Passed IFOM CSE{ international foundation of medicine clinical skills examination} , TOEFL IBT Passed USMLE step 2 CK Faculty of medicine-Cairo university, Egypt Bachelors of medicine and surgery( MBBCH) magna cum laude
Cardiology resident at Sharm El Sheikh international hospital ICU resident at Mahalla cardiac center
ICU resident at El Agouza hospital General practitioner in the Health Department in Kafr El Sheikh General practitioner in the Health Department in Riyadh Kasr al ainy hospital, Cairo university-Egypt; House staff physician PGY-1,Rotating internship year Kasr al ainy hospital-Cairo university, Egypt
Attended condensed course of basics of critical care medicine at the Egyptian medical syndicate Participated as web broadcast member in the national institute of health course introduction to the principles and the practice of clinical research″ at USA hosted by EAMTAR
Attended crash course in medical research basics Attended and passed the condensed course of basics of abdominal ultrasound Passed ILS and ACLS accredited from the American heart association
attended Cardio Alex 14 conference in Bibliotheca Alexandria-Egypt
Completed training in data collection and management workshop, basics of research and publishing internationally module Participated in online webcast-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction under the Cleveland clinic foundation center for continuing education participated in online (management of DVT ) and (how to deal with case of atrial fibrillation and worsening palpitation and fatigue) Medscape website successfully completed a European resuscitation council ILS provider course valid for 3 years accomplished the basic & surgical skills course conducted at faculty of medicine Cairo university