South Carolina RSD Support Group and The Upstate South Carolina Polio & Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group. In addition, Dr. Schwartz is the medical director of the South Carolina Fibromyalgia Support Group and serves on the advisory committee of the Greenville Dystonia Support Group.
Dr. Schwartz is a strong advocate of patient centered health care, and has incorporated this practice philosophy into his office, which was established in 1984. He is the innovator of the "Challenge & Choice" program, a tool designed to enhance responsible choice for the health care consumer.